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Posted by7 hours ago

(TW: child abuse) Contrary to rumor, I hadn’t the slightest inkling about the true source of the garbage smell when I was growing up. I believed my father when he told me it was just the pipes in the walls. You see, I had a very ordinary girlhood, playing with other children in our quiet little cul-de-sac in our sleepy neighborhood shaded by oak and sycamore trees. There were whispers, of course, of a predator. And an undercurrent of fear. But like most children, I remained blissfully secure in my certainty that the adults in my life would protect me. Indeed, in all my wildest imaginings, I couldn’t have conceived that behind my father’s gentle smile was a man who could murder my playmates in cold blood, chop apart their bodies, and stash them behind the walls.

But there were signs.

He kept an axe downstairs in the basement—always sharp, yet we had no chimney or fireplace or any wood to chop.

Our home underwent frequent renovations to “fix” leaky pipes or add improvements like false walls. Strangely, it was often after these adjustments that a rank, rotting odor would permeate.

When my father finally confessed, I learned that the murders began long before my first memories of the disappearances. Began before I was born, in fact.

It was my mother who was afflicted.


He never knew where the affliction came from. Just that after I was born—mere days after, in fact—she tried to strangle me. He saved me just in time, and she was hospitalized for postpartum psychosis. My father bottle-fed me, my sole caretaker during my mother’s intensive treatment.

She came back restored, and their lives returned to the normal joy of newlyweds with a cherished infant…

… until the evening he found her bleeding out in the bathtub, and me unresponsive, drowned beside her.

Posted by8 hours ago
Timeless BeautyNarwhal Salute

There was a distortion in time the moment before the accident happened. It was as if the universe knew something life-altering and unnerving was about to occur and made the necessary adjustment to reality in an effort to prevent it from happening. Unfortunately, not even the cosmic forces governing the universe could stop it. Or perhaps it was the opposite. Maybe our reality is the cruel and unforgiving cosmic force of oppression, and the distortion gave us our chance at survival. Either way, everyone made it out alive from the accident, and I’m thankful beyond words for this.

Gretta, in the passenger seat, was turned around, fussing with Little Carmine in the backseat. Carmine had dropped his stuffed monkey on the floor, and was wailing in that octave only children can reach that tears a hole in your sanity. It was jarring, irritating, and distracting. Nothing as distracting as trying to read a text while driving. Nothing as dangerous as falling asleep behind the wheel. Nothing as irresponsible as operating heavy machinery under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Those folks tend to survive their accidents despite their culpability. Everyone else around them dies.

As for me, I only took my eyes off the road for a moment. Not for some asshole reason like a text, being drunk, or falling asleep. I did it to give comfort to my crying son. To help my wife with him. Yet that’s all it took for us to end up at death’s door.

When I turned my eyes back to the road, something darted out in front of the car. I cannot tell you if it was a human, animal, or ET looking to phone home. It really doesn’t matter. I swerved to avoid it. In doing so, I lost control of the car. Hitting the brakes didn’t help. Turning the wheel against the spin made it feel as if it was only making things worse. I did everything I could to get it back in control, but there was nothing I could do as our car went sideways and rolled over and over again until it came to a halt as we crashed into a patch of trees lining the road.

Saying it rolled over is an understatement given the terror of the chaos. There’s glass shattering all around us, sending shards everywhere and cutting into our flesh. The exterior of the car is crumbling into itself like a plastic bottle being crushed, except we’re inside of it. The air bags deployed with an explosion of sound, and the wind knocked me out as my torso and head slammed into them. Gretta’s screams fill my ears. Carmine’s cries are the worst sound of all, at least until another sound replaces them. The sound of silence followed by my own screams filled my ears, except they weren’t screams; they were gasps. I couldn’t breathe. It felt as if I was drowning. Stars filled my vision. They were bright like the sun but moved like a swarm of angry bees descending upon a trespasser in their hive. Then they seemed to disappear before my eyes, and my vision started to go black. My last thoughts before passing out were of Gretta and Carmine.

Were they alive or dead?

Would I live through this?

Was that smoke I smelled?

I ceased to exist with those questions lingering in my mind. However, the answer to each question came immediately in a form I never expected or imagined.

Coming back to consciousness, I found myself standing on the side of the road. I don’t know how I’d gotten there. The stench of gasoline filled my nostrils. Something must have punctured the gas tank during the wreck. The upside-down, crumpled mess of twisted metal and plastic, formerly known as our Hyundai Tucson, now a death trap, held Gretta and Carmine as prisoners. Gretta hung upside down with her eyes closed and her arms dangling. Her long, dark hair gathered around her face. I couldn’t tell if she was bleeding or had sustained any other injuries. Carmine was the same. His little form hung upside down too, stuck in his child's seat. There were cuts on his face from the shattered glass. The wreck was silent, and neither my wife nor my son were conscious. I couldn’t even tell if they were breathing.

Posted by16 hours ago

I need help man. I don't know what's going on. I'm fucking scared. None of this makes sense. It just can't be real.

I'm sorry, I'm panicking. I never expected something so terrifying and crazy would happen to me.

It's currently 1:32 am. Just under an hour ago, I couldn't sleep and decided to go out for a smoke. I rolled my spliff, went to the back door and unlocked it. As I opened the door and stepped out, I did realise something was slightly off when I couldn't hear anything outside, the blood rushing in my ears suddenly deafening. I brushed it off and sat down. It was almost pitch black outside, but my eyes would adjust.

As I lit up, I began to hear something around the corner, directly opposite side of the house from where I was. It was like... this... movement. It sounded... kind of clumsy, it was uneven and would stop and start. I was put on edge by it but stayed out there, listening to it. It eventually got closer, I could hear it shifting surfaces and making a different sound, going from grass and leaves to the tiles around my house, meaning whatever it was was much much closer then I had realised. My heart dropped.

Deciding I'd had enough of this, I put out my spliff and went to go inside, looking in the direction of the back door- I froze. Peeking around the corner, was a face and hands just... staring at me. It looked eerily familiar, but the darkness obscured the face enough to where I couldn't tell who's face it was. I dared not move a muscle. Unintentionally beginning a starting contest from hell. I began to think of an escape route. I could run away from the back door, hop the fence and run to my front door instead. The only problem being that the back door was still unlocked from when I left.

I took my chances and, in a split second, turned and booked it for the fence. Hearing footsteps almost immediately heading towards me at a terrifying, inhuman pace, I screamed as I ran. By some miracle, the footsteps didn't advance enough to catch me and I made it to my front door. Only to realise too late that I needed my keys to get in.

I spun around, expecting the worst, only to find... not much better. The... whoever, whatever it was, was staring at me again. From around the corner, they peeked their head and hands out. I couldn't tell if they were someone I could take in a fight or not because they were obscured by my house and the darkness of the night. But the eyes they, no, it stared at me with... they bore into me, they were utterly terrifying. Inhuman, predatory eyes.

I stared back at whatever it was, not daring to break eye contact, and tried to remember where my keys were. They were either at the back of the house where I was sitting, or they were inside and, in which case, I would have to go in through the back door anyway. Both outcomes meant I was slightly fucked. I stared at this horrible thing, the tension hung thick in the air and the total silence didn't help. I prayed to whatever diety that I would make it back safely, starting to slightly lose hope but desperately not wanting to admit it. I frantically thought for any kind of solution.

I slowly moved my arms down to my pockets, for any salvation, when I felt my keys. They were on my belt loop the whole time. I moved as slowly as I possibly could as to not make any noise and set it off, still silently praying for this to all be a nightmare. With my back still turned to the door, I slowly felt for the keyhole. I took my keys, raised them to the door and, psyching myself up, turned the key, swung the door open, removed they key and slammed the door shut behind me.

I fell to the floor the second I got in, I didn't realise I was sweating until I was inside and drenched in it. I slowly gathered myself to get up, I planned to go straight to bed, exhausted from the situation and the day beforehand.

Posted by4 hours ago

I used to love the rain. I could sit outside for hours in a rain jacket in the middle of the woods. Listening, watching, taking in the smell of it. It wouldn’t matter if I was cold, and I almost never got sick. The sound of a light rain on my jacket as it pattered, or the thunderous downpour of heavy rain. Either way it set me in a trance the more I listened. My wife Olivia was always sad on these days, she just never understood how I appreciated such a thing. She would watch me from the window sometimes and there I’d be, sitting and not moving in the middle of a storm. It was peaceful to me, it was very important to me. The rain would help me disassociate from my depressing life. I had no reason to be depressed, I just always seemed to be so. I had everything I could ever want. A house, a decent paying job, a loving wife & a healthy baby boy; but I just could never shake the sadness. But the rain helped me, it helped me forget, even just for a bit.

One day I was watching the weather channel and saw it was calling for heavy rain. I instantly became excited. As the rain approached my wife just sighed as I eagerly put on my rain jacket and boots. She held my son, watching me from the window as I ran outside to go to my favorite rain listening spot, which was only about a 20 minute hike from my house. It was deeper in the woods than my other spots. It was a spot in the woods where trees just didn’t seem to grow and formed an almost perfect circle of grass. There were trees all around sure, but in this particular spot, only grass was present. It was a spot that felt too good to be true. I would sit in the center, listen to the wind lush through the trees as the approaching storm rolled in.

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard rain starting when it first begins to fall. If it rains heavily, you hear it pouring in the distance loud and approaching fast. The water rushing down and closer and closer each passing second until finally it’s upon you. Then it turns into a soundtrack of rushing water for minutes to up to hours. I love the rain storms that last several hours if you couldn’t guess already.

So there I was, sitting cross legged in the middle of heavy rain. Breathing in and exhaling slowly. I could see my breath when I opened my eyes, but I mostly kept them shut to take in all the sounds. It’s almost as if all the wildlife was put on pause. No birds chirping, no squirrels rustling in the sticks, nothing. I was in a trance for what felt like forever, but in reality was probably only 15 minutes.

That’s when I heard it. It was quiet and distant. A howling like I’ve never heard before from any other animal deep in the woods. It was starting to get dark, but it was still raining and I knew my way back fairly well so I decided to stay and continue to listen. 5 minutes later I heard the howl again, this time much closer. Whatever it was, it was moving fast. Although it didn’t sound like wolves or a coyote I still chose to ignore it. Another 5 minutes passed. It howled again. This time it was very loud. A chill went up my spine and my eyes shot wide open. Before I could comprehend what was happening I realized it was getting dark, real dark. The howling became more frequent now. I could sense something was approaching and for some reason I felt it knew exactly where I was.

A flash silhouette ran across a few trees in my peripheral vision. I whipped my head the right and squinted my eyes, thinking that would make a difference as I started into the cold, wet dark woods. It looked to be a large, hairy beast running upright from what I could tell. That’s all I saw, that’s all I heard from there on out. I decided it was time to head home, whether it was still raining or not. I wanted to see my family.

As I hurried on the trail back home I heard it again. Distant howling, but just once, this time it seemed to be in front of me. Towards my home. I started to sprint home, going mad with the thought that my family may be in danger. I must've made the 20 minute hike in 5 minutes. I was running so fast.

I finally make it home and see the door wide open. “Honey?” I yell in pure panic. No response. “Olivia!?, Where are you two?” I followed a trail of wet, soaking foot prints to the bedroom. There I collapse to my knees in pure distraught as I look upon my mangled wife, staring back at me barely alive. “Where’s Nick, where's our son?” I managed to spit up. She replied, “It.. It came with the rain”. Those were my wife’s last words before she passed. Now every time it rains, I go looking into the woods for that thing. I listen for the howling, I search for my son.

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