
Steppe stasis

Is Ukraine’s offensive stalling?

A breakthrough remains possible, but it will take time

Asia’s biggest beasts

What if China and India became friends?

Setting aside their border dispute could transform their relationship—and geopolitics

Seeking “strategic autonomy”

What would Europe do if Trump won?

Even as NATO meets, Europeans are exploring a plan B

Shaping up and tooling up

NATO is drafting new plans to defend Europe

They look set to be approved at a crucial summit in Vilnius

The great dilemma

NATO is agonising over whether to let Ukraine join

America is not keen for the country to enter the alliance—yet

Making it as migrants

India’s diaspora is bigger and more influential than any in history

Adobe, Britain and Chanel are all run by people with Indian roots

Studying for success

Should you send your children to private school?

As shortcuts to elite universities, American schools work better than British ones


The speech police are coming for social media

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are in the firing line

Farewell, peace dividend

The cost of the global arms race

What a “war tax” means for the global economy

From Macron to Mercedes

Europe can’t decide how to unplug from China

We calculate the continent’s exposure to the Asian power

The Syrian civil war and its aftermath

After 12 years of blood, Assad’s Syria rejoins the Arab League

One of the 21st century’s worst war criminals makes a comeback

Which billionaires lost out?

The 2023 crony-capitalism index

War, tech woes and cock-ups have pummelled certain plutocrats