Science & technology

The Scrap Kings

Scrapyards adopt new high-tech ways to dismantle cars

Advanced “deproduction” lines are turning the car business into a circular industry

When mammals attack

A spectacular new fossil shows a mammal making a meal of a dinosaur

The two animals were interrupted during a fight to the death

Turning up the heat

Are the current heatwaves evidence that climate change is speeding up?

All sorts of records are being broken in all sorts of places

Then there were three

A new treatment for Alzheimer’s offers hope—but raises questions, too

Two new drugs have now been proved effective against the disease

Not that sort of monolith

An enormous—and unexpected—lump of granite has been found on the Moon

The discovery sheds light on lunar history, and suggests how other moons might be explored

Choosing a fingerprint

A Canadian lake could mark the start of humanity’s geological epoch

Plutonium, carbon and plastic mark a new phase in Earth’s history

What the bones tell

Sabre-tooth tigers and dire wolves were in trouble before they vanished

Bones recovered from tar pits suggest both animals were becoming badly inbred

Superforecasting the end of the world

What are the chances of an AI apocalypse?

Professional “superforecasters” are more optimistic about the future than AI experts

Hitting peak peak

A gigantic landslide shows the limit to how high mountains can grow

Enough rock fell off a Himalayan peak to bury Paris to the height of the Eiffel Tower

Digging up the jungle

New technology could cement Indonesia’s dominance of vital nickel

But harvesting the crucial metal will be bad news for the country’s rainforests

The Fred Flintstone diet

A Belgian company wants to create woolly-mammoth burgers

DNA from extinct species is inspiring other business plans, too

Raiding Davy Jones’s locker

Deep-sea mining may soon ease the world’s battery-metal shortage

Taking nickel from rainforests destroys 30 times more life than getting it from the depths