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Jan. 2020; Title 2018
5 hours ago

After sharing my experience online, it turns out that most people think the whole shitshow was my fault. But if it were up to me, no one would have died.

I shouldn’t say that. No one’s dead. There isn’t any evidence of it.

And my son’s a good boy. Most of the time. In my opinion, at least.

So I ignored the inevitable phone calls I received after five children when into my basement and four came up the next day, then sat my son down for a talk.

“Do you know what this is about?” I asked.

“No,” he answered in that blank way that only preteens can muster.

I faltered. “Um. Your friend who came over last night.”

“Which one?”

I winced. “The, uh, weird one.”

“Which weird one?”

Posted by
July 2021
14 hours ago
To The StarsAll-Seeing Upvote

We found the first dead cow on a Tuesday morning. She’d been cut open and her sex organs removed. Every ounce of blood drained from the poor animal, and not a drop spilled upon the grass on which she laid.

“How you reckon they did that?” Charlie asked.

“I haven’t a clue.”

“You ever seen anything like it?”


Among the stank of rot was a faint and unexpected medicinal odor, like one might smell in a hospital. Stranger still were the lack of nearby tracks, animal or otherwise.

“It’s like she were carried here,” Charlie said.

I looked off toward the horizon, the remaining herd distant specks. “Go on and check for others. I’m gonna give the boss a call.”


The boss, no longer a young man fit for horse riding, arrived in his green UTV a little while later.

Posted by2 hours ago
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Dec '20; Jan '22; Best < 500 20/21/22; Immersive '21; Monster 22
4 hours ago

My father died at noon on September 18, 1995. I would remember that day for the rest of my living days because that’s when he last beat me and my mother— a foggy autumn Monday morning. He woke up at about ten, demanded breakfast, and spat it in disgust on the floor after the first bite.

The kitchen door stood slightly ajar, and I peeked through, too afraid to even ask for food with him around the house.

“Damn, devil woman! What is this? Am I a fool to you? Are you trying to poison me? I’ll teach you a lesson!” he screamed as if possessed by ungodly spirits. He would then proceed to beat her. He would occasionally beat me too, but those instances didn’t occur as often. My mother screamed and begged, but it didn’t matter to the monster. He stopped whenever he saw fit to stop —probably when the alcohol voices spoke to him to leave her alive so he could do it again.

“I hope he dies, Mom,” I whimpered. I couldn’t stand to see my mom like that. “I hope he burns in hell for what’s doing to you. All these things you have to endure.”

Because of her swollen face, she didn’t want to say anything. She just moaned, hurt, desperate, and sick of that pathetic excuse of a husband who also wore a father's mask.

He got his much-needed satisfaction and went straight to the village bar. After a couple of drinks, the alcohol erased the few physical and mental human features he had. His skin hung from his face as if the melted right off the bone. He couldn’t speak—all the words came out as the mumblings of a madman, and he lost all sense of direction, mainly meaning he got home walking in zig-zag on the old and beaten country road.

He was an evil, ugly, and bitter man who couldn’t love anything. Hate filled his black heart, and the cyanide of desperation ran through his veins. He didn’t care about anything and only knew to ask for things with a sense of immense entitlement. He bowed down to the only god he knew: ALCOHOL.

The saddest thing was that no one knew how violent my dad was. The rest of the villagers knew him only as a good-for-nothing drunk—one of the many drunks in the village.

My mother did all the work in and around the house. She cleaned, cooked, fed the animals, harvested the garden, and cared for me. She said father wasn’t always like that, but with time, he drank more until he finally gave in and the addiction took over.

I wanted the bastard to die a million times before. I hated him with every ounce of my soul. I wished to never see him again—an all-familiar monster wearing a father’s face.

Posted by17 hours ago
All-Seeing Upvote

I was on a hike through the forest when I saw it.

The camera was sitting on a large boulder as if it had been left for me to find. I approached it hesitantly, looking around to see if there was someone nearby. Maybe someone had set it down and forgotten about it? But there was nobody around. The hiking trail was quiet and abandoned that day. A Tuesday afternoon in January isn’t exactly the busy time for these places, after all, but I was bundled up and dressed for the weather, my insulated boots keeping me warm and dry on the cold, snowy day.

I stood there for a while, looking to see if someone would come back for it. Part of me thought I should just leave it there, but it was an expensive-looking camera. On the side it said SLR. Not knowing much about cameras, I had still heard of those initials before, and it struck me as being worth quite a bit of money. Not wanting it to get destroyed by the cold weather, I picked it up, thinking maybe I would run across its absentminded owner further down the path. Surely they would be happy to have it back.

But when I picked it up, I saw a tiny yellow sticky note attached to the bottom of the camera.

On it were the words, “Finders Keepers,” and a smiley face was beneath that.

Did that mean whoever it belonged to wanted me to take it?

I took off my gloves and realized the camera didn’t even feel cold, as if whoever had left it there had just done so recently, in the last few minutes, after taking it out from its case. The lens wasn’t fogged up either, as it would have been if it had been left out for hours.

Never one to pass up a free gift, especially one that I could sell to make half my rent payment, I took the camera and continued on my hike.

It was a decision I would come to regret more than any other choice I’d made in my life. Later, I would lose sleep thinking about what could have been if I’d just walked away and left it there. What would my life have been like?

But of course I’ll never know, because I took it and pretty soon I was holding it up to my eye and taking pictures with it.


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