Follow reddiquette. It exists for a reason.
All content must be related to Asuka
Content must be posted with direct links to the image (URL to the image itself, not the webpage it is on).
Uploading directly to Reddit is preferred, to avoid the potential for broken off-site links. Reliable and reputable websites such Imgur or Redditbooru are acceptable alternatives.
Posting images from Twitter is discouraged, though not forbidden, due to frequent quality drop from image compression.
Give a link to the source whenever possible if you're rehosting and it's not your original work. SauceNao is a generally reliable and easy to use tool for this.
All NSFW posts must be tagged. This includes any and all nudity, swimsuits/bikinis, underwear, or sexually implied content.
Sexual content/porn/hentai is not allowed.
Absolutely no NSFW Loli content, in accordance with standing Reddit policy. This is includes all forms of NSFW content mentioned above.
No reposting allowed for any content that has already been posting during the last 180 days (i.e. effectively 6 months).
This rule will be enforced based upon the spirit of the law, rather than its letter; if something is repost after exactly 181 days have passed, it will be very likely be removed as a violation.
Catch-all option for anything that doesn't fall under the other rules.