TIL in 2008, a single basketball shot may have saved hundreds of lives. Alabama player Mykal Riley made a 3-point-shot that pushed the game into overtime minutes before an EF-2 Tornado passed by. If he had missed that shot, hundreds of fans could have been in the parking lot when the tornado hit. (wishtv.com)
submitted by SonicSingularity to r/todayilearned
I have 107,000 coins and 60 days to use them. Who wants an award? 🇲🇮🇸🇨 (i.redd.it)
submitted by sboger to r/facepalm
And here's my boyfriend's carbonara attemptCERTIFIED SHITTY (i.redd.it)
submitted by vertigoism to r/shittyfoodporn
What tattoo made you walk away from a person? (self.AskReddit)
submitted by douggold11 to r/AskReddit
Dear coach… Wholesome Moments (v.redd.it)
submitted by jeffers0n_steelflex to r/MadeMeSmile
Ron Perlman, the absolute fucking legend (i.redd.it)
submitted by Ok-Seaworthiness2235 to r/antiwork
TIL the once-tasty "red delicious" type of apple is now recognized as having declined sharply in quality. Supermarkets wanted to apple to last longer, but the best tasting juicy apples often go bad more quickly. Selective breeding practices changed the red delicious into a more solid & shiny apple. (en.wikipedia.org)
submitted by sed_non_extra to r/todayilearned
Absolute madlad going through all of the bare necessitiesLegends🫡 (v.redd.it)
submitted by onepassafist to r/JustGuysBeingDudes
The way this cat descends this ladder (v.redd.it)
submitted by amish_novelty to r/oddlysatisfying