Posts which are not documentaries will be removed.
Soliciting for donations is annoying and prohibited.
Posting format: DocumentaryTitle (year) - "optional short description of the documentary". The use of [Trailer] or [Preview] tag is required. A (CC) tag is strongly encouraged.
Mods reserve the right to apply the don't be a jackass rule. Please be respectful to other users... if they're wrong, tell them why! But please, personal attacks or comments that insult or demean a specific user or group of users will be removed and result in bans.
The linked page must contain a playable video, and shouldn't be an embedded video from another site.
A popular submission contains many conversations by a wide range of users. Please don't consign their comments to the memory hole by deleting your popular submission, even if the documentary has been removed from an external site.
Do not repost documentaries that have been posted in the previous three months.
Linking to your own YouTube channel etc is annoying and prohibited, as is asking for donations or material support. If posting your own documentary, please message the mod team first.
Ensure the documentary title is correct. The title is often not the same as the YouTube submission, please take care.