The Sting of The Day

EU unveils plans for digital euro, promising complete privacy

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Gabi Thesing, Senior Writer, Forum Agenda Move over crypto. Europe has moved one step closer to a digital euro. The European Commission has unveiled a legal framework that paves the way for the introduction of an electronic currency […]

EU Streaming


IMF raises global growth prospects, and other economics news to read this week

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Joe Myers, Writer, Forum Agenda 1. IMF raises prospects for the global economy The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has slightly raised its global GDP growth estimates for 2023. However, it continues to warn about persistent challenges over the […]

EU unveils plans for digital euro, promising complete privacy

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Gabi Thesing, Senior Writer, Forum Agenda Move over crypto. Europe has moved one step closer to a digital euro. The European Commission has unveiled a legal framework that paves the way for the introduction of an electronic currency […]

Climate foreign direct investment: Here’s everything you need to know

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Kimberley Botwright, Head, Sustainable Trade, World Economic Forum, Matthew Stephenson, Head, Investment Policy and Practice, World Economic Forum It is well known that large volumes of climate finance are urgently needed. At last year’s United Nations climate gathering […]

How can we reimagine sustainability in the supply chain?

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Saar Yoskovitz, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Augury The global manufacturing and supply chain is under pressure to navigate constant obstacles.Efficiency and sustainability are often seen as competing interests in the supply chain, but there are ways that […]

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Kids’ reading achievement is highest in these countries

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Emma Charlton, Writer, Forum Agenda Singapore and Hong Kong SAR lead the way on students’ reading achievement globally, according to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), which is published every five years. Russia is in third […]

Canada’s burning forests remind us why we need carbon crediting

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Candace Vinke, Director, Nature-Based Innovation, Verra Some people believe that we shouldn’t use carbon markets to support healthy forests because forests can burn.Tools such as non-permanence buffer pools, which account for potential unexpected loss of carbon stocks, ensure […]

EU and the Philippines to start scoping exercise for a free trade agreement

This article is brought to you in association with the European Commission. Today, the EU and the Philippines announced their intention to explore the relaunch of negotiations for an ambitious, modern, and balanced free trade agreement (FTA) – with sustainability at its core. The EU and the Philippines will shortly kick off a bilateral ‘scoping process’ […]

Extreme heat: Why it’s a global health issue and what we can do about it

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Vanessa Racloz, Lead, Climate and Health, World Economic Forum Around the world, heatwaves and record-setting high temperatures are becoming more frequent, long-lasting and intense.The physical and mental health effects of extreme heat can be catastrophic.The World Economic Forum’s […]

The 90-year-old WWII refugee using sports to change the lives of refugees

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Gabi Thesing, Senior Writer, Forum Agenda “We are living in a world of people movement. And it will continue.” “Climate change will create more refugees. A population in a wealthy world will have to accept the idea that […]

Chad: EU allocates additional €10 million in humanitarian aid and launches new air operations to face the Sudan crisis

This article is brought to you in association with the European Commission. The European Union has allocated additional €10 million in humanitarian aid to Chad, to help the country cope with the needs of the large number of people fleeing from the conflict in neighbouring Sudan. This new funding comes on top of the €7 million […]

New Delhi could be the world’s largest city by the end of the decade. How can its metro keep up?

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: David Alexandru Timis, Global Communications Manager, Generation, Teresa Pallarés-Ramos, Fellow, European Leadership Programme India’s capital faces growing congestion and overcrowding on its metro system.Israel and Japan provide examples for how it should modernize its train infrastructure.Well-considered policy decision […]

MEPs call on EU and Türkiye to look for alternative ways to cooperate

This article is brought to you in association with the European Parliament. The Foreign Affairs Committee urge the EU and Türkiye to break the current deadlock and find “a parallel and realistic framework” for EU-Türkiye relations. Unless there is a drastic change of course by the Turkish government, Türkiye’s EU accession process cannot resume under the […]

EU-CELAC Summit: towards a closer, stronger and renewed partnership between both regions

This article is brought to you in association with the European Commission. On 17 and 18 July, the European Union and the Community of Latin American and the Caribbean states (CELAC) held their 3rd Summit in Brussels. The meeting gathered Heads of State and Government of the EU Member States and of the 33 CELAC states […]

Global Gateway: EU and Chile strengthen cooperation on sustainable critical raw materials supply chains

This article is brought to you in association with the European Commission. As part of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Summit (EU-CELAC) taking place in Brussels on 17 and 18 July, President Ursula von der Leyen and the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on […]

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Healthcare systems need to be consumer-centric. Here’s why

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Kazuaki Hayata, Fellow, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan, Healthcare Data Policy Project It is important to reconstruct healthcare from a consumer perspective and consider citizens as consumers of medical services.Utilizing life-course data can offer personalized healthcare […]

How companies can get a grip on ‘business email compromise’

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Gil Friedrich, Vice President, Email Security, Check Point Software Technologies More use of SaaS applications means employee business accounts are being targeted for “business email compromise” (BEC).BEC has evolved from basic email phishing scams to more sophisticated iterations, […]

7 ways bosses can help employees take meaningful time off and avoid burnout

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Dr. Noémie Le Pertel, EdD, MPH, MAPP, Founding Curator and Curator, NYC – Manhattan Hub, Global Shapers Community The new normal of hybrid and remote work has created new stressors and challenges for employees, particularly those with caregiving […]

New ‘design thinking’ can lead to a more sustainable world

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Jens Martin Skibsted, Partner, Manyone A/S, Christian Bason, CEO, Danish Design Centre Innovation is becoming narrower and faster, confined to Silicon Valley’s outlook and locking most people out as it outpaces smaller players capacity to input.Examples around the […]

Effective risk management cultures do these 4 things: A risk expert explains

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Kate Whiting, Senior Writer, Forum Agenda, Linda Lacina, Digital Editor, World Economic Forum Firefighter, investigator, diplomat, agony aunt. That’s how Bahare Heywood, the first ever Chief Risk Officer (CRO) at global law firm Clifford Chance, describes the role […]

The innovative climate finance model that has protected over 120 million hectares of ecosystem

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Carter Roberts, President and CEO, World Wildlife Fund in the US, Rosa Lemos de Sá, CEO, Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FUNBIO) Climate finance needs to be doubled in order to protect nature.The Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) model offers […]

Heatwaves raise questions for urban areas, and other city-focused stories you need to read

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Lisa Chamberlain, Communication Lead, Urban Transformation, World Economic Forum 1. Heatwaves raise questions for cities Intense heatwaves across the northern hemisphere are raising urgent questions about the way cities operate. Some are already looking at policy changes to […]

2023’s top risks 6 months on – according to Chief Risk Officers

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Kate Whiting, Senior Writer, Forum Agenda Halfway through 2023, chief risk officers (CROs) are most worried about “continuing volatility in geopolitical and geoeconomic relations between major economies”, while most of them are anticipating “upheavals at a global scale”. […]

What’s Disability Pride Month and how does it push disability inclusion at work?

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Fernando Alonso Perez-Chao, Action Lead, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice, World Economic Forum, Katy Talikowska, CEO, The Valuable 500 The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed on July 26, 1990, to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. […]

Is Europe’s gas market ready for winter?

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Renée van Heusden, Head, Oil & Gas Industry, World Economic Forum, Adele Jacquard, Oil and Gas Transition Researcher, World Economic Forum Europe has increased spending on oil, gas, and coal by €1 trillion between 2021 and 2022 as […]

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How 6 robots are helping to protect our oceans

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Douglas Broom, Senior Writer, Forum Agenda Oceans cover almost three-quarters of the Earth’s surface and contain 80% of its biodiversity. Life would be impossible without them, yet they are under threat as never before. But robot technology is […]

How can we develop a safe, just metaverse that’s fit for all?

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Johnny Wood, Writer, Forum Agenda, Robin Pomeroy, Podcast Editor, World Economic Forum A turbo-charged internet, a next-generation digital world, or a distant dream that may never fully materialize. We’re talking about the metaverse: a collection of shared digital […]

Could the metaverse be more trustworthy than our current internet?

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Cathy Li, Head, AI, Data and Metaverse; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum Geneva The internet stands as one of the most remarkable achievements in the field of communication and information networks. It is considered the […]

Why we need business, operational and financial resilience to optimize cybersecurity

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Eric Swalwell, Congressman, 15th District of California, U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee To drive down risk and improve resilience against malicious cyber activity, governments and the private sector must evolve their respective approaches to cybersecurity risk management.The private […]

How to manage AI procurement in public administration

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Ravit Dotan, Researcher, Center for Governance and Markets, University of Pittsburgh, Emmaline Rial, Graduate student, University of Pittsburgh, Ana Maria Dimand, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Administration, Boise State University, Virginia Dignum, Professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence, […]

Fusing AI and mentorship can bridge gaps in job markets worldwide

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Fair Pisuttisarun, Global Shaper, Bangkok Hub; Co-Founder, Mindterra, Irvan A. Sutiono, Outgoing Curator, Bangkok Hub, Venture Manager, Zipmex From North America to East Asia, a similar story in the world of work is unfolding: companies are struggling to […]

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More Stings

EU unveils plans for digital euro, promising complete privacy

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Gabi Thesing, Senior Writer, Forum Agenda Move over crypto. Europe has moved one step closer to a digital euro. The European Commission has unveiled a legal framework that paves the way for the introduction of an electronic currency […]

The Unsung Heroes: Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Medical Students and Doctors in War and Peace

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Sadia Khalid, early-stage researcher (ESRs), medical writer and research engineer at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia. She is affiliated with the Bangladesh Medical Students’ Society (BMSS). International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong […]

Refugee Thread: A Global Crisis in Ensuring Quality Medical Education Access

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Nowshin Tabassum, a fourth year medical student currently studying in Sheikh Hasina Medical College, Jamalpur, Bangladesh. She is affiliated with the Bangladesh Medical Students’ Society (BMSS). International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly […]

Expedition towards providing quality education: Physical and mental health of the refugees

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Muneebaah Siddiqua who  is a first year dental student currently studying in Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Dhaka, dental unit, Bangladesh. She is affiliated with the Bangladesh Medical Students’ Society (BMSS). International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in […]

Is Europe’s gas market ready for winter?

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Renée van Heusden, Head, Oil & Gas Industry, World Economic Forum, Adele Jacquard, Oil and Gas Transition Researcher, World Economic Forum Europe has increased spending on oil, gas, and coal by €1 trillion between 2021 and 2022 as […]

Refugees in educational systems: ensuring right to quality (medical) education access

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Laltu Negasa, a dynamic and enthusiastic fifth year medical student at Addis Ababa University, College of Sciences in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly […]

Breaking Barriers: Ensuring Refugee Rights in Medical Education

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Khondkar Rashkih Tasnim, a 3rd Year MBBS Student at Mugda Medical College, Dhaka. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect […]

Expedition towards providing quality education: Physical and mental health of the refugees

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Hasanat Haider, a medical student from Dhaka Bangladesh. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s view on the topic, […]

Refugees in educational systems: ensuring right to quality (medical) education access

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Laltu Negasa, a dynamic and enthusiastic fifth year medical student at Addis Ababa University, College of Sciences in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly […]

Breaking Barriers: Ensuring Refugee Rights in Medical Education

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Khondkar Rashkih Tasnim, a medical student from Dhaka Bangladesh. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s view on the […]

Refugees in educational systems: ensuring right to quality (medical) education access

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Hasanat Haider, a medical student from Dhaka Bangladesh. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s view on the topic, […]

Equity to Educational Access

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Bisma Naveed, a medical student from Pakistan. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s view on the topic, nor […]

Ensuring refugees’ rights to quality education access in educational systems

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Mr. Anthony Collins, a fourth year Medical Student from UWI Mona in Kingston, Jamaica. He is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect […]

Youth Against Period Poverty: The Future is Here

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Uma Gupta, a young doctor and medical researcher from India. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s view on […]

Period Poverty: how can youth be the key to breaking taboo surrounding menstruation and enact change?

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Tafiya Erum Kamran, a 21-year-old medical student, who is currently studying at Shifa college of Medicine Islamabad, Pakistan. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers […]

Taboo to Transformation: Addressing Period Poverty and Menstrual Health

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Sura Abdallat, a rising third-year medical student at the University of Debrecen. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s […]

Future Without Taboos

This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Sinem İnal from Turkey. She is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s view on the topic, nor The European Sting’s […]

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