
Dehya can perform 10 attacks in her burst insted of 6 if you press NA. by Twopakabra in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I really doub that will work unless they change her off field application she won't be great for Burgeon specially when Thoma exist, also anything that can be tailored for Dehyah have the problem of work way better with other pyro character.

[3.5 BETA v1] Dehya Changes via Dimbreath by MarinaBubblegum in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Yeah Dehyah is like Nilou in the idea of restricting kits, but unlike Nilou who have a strong team and niche, Dehyah have nothing... Only monopyro and she is worst that having a Pyro Xinyan with C6 Bennett. Dehyah is not even selling any unit and her kitnumber and mechs are so weak that I really doubt even if MiHoYo created 3 5* tailored for her, she won't be anything that good.

[3.5 BETA v1] Dehya Changes via Dimbreath by MarinaBubblegum in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 105 points106 points  (0 children)

And will be one of the fastest characters getting benched and with complains in social media. Even if you don't consume TC or leaks, you will feel instantly how weak Dehyah is.

[3.5 BETA v1] Dehya Changes via Dimbreath by MarinaBubblegum in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I think Deyah will be a record breaking, lower sales of Sumeru, worst unit in the game (even worst than Aloy at thus rate), biggest disappointment of Genshin history.

[3.5 BETA v1] Dehya Changes via Dimbreath by MarinaBubblegum in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 89 points90 points  (0 children)

With this number a C6 Deyah will do barely the same dmg as a C1 Hu Tao.

Dehya skill/burst mechanics via KSM by vivliz in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 100 points101 points  (0 children)

With YaoYao Candace can be second hydro for Nilou Bloom, so even if really niche is a strong team that use her. Dehya don't have any of that atm, that's why she need a lot of buffs to her dmg or (even if the boring option) defensive parts of her kit.

Dehya gameplay (Dehya/Bennett/Kazuha/XL) by FIGJAM17 in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 24 points25 points  (0 children)

The funny (sad) part is how this team actually does better with characters like Klee or even Xinyan with C6 bennet, that's right Deyah do less dmg than pyro Xinyan.

The best and the worst for LGBTQ+ travelers by EinHoer23 in MapPorn

[–]osgili4th 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And that happens why any tourist, even people that are from other parts of the country you get bombarded by street vendors, is worst atm because of how many people are trying to make a living after losing or not finding jobs during the pandemic.

Likeable aspects of the Huana? by Zonk89 in projecteternity

[–]osgili4th 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Not to mention how a lot of the problems with the Huana were accelerated or exploited by said imperial powers as well.

The 2023 pro play season just started and I'm already completely sick of the meta. by CheckAcademic9098 in leagueoflegends

[–]osgili4th 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Meta in proplay a lot of time doesn't corelate with the strongest stuff but with confort, unless a champion is insanely broken pro players try to play a very small pool of champions they have thousands of games on.

This is specially true for mid and jungle, that's why even when it isn't strong or just ok vs other picks teams still prio things like lee, ryze and syndra. Also for a long time teams love to have hard engage champions that's why even when they aren't great Nautilus, Maokai, Vi are so high priority. And Yuumi is an abomination, that only way she drops from pick/ban in 90% of matchs is if her numbers are real shit and even then if zeri/sivir still strong she may still pop frecuently still. So that makes meta changes very hard nowadays.

Dehya information via Drak (KusanaliMains) by applesauce0101 in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

She was a 4* and other than YaoYao all 4* from 3.X has been absolute garbage with most of their power lock in having C6. Which explains a bit of why Deyah design is so shit atm.

Dehya information via Drak (KusanaliMains) by applesauce0101 in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Based on previous experiences, they really like to keep thing ambiguous specially if there is a financial incentive, deceiving people who don't read leaks.

More Info on Dehya kit by ___somebody_ in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I will say she has a decent dmg mitigation for your team, but they slse nerfed that part of her kit lmao

Dehya C1 and A4 in CN (C1 buffed A4 Nerfed) by Julez_223 in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Even with that his base dmg kit is so so low it doesn't matter how strong C1 it is. Specially when none of your mv scale out of HP.

3.4 2nd Half Banners by lloydschreave in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ning is kinda meh, and is because how annoying she is when using a lot of rng mechanics that tank your dmg and make her cluncky to play, I wish they fixed her. Also I think people overlook getting Fav Swords, that weapon is insane and having many copies of it make a lot of teams more powerfull and fluid to play.

There is still hope and good in people by HaatonZhadi in lostarkgame

[–]osgili4th 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Yeah, if you play support 90% of the time a reclear party will take you and teach you since for them take a lot less time to do that than waiting for another support.

Deshret Awaken Claymore R5 passive by FIGJAM17 in Genshin_Impact_Leaks

[–]osgili4th 0 points1 point  (0 children)

part of her kit also heal you so, seems like you aren't that dependent on them or at least you don't need much of it to don't die.

man who moved to a country for more 'accessible corruption' finds justice system is not as just as he would like. by Roots_on_up in LeopardsAteMyFace

[–]osgili4th 22 points23 points  (0 children)

He actually was about to get away with it, instead he decided to flex his wealth and talk openly about making money with sex trafic and working with the mafia to impress 15 year olds in the internet.

Riot Reav3 on the community sentiment that League is in "Maintenance Mode" by Macaulyn in leagueoflegends

[–]osgili4th 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I feel like in general gaming is suffering in many ways, the economic situations around the world are putting a LOT of pressure in people to improve the incomes to cover ever growing expenses. Gaming in general is one of the most explotative and worst pay careers you can get in the tech industry, you have to get used to crunch and no compensations, and you do it for the pasion of it.

Now if you have leadership that is only lazer focus in profits and is cutting your projects, defunding them or ignore them, the only thing that can make you stay in a company is also gone. I'm not surprise many people left to get a more human and stable job. I also don't find surprising most of the rioters are acting like everything will be ok, because they love the game, they can also be pressure to act that way and some may act that way to try to cope with the insane problem Riot Games is facing atm, wich are the constant not only in gaming but in a lot of industries specially the ones based in entertainment.

What is the class that surprised you the most? by asjena in lostarkgame

[–]osgili4th 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Glavier is pretty fun when you get down the rotations and land skills, use parry to avoid attacks. The big issue is how bad it feels to build Glav, no matter what you do your combination of tripods, engravings will always let you down, you have to surrender something for other things wich is why you scale so poorly.

Maybe they'll rework her next balance patch. Right guys? by moocowsauce in lostarkgame

[–]osgili4th 5 points6 points  (0 children)

My issue is how all choices with Glavier are suboptimal for Pinnacle, your tripods, class and general engravings are at odds to each other, if you play 5 blue and 2 red you run Mass Increasse and Cursed Doll wich reduce the effectivness, if you go 4 Blue 3 Red you use Raid Captain but your blue skills get a very diminshed buff, if you run KB you already have a really high amount of crit dmg from identity in red skills, And if you go entropy you are a back attacker with 0 mobility with long ass cast animations.

That's why just plain buff won't work at all. It feels good to play but the way Glavier Pinnacle works feels real shit.

The Witcher skin might not come back as per Roxx by bryan112 in lostarkgame

[–]osgili4th -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

I wonder why people think is AGS lol, if anything is SG way to handle skins boxes.

great job team green by Xd_FlamingScar in pcmasterrace

[–]osgili4th 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I find most of the Crypto mined gpys posted online look way better that the 2 to 3 year old GPUs full of shit that have used by gamers.