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Jan. 2020; Title 2018
7 hours ago
All-Seeing Upvote

Yes, it was awkward as my son and I drove through the woods in complete silence. Sure, he’s getting to that age where it’s harder to strike up a conversation, but the bigger issue was the stench of decay emanating from the rolled up rug in the back. I probably should have asked him what was in it.

But I didn’t.

I had finally resolved to broach the subject when he spoke first. “Turn here, Dad.”

I slowed the car. “This is a logging road. I’m not sure a 1999 Toyota Corolla can handle it.”

“It can. Trust me, Dad, you’ll be fine.”

I felt hypnotic as I followed his instructions without understanding why.

Upon reflection, it was entirely possible that both my eleven-year-old child and I had independently made multiple poor choices during this entire ordeal.

“Behind this tree,” he announced.

I stopped the car and got out, looking nervously around. “You can’t even see this spot from the logging road,” I noted aloud. “It’s completely hidden.”

Without a word, he reached behind a tree and pulled out two shovels, handing me one.

Posted by17 hours ago
Duck DanceAll-Seeing Upvote

It was my fifth date with Kevin—a nice, albeit somewhat awkwardly silent, dinner and drinks in his apartment followed by the main spectacle of the night: monthly game night with some of his closest buddies and plenty of booze to go around. We hadn’t been going out for very long and didn’t know each other before matching on Tinder a few weeks after I had first moved here, so I was excited to finally meet some of his friends and hopefully make a couple of my own. “Ready to go?” He asked me, breaking my gaze that was fixed on his ornate bookshelf and TV display in the living room. I smiled, taking his arm, and followed him out the door.

I had never dated anyone like Kevin before. Usually, I land goofy or geeky guys who I can laugh with for hours and who don’t care that I don’t always wear the cutest clothes because our dates were mostly just us watching nerdy movies in sweatpants anyways, but Kevin was the kind of guy who I’d imagine ends up with your stereotypical high school prom queen—certainly not me. He was incredibly attractive, with a swoop of soft amber-brown hair, a clean-shaven sculpted jawline, soft tan skin, and defined muscles. While I couldn’t describe exactly what his job was, I knew it had something to do with finance for some investment firm I couldn’t name headquartered here in New York, and I knew it payed enough for him to afford his large and luxurious apartment while still taking me out to expensive restaurants and nightclubs on our dates. Though he could be distant at times, and he wasn’t as warm or lighthearted as I usually prefer, he was charming—full of interesting stories and just the right amount of playful affection—plus he’d been here for a long time, and I was hoping he could show me around Brooklyn and introduce me to the right crowd.

“You’re seriously gonna love it,” he told me once we were in the car. There was a grin spread across his face, but his eyes were locked on the road. Being in such a large bustling city full of nightlife and tourist attractions, I found it hard to believe that a man who could schmooze his way into any bar or club in town would get this excited about staying in with his friends and playing … board games? I hadn’t figured that part out yet. The rest of the night was strictly a mystery I would “soon unravel.” Maybe he did have a nerdy side after all.

“Soooooo, are we just getting wasted and playing, like, Monopoly all night?” I asked, drumming my fingers on the seat.

“Not exactly,” he replied with a hint of a smirk on his face. “And I probably won’t be drinking much tonight since it’s my turn to lead the games.” That was the tradition, as he had once explained to me. Each gathering, one member would be responsible for creating, choosing, and facilitating the night's activities, but they were almost always held at an apartment belonging to Kevin’s friend Mitch, which, unfortunately for us, was all the way on the outskirts of the borough.

“Oh so is it like Dungeons and Dragons?” I teased. “Do you need to stay sober to DM?”

“Nah, it’s not DND,” he said flatly, “that’d take too long.”

I was taken aback. “You’ve actually heard of that game?”

Kevin raised an eyebrow, and I couldn’t tell if he was slightly annoyed or just toying with me. “Yes I know what it is. I don’t live under a rock. Besides, I’ve played it before.”

“Really?” Him?

Posted by11 hours ago

I bought this house 8 months ago to be closer to my son and his mother. His mom and I don’t have a great relationship, we hardly speak, but I wanted to be nearby my son in case of an emergency and driving two hours out to this shitty bumblefuck town to pick him up every other week got old fast, so I bought the house.

I thought I got a good deal. 2-Bed, 2-bath on a decent amount of land with an old barn and a boarded-up well out back. If any of you have been trying to buy a house the past few years, you’ll know how competitive it is. In an idiotic attempt to impress the seller, I waived the inspection - Never waive the inspection.

The house was falling apart. Foundation was crumbling. Termites in the subfloor. Leaky roof. Water damage because of the leaky roof. I was hemorrhaging cash just trying to get the place livable, but I was close to my son and the ever-growing to-do list kept me busy which was nice in a boring country town like this one.

A few weeks went by and the house became livable enough for me to feel comfortable allowing Theo, my son, to spend the night in the new house. The time, money and effort I spent on this shitty little house were all worth in those short weekends that I had custody. We slid around the hardwood floors in our socks, played hide and seek in the dilapidated barn and at night we laid in the middle of the giant backyard and stared up the infinite number of stars in the dark rural sky as fireflies floated around us. He loved it, so I loved it.

Eventually my to-do list arrived at “Fill-in the well”.

I mean, what was I going to do with an old dried up well in the backyard? I’m not a farmer and I’m pretty sure the water isn’t safe to drink if there’s still water in there. The well added nothing but risk. What if Theo fell in while we were playing hide and seek?

I approached the well for the first time since buying the house. It sat about 50 yards from the back from the house, behind the old barn. It was a small ring of gray stone that rose about 3 feet out of the earth around it. It was covered with a rotting plywood lid on top of which stood a pile of dirt and stones to weigh it down.

I never should have opened taken the lid off of the damn thing.

I pushed the stones off the side and pulled the plywood off the stone opening of the well. I peered over the side and immediately felt a jolt of cold lightning shoot through my body as I saw a shadowy face staring back up at me from the bottom.

A moment passed before I realized it was my own face staring back up at me reflected off of the black water at the bottom of the old well. I had been expecting the well to be dry by how old it looked. I guessed it had to be at least 70 years old and the water table should have dropped by now.

Posted by6 hours ago

Growing up I would always see things, nothing crazy as you may suspect but most of the time it was just shadows hanging out or moving through my peripheral vision. Now I am not an avid believer in the paranormal, so I just chalked it up to my "Imagination." During this time, I would also hear my name be called through the house, most of the time the voice sounded like my grandmother but calling out a loud "Yeah?" always netted me the response of "I didn't say anything." or "Why are you shouting?" again didn't think anything of it, I just went on with my day giving it little to no thoughts. For the most part I chalked it all up to being an effect of a lack of sleep, since during this time I did nothing more than binge video games all night and occasionally go out.

At this point ignoring all these feelings was easy, any time it would happen I would always tell myself, "Nothing has happened to me yet, it hasn't gotten worse, I haven't seen anything, or experienced anything that would strike me as being off." and that usually would have been the end of it, a few months go by this way, only this time it was different, it started as little things, you know, the usual "Where did my keys go?" type stuff, small things would just go missing and I could not for the life of me find them, it's funny, thinking back on it now, most of that stuff still to this day hasn't been found, again, my naivety told me that I am just forgetful, and being someone who can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday that's all I told myself it was.

Unfortunately for me this was only the beginning, it was a warm sunny summer and like usual I was bored out of my mind playing whatever new hit video game that was out, when I decided that video games just weren't cutting it, I called my friend Alan over so that we could hang out, make some popcorn watch some movies, just do anything that wasn't me isolating in my room, the rest of the day was uneventful so I won't bore you with the details of what we did, but you can probably imagine what two teenage boys did hanging out at the house with all the soda, food, and video games we could play. eventually the fun comes to an end and the day starts wrapping up, I pull up a spare bed and put it on the floor next to my bed and we both just pass out. I am not sure if it was due to a massive sugar crash, or from the fact we had a long day of loud fun.

3 am rolls around and something wakes me up, I don't know what it was but, in that moment, something just drew my full attention to the open closet at the end of my room. I just sat and stared into the darkness for a good minuet or so, I didn't see anything, but whatever woke me had my full attention, after my trance is broken and I finally manage to pull my eyes from the closet I look over and notice that Alan was awake, and just like I had been doing something woke him up and drove him to look into the closet as well, I didn't know this till the next morning when I talked to him, here's what he said. "Man, I don't know what it was, but something woke me up last night, and instinctively drew my attention into the closet." Then it hit me, he had woken up in the same instance I had and stared into the closet at the same time I had.

This was harder to rationalize but as I had stated earlier, I was extremely naive, I refused to give in to the creeping thoughts that something was going on, soon, I learned just how wrong I had been. Another month had passed at this point and the things I was experiencing had gotten worse, the shadows I was seeing no longer resided in my peripheral vision, I would notice a strange silhouette of a person standing in the room, sitting on the bed, even floating outside my second story window. I could no longer rationalize what I was seeing, but I told myself "After months of seeing whatever these things are they have never harmed me directly, if they had wanted to they would have already, not even an hour after thinking that I felt a strange thin burn going across my back, taking a look in the mirror I noticed three small scratches going down the length of my back.

This is where I finally started to worry, it was no longer small things going missing and shadow people popping in to say hi, stuff was falling over, I could hear cups and other like stuff falling to the floor from downstairs, I even heard the little cat bell I have hanging on the doorknob jingle as if something or someone was trying to open my door. I couldn't bring myself to sleep in that room anymore, so I usually ended up sleeping on the living room couch, I finally beat it, I didn't have to see or hear anything creepy if I never went into the room that it was happening in right? wrong, it was as if whatever was messing with me had gotten bored. Now my brother had a bedroom in the house, but it was downstairs, most of the "activity" took place in the upstairs bedroom.

I was awoken by my brother who had come into the living room, it was obvious he was freaked out, hyperventilating, shaking, couldn't even form coherent sentences, but what he said when he finally caught his breath still haunts me even now, he had heard noises coming from the upstairs bedroom and assumed I was up there awake, right before he started treading up the stairs something caught his eye in the shadows of the upper hall. A tall shadow of a man was standing at the top of the stairs staring down at him, he said that it didn't have any features, eyes, nose, mouth, but even without any of that it was staring. Next to the tall shadow figure was another much smaller shadow, this one had horns. Now my family isn't very big on religion but seeing that unnerved him to the point where he started to pray, that was a bad call, whatever had been standing idle at the top of the stairs gave off a horrible rage filled aura.

Whatever it was had noticed him, and it was not happy, it wasn't happy he had seen it, and it especially wasn't happy he tried to pray it away. Slowly it took one step, then another, methodically sauntering down the stairs, which made my brother pray more, that's when it got bad. At the drop of a coin, it had nearly doubled its speed, blasting down the tall staircase and that's when he finally ran into the living room and coincidentally what woke me up. I am writing this now because at the current moment I am huddled up in my brother's room trying to calm him down, but there is a big problem, I don't know what to tell him or hell, even what I should do, I can feel the house shake gently, and the lights are now flickering, over the span of writing this story the shaking has become violent, and there is no more power, I was only able to get this story out because my phone still has data, it's now at one percent and everything is silent.

I don't know anything about what I am dealing with, but I do know one thing, it will never leave.

Posted by2 hours ago

Its funny how things can suddenly change. Our thoughts, our lives.. All are subject to change, at any given moment.

It's strange thinking about it, talking about it, something I haven't done before.
I mean, who would believe me, right? But for whatever reason, not sharing my story has been eating me up inside. I can't sleep properly. I toss and turn and wake up wet with sweat.
I'm hoping this will take a weight off my shoulders, the burden of being the only one to know.

Max and I had been married for a year when we had our first big fight. Looking back now, I honestly can't remember what it was even about. But, I forcefully packed my bags all the while crying and yelling in quick succession, while Max looked on, doing much the same.
He told me going to a motel for the night was stupid. We had a perfectly good couch he could sleep on, if I wanted.
But I didn't want.

I glared at him and with as much strength as I could muster, grabbed my suitcase and disappeared out the door.
Bad moon rising was playing on the radio, I listened to the lyrics mindlessly for a moment and then I turned it off in frustration. Not a song I needed to hear at that stage, that was for sure.
I pulled out of the driveway, Max staring at me from the front porch. He looked sad. I wouldn't meet his eye as I screeched away.

The first motel I came across looked like it could possibly be a rat infested dump. But I didn't have a lot of cash, and as tired as I felt, I was sure I could fein the rats off for one night, should I need to.
The car park was mostly empty, and so was the front desk when I went in to the main building.
I rang the silver bell on the table, and looked around while I waited.

Run down, as I suspected, but no sign of rats. That was a good enough start.
The receptionist told me it was $35 for the night, which was even better than I had been anticipating. I handed over the cash and watched as the man grabbed a key from the massive keyboard in his office. Room 84.


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