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Posted by5 hours ago

I need help man. I don't know what's going on. I'm fucking scared. None of this makes sense. It just can't be real.

I'm sorry, I'm panicking. I never expected something so terrifying and crazy would happen to me.

It's currently 1:32 am. Just under an hour ago, I couldn't sleep and decided to go out for a smoke. I rolled my spliff, went to the back door and unlocked it. As I opened the door and stepped out, I did realise something was slightly off when I couldn't hear anything outside, the blood rushing in my ears suddenly deafening. I brushed it off and sat down. It was almost pitch black outside, but my eyes would adjust.

As I lit up, I began to hear something around the corner, directly opposite side of the house from where I was. It was like... this... movement. It sounded... kind of clumsy, it was uneven and would stop and start. I was put on edge by it but stayed out there, listening to it. It eventually got closer, I could hear it shifting surfaces and making a different sound, going from grass and leaves to the tiles around my house, meaning whatever it was was much much closer then I had realised. My heart dropped.

Deciding I'd had enough of this, I put out my spliff and went to go inside, looking in the direction of the back door- I froze. Peeking around the corner, was a face and hands just... staring at me. It looked eerily familiar, but the darkness obscured the face enough to where I couldn't tell who's face it was. I dared not move a muscle. Unintentionally beginning a starting contest from hell. I began to think of an escape route. I could run away from the back door, hop the fence and run to my front door instead. The only problem being that the back door was still unlocked from when I left.

I took my chances and, in a split second, turned and booked it for the fence. Hearing footsteps almost immediately heading towards me at a terrifying, inhuman pace, I screamed as I ran. By some miracle, the footsteps didn't advance enough to catch me and I made it to my front door. Only to realise too late that I needed my keys to get in.

I spun around, expecting the worst, only to find... not much better. The... whoever, whatever it was, was staring at me again. From around the corner, they peeked their head and hands out. I couldn't tell if they were someone I could take in a fight or not because they were obscured by my house and the darkness of the night. But the eyes they, no, it stared at me with... they bore into me, they were utterly terrifying. Inhuman, predatory eyes.

I stared back at whatever it was, not daring to break eye contact, and tried to remember where my keys were. They were either at the back of the house where I was sitting, or they were inside and, in which case, I would have to go in through the back door anyway. Both outcomes meant I was slightly fucked. I stared at this horrible thing, the tension hung thick in the air and the total silence didn't help. I prayed to whatever diety that I would make it back safely, starting to slightly lose hope but desperately not wanting to admit it. I frantically thought for any kind of solution.

I slowly moved my arms down to my pockets, for any salvation, when I felt my keys. They were on my belt loop the whole time. I moved as slowly as I possibly could as to not make any noise and set it off, still silently praying for this to all be a nightmare. With my back still turned to the door, I slowly felt for the keyhole. I took my keys, raised them to the door and, psyching myself up, turned the key, swung the door open, removed they key and slammed the door shut behind me.

I fell to the floor the second I got in, I didn't realise I was sweating until I was inside and drenched in it. I slowly gathered myself to get up, I planned to go straight to bed, exhausted from the situation and the day beforehand.

Posted by20 hours ago
Wait What?DoomDread

Hey everyone, I never thought I'd be one of those people typing away in the dead of night, looking for help in the uncanny corners of the internet, but here I am. A desperate man. My wife - let's call her Emily - has been acting, well, strange. More than strange. Frightening, in a way. But let me backtrack a little.

When Emily was a child, she went missing in the woods near our hometown. She was gone for two days before they found her, seemingly unscathed. She never spoke much of it. I always thought it was trauma, you know? She was safe now, with me, and that was all that mattered. We've been together for five years, living a content - if somewhat unconventional - life.

Emily has always had peculiar rules. Rules I accepted as part of loving her. I always have to knock before entering a room she's in - even if it's just our bedroom. We've never taken a bath or shower together, something that always struck me as odd for a married couple. And she insists on sleeping with the lights off, so the room is as dark as a moonless night. I've asked her about these quirks, but she brushes me off, always with a hint of fear in her eyes. She is also deeply afraid of lightning- whenever there is a thunderstorm she hides in the cellar, whimpering and crying while holding onto me like a scared child.

Here's where things take a turn for the unsettling. A few months back, local authorities discovered a child's skeleton in the same woods where Emily had gone missing all those years ago. It was a gruesome sight, the bones gnawed at as if by animals. The news seemed to hit Emily hard. It was as though the colour drained from her face when she heard it.

Since then, she's been different. Lost in her thoughts, quiet, almost ghost-like. I've tried to talk to her about it, but she just looks at me with these distant, glassy eyes and changes the subject. She's been spending more time in the rooms alone, the ones I need to knock to enter.

The thing is, we've been trying to have a baby for the longest time. Fertility issues, they said. But soon after the skeleton was found, Emily told me she was pregnant. It should have been a joyous moment, but there was something off in her expression when she told me. It wasn't excitement or joy. It was fear.

And it's starting to scare me. The way she caresses her belly with a vacant stare in her eyes, how she flinches when I touch her as if something inside her is stirring uncomfortably. Her peculiar rules seem more rigid now, almost frantic. And it's driving me mad.

I don't know what's going on. I love Emily, and I want to support her, but I can't shake the feeling that something is terribly wrong. I'm worried for her, for our unborn child, and, honestly, for myself too.

A couple of months ago we visited a therapist - a kindly older woman who promised to help us navigate whatever was going on. I was hopeful, even a little relieved. But Emily? Emily was as quiet as ever.

She answered the therapist's questions with monosyllabic responses. No, she wasn't feeling different. Yes, everything was fine. She didn't seem to understand that everything wasn't fine, not by a long shot. Or maybe she was hiding something? I don't know. All I know is that my once vibrant wife has been replaced by this silent, hollowed-out version.

Posted by3 hours ago
Posted by14 hours ago

I have no words. Yesterday I found a beautiful parcel delivered at my doorstep, in my sister's handwriting. She has been missing since she was sixteen years old, and I really do not know what to make of it, here it is:

I woke up here. I don't know where I am. I don't know what my name is. I don't know how old I am, but I look around 19. Though I think I might be much, much, older than that. The place I am in seems ancient. It looks like ancient Mayan architecture, with grey, stony, stepped pyramids, with intricate details in the middle. There are mud huts around the Mayan temple, and this is where I seem to be held captive. I am writing this note using some kind of primitive pencil which is simply some lead like substance that you hold, and on what looks like a canvas, not an art canvas, but something that was actually made of animal hide. I think I might be in some parallels dimension, but I'm not sure. I'm also not sure whether these people think of me as a goddess, or a demon.

I arrived here yesterday, I think I washed up on the shore, because I was soaking wet, though fortunately I was still wearing my jeans and shirt. I had no memory of my past life, I did not remember the day, or even my name. I panicked, perhaps I had some sort of mental illness? Or maybe I had drowned? Had I drowned? I could not remember what I was doing before. If I had drowned and then somehow survived that, perhaps I was brain damaged, and maybe I did not have much time before I died. So I started to head back towards the mud huts, funnily enough, I did not feel unusual in any way.

I was exhausted from walking a mile in the hot sun, and was so glad to be able to arrive at some sort of civilization. As I approached the village, I found it very odd that it was so quiet and there was no one on the streets. I walked towards one of the mud huts, because I was already here and this was my only option. As I reached the door, my blood ran cold, and I began to shake. The hut itself was normal looking but the wooden door had my face etched on it. Was I meant to be here? Was I part of some kind of experiment? Did these people abduct me? 1^2, 2^2, 3^2, trying to do basic math tended to calm me down somewhat, and I needed some kind of peace at the moment so I could think logically. Okay so worst case scenario, I was abducted. Well negotiating and seeing what these people want is the only way I can get back to wherever I'm from. So I decided to bang on the door.

"Hello" I screamed, and there was no response.

"HELLO" I screamed louder and began to kick the door. I started to kick the hinges while I was at it. I banged on the door with all my might, until my hands bled, I wanted an answer damnit. I banged until I saw the skin slowly peel of my hands, my blood flowing down and staining the floo, and the windows. I started to kick at the hinges next, I didn't care about the stinging, searing pain that flowed through my body, as if you stubbed your toe but ten times worse. I didn't care if my toes began to break, when they began to take on weird twisted abnormal positions, I kicked and punches as though I was possessed, apathetic to my bones snapping. When the door finally broke off, my blood was everywhere, my hands no longer resembling hands, their skin pink rather than brown, the flesh worn off, I was missing a nail, and even my wrists were drenched in the blood flowing from my hands, and my feet were blood messes of their own. My bloody footprints were testament to my insanity as I walked into the mudhut. It was small, and I could not see anything at first, it was so dark. It was around the size of a starters college room, if someone was hiding, there was not a lot of space for them. There was no floor, it was simply just made of mud, and it was so silent I could hear my bloody legs squelching.

There was very little furniture, a small round wooden table in the center of the hut, and a rag on the left side. There was some food on the front of the rag, and a curled ball that moved. I approached it further, knowing it was likely someone who was hiding, and I poked at them, my blood staining their clothes. They looked up at me, it was a woman with long brown hair, brown eyes that were now very wide from seeing me, and a very wide mouth, that was becoming wider by the minute. She then let out the most blood curling scream I've heard, like a woman who just gave birth and had a miscarriage. She genuinely looked terrified and devasted, and I stepped back, not wanting to terrify her any further. She took her chance, and sprinted out, I was too shocked to do anything, and I was so exhausted from knocking that I just collapsed on the rag that was her bed.

The next morning, I woke up to my dried up blood, and twisted hands and feet, and to the searing pain that followed whenever I tried to use my hands or my legs. Half of my nails were missing too. I had shelter now, which I did not have before, and by the rag, there was some bread. I ate it, it tasted like it was fresh. I tried to process what happenned the day before, the lady screamed and ran like she was scared for her life. My face was on the fucking door. Perhaps I am a monster. Perhaps I am what is to be feared. I am not sure why they fear me. Perhaps I could find some answers in this mud hut. No one seems to be bothering me so far. My gaze returned to the round table, and I noticed something that I hadn't last night. It was a book, almost holy looking, with a mesmerizing intricate cover, of golden roses, it was more mesmerizing than anything I could have imagined. I almost felt guilty putting my blood stained hands on it, I opened it and it was all illustrations of me. I was too numb, and exhausted to feel scared, but I knew damn well that I should. It was illustrations of exactly what was happening, a girl with jeans and long brown hair washed up on the shore, a girl walking towards mud huts, a girl screaming and banging on one of the mud huts, a girl reading this, my curiousity won and I read further, villagers running towards the ancient temple, I suppose it was a kind of refuge. I saw the inside of the temple now, I saw the people gathered around a rectangular table that the woman was on, my blood stain on her clothes still very clear, she was bound by thick ropes, and she had the same agonized expression on her face.

On the next few pages, they were burning her alive, as they seemed to be chanting to a mantle of me. They placed her charred corpse, on the mantle of me. Was that supposed to be an offering? Why were they so afraid of me? As I read further, I saw the images change, the people were all screaming and sobbing gathered around my mantle, almost as if they were begging, pleading for my mercy. I could not bear to read anymore, I put the book down. Was this a prophecy of some sort? Some kind of instructions for the end times? I had to know more, and I was almost tempted to go into the temple, to see these people. Was I going to meet them? What was I going to say I was not sure.

My body was aching, begging me to not try to look at the rest of their village, but I was terrified, and my terror got worse when I was inside the mud hut, rotting. I ventured out, and I limped into the adjacent mud hut, to my suprise, it swung wide open. I limped to the other one, which also swung wide open, and so did the other ones around me. When I glanced at the tall Mayan looking temple, I could see the smoke coming out of the its roof, smelling burned, like charred meat, it smelled like someone burning rotting meat, utterly disgusting. They were burning that woman alive, and they were all at the temple. I raced into one of the mudhuts and slam the door shut. All of the round tables looked the exact same, with the same fucking book on the table. I skipped over what I had already seen and looked at the future pages, it was me fainting, and then it was two men in rabbit masks and golden robes,enveloping my body in a golden cloth, and then it was me in the temple where I am writing this now. I did not get time to read more since I think I must have fainted from either stress, exhaustion, or whatever was in that bread.


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