By Invitation

Climate change

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele on why he is running to be chair of the IPCC

He believes that the climate panel can serve policymakers’ needs better

Climate change

Debra Roberts on why she is running to be chair of the IPCC

The organisation should be more inclusive, and more focused on assessing climate measures’ effectiveness, she says

Artificial intelligence

One of the “godfathers of AI” airs his concerns

Yoshua Bengio argues that the risk of catastrophe is real enough that action is needed now

Artificial intelligence

Fears about AI’s existential risk are overdone, says a group of experts

Blaise Agüera y Arcas and his co-authors argue that tackling more immediate concerns will mitigate long-term threats

Spain’s election

As Spain prepares to vote, its Socialist prime minister sets out the case for continuity

Economic resilience is proof of policy success, says Pedro Sánchez

Spain’s election

Alberto Núñez Feijóo on why he deserves to lead Spain

The country needs a government with more ambition for reform, says the head of the opposition

The Wagner Group

George Clooney and John Prendergast on how the West can kill the Wagner virus

Without stronger action, state capture in Africa and beyond will spread as the group mutates

Weight-loss drugs

John Schoonbee on why new drugs, while helpful, are no panacea for obesity

Nutrition and lifestyle changes should remain the focus, says Swiss Re’s chief medical officer


Mathew Lawrence on why privatisation has been a costly failure in Britain

The energy transition further strengthens the argument for state ownership, says the think-tank head


Thames Water may be troubled but privatisation has served Britain well, argues Michael Howard

The former Conservative leader reckons that private investors have spent more than the state could have done

Leviathan rewired

David Eaves on the promise and pitfalls of digital government

Public infrastructure has become a front in global geopolitics, says the UCL professor

China and Russia

Alexander Gabuev on China’s strategic calculations after the turmoil in Russia

Xi Jinping has no other option than to support Vladimir Putin—or someone like him