
'You can’t speak what you can’t hear' – how Māori and Pacific sports stars are helping revitalise vulnerable languages by Invictusplc in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc[S] -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

Oh to hurt people’s feelings on an anonymous platform that lets everyone show their worst selves. Ha!

'You can’t speak what you can’t hear' – how Māori and Pacific sports stars are helping revitalise vulnerable languages by Invictusplc in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc[S] -30 points-29 points  (0 children)

It would appear that anything around the speaking of any language other than English gets people in a bit of a tizzy.

Crime Top of Mind for Luxon Crowd by Invictusplc in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Agreed, Labour are being pretty thick on the crime... The co-governance thing is a right wing trope IMO.

Christopher Luxon worries it's hard to understand Māori names. What bubble is he in? by Invictusplc in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

We are going through a period of normalisation of a language that Pākehā tried to wipe out. Even Māori are not sure of how to handle this and what is too much or too little. Best give it a crack, get used to it and move on. Regardless of the power dynamics and stupidity (on both sides), they are the First Nation people of this land and deserve respect.

Am I unreasonable for expecting tradies to at least understand basic english? by Thomas_yorke_is_God in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc -26 points-25 points  (0 children)

Best you move to a country where tradies speak your language and arrive on time.

Christopher Luxon worries it's hard to understand Māori names. What bubble is he in? by Invictusplc in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And should be taught to everyone in public schools up to a certain year level regardless. If you a a National voter and rick like Luxon, then just put your kids in private school, you'll be right.

Indigenous spirituality sneaking into New Zealand’s science curriculum, pretending to be “science” by diceyy in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

But it's only the infantile insecure racist mother fuckers who want to protect our future generations from having any degree of empathy towards any 'first nation' ideology. No one up in here can actually tell me they think our children are going to grow up stupid and brainwashed because of this! But I bet they all are scared shitless that their kids will in the near future correct their racist drivel at the dinner table.

Indigenous spirituality sneaking into New Zealand’s science curriculum, pretending to be “science” by diceyy in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc -13 points-12 points  (0 children)

If you are not a teacher… and a open minded one at that, please fuck off from this discussion. Also, please continue to not be vaccinated for all our futures. Thanks

Attorney demands firing of Mississippi police officer after 11-year-old boy is shot by JwSatan in news

[–]Invictusplc 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sorry read this as ‘demand’s firing squad for’ and got happy for a hot second.

Christopher Luxon worries it's hard to understand Māori names. What bubble is he in? by Invictusplc in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

True, but you’d be surprised at the margin of slack the faithful are willing to give this guy.

Google fined $32.5 million for infringing on Sonos patent by [deleted] in sonos

[–]Invictusplc 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Well that’s probably because Google had a grand total sales volume of 53 speakers!

Richard Dawkins on Mātauranga Māori - with examples from NZ classrooms by OurLadyOfWalsingham in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc -1 points0 points  (0 children)

TPM in its current guise with current leaders are an embarrassment for sure. However, they are as much a reflection of Te Ao Māori worldview as the National Party is of middle class New Zealanders!

Richard Dawkins on Mātauranga Māori - with examples from NZ classrooms by OurLadyOfWalsingham in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Gosh! Thanks for sharing this refreshingly news. Glad to hear that he’s 82… and will be dead soon. Something to look forward too. Cheers

Richard Dawkins on Mātauranga Māori - with examples from NZ classrooms by OurLadyOfWalsingham in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Mate, what’s fascinating is that you actually think I’m a ‘bro’. But hey, happy to take the compliment. Cheers

Richard Dawkins on Mātauranga Māori - with examples from NZ classrooms by OurLadyOfWalsingham in newzealand

[–]Invictusplc -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Great how long the line is with people clamouring to say how wrong they were now. Feels so good to watch the collective uncomfortable squirm… enjoy!