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Today I Fucked Up


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4 days ago
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Posted by15 hours ago

Started at my first break at work had a bunch of bars sitting in my locker and decided let’s eat these ended up having 4 in one sitting, 3 hours later I had my lunch break and ate another 2 with my lunch after lunch I was bloated (sometimes happens but goes away shortly)

1 hour later I’m still at work bloated and it hurts, try to go to the bathroom multiple times and no luck. I contemplated just retreating home but decided to stick it out.

When my shift was over the ride back home was terrible, felt like I was holding my breathe the whole drive. I rushed into the house and ran to the bathroom and only gas came out but my bloating and pain soon went down and I was somewhat back to normal but not feeling 100%

20mins later my wife, kids and I are eating supper (salad and perogies,yum)

All was going well. After supper I took the dog out for a walk as per usual. Within 10 mins of the walk the bloat and pain start to comeback very steadily and slow.

On the walk back in an ally with my dog by my side. I’m within a couple of blocks of my house the pain becomes intense, I can’t keep a good thought process going. my mind is in ruins. Panic starts to set in. Am I going to die in this ally? Will I release the urge to let go of it all? I feel a huge bubble of gas build up. Twisting cramps suddenly come into play. I barely make it home and hastily make way to the bathroom. After 15 mins of nothing finally some brown glory made its way through.

Currently feeling exhausted and some what relieved but still don’t feel like the fibre bars wrath is quite over yet

TL;DR - do NOT eat more than 1 or 2 of these bars a day or you’re in for a rough ride of events

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Posted by11 hours ago

edit: for everyone saying “it’s your fault” i know. i never said i was mad at my dog bc im not, it was unfortunate to wake up to but i wasnt mad at her, i let her out and cleaned up. also want to clarify that i didnt just let her into my parents room, i opened their door and kept it open, set up pads and stayed awake for the next several hours checking on her and walking her.

in all my years of owning animals, this is by far the most vulgar thing that has ever happened to me. i am on a family trip with family friends, my family has a cabin and so do our family friends. overall it has been a lot of fun! but this is the last night and it…has been something.

the cabin is small and i share my room with my sister. my sister hates this and decided to sleep on the couch tonight. the bedroom we share is abt the size of a walk in closet and has barely any floor space, we store our stuff on the floor/in the tiny drawers given to us.

i went to sleep normal with my dog while my parents and their friends play cards on the deck. all was fine but they were very noisy so i closed the door. which was mistake one. in the middle of the night i heard scratching on the door, my dog wanted to leave my room. i let her out but she was whining non stop to go outside, she has horrible separation anxiety so i assumed she wanted to go with my parents but i didnt want to let her out because the screen door was open and i didnt want her to escape. i scooped her up and put her back in my room where i just passed right out.

an hour goes by and i smell smth, she needs a bath so i push her away thinking she was the cause…well she was but not in that way. i suddenly hear the most aggressive shit squirting i ever heard. she violently shit and threw up all over me and my bed. i have never felt so violated. it is currently 2:30 AM and i put her outside and cleaned it up. took a hot shower, opened the windows, and panicked.

right now the smell is gone but just when i finished typing this post, she just yelped then let out the most rancid squirt on the middle of the floor. this is going to be a long night for me and my dog.

update: it has been 10 minutes and i picked up the crap from the floor. i went looking for her and she made her way curled up in my parents bed. i left their door a crack and put some puppy pads down (my sister is physically disabled and we bring big pads everywhere for her to sleep on so her stomach fluids dont get on the bed) and she just MISSED the pad. (i was in the middle of cleaning up still, already walked her but she didnt go, after this i took her on walks.)

update 2: it passed, after the last update it didnt happen again and she is now playful and happy

TL;DR fell asleep with my door closed and my dog in my room where she then violently shit and puked all over me and my bed

Posted by12 hours ago

I’m a foreign student doing Masters. I moved out for the very first time and got way too attached to the friends I made there because my family is on the other side of the planet.

I made two really nice friends when I stayed at the temporary accommodation, their course was for a year and mine is for two years. They left early and I got quite bored after they left because I mostly hung out with them (one of them loved talking about sex and how many men she slept with, the second one was quieter, more mature and was in a serious relationship). We invited each other to events and celebrated each other’s birthdays. The mature and serious relationship one even has a tattoo of my drawing that I made for her on her birthday. Which meant a lot to me because it was her first tattoo.

After they left, we barely messaged each other. I was the only one who messaged them once in a while to see how they’re doing. Whenever I would message them I would get ghosted by one of them for weeks. Being ghosted for a day or two, I understand but being ghosted for weeks feels painful and rude.

One day I decided to tell her that I hate the way she treats me and it is not easy being her friend. She saw and replied to that message immediately. She told me that if that’s how I feel, then I should leave.

After that, I just exploded like a volcano. I called her not so nice things related to a gardening tool. She blocked me. If I had remained calm we would’ve been able to discuss this further and fix this issue.

A few hours later, the mature one messaged me and called me crazy for doing what I did. I explained what happened and admitted that I should not have gotten angry and apologised to her for calling her friend a gardening tool. She told me to apologise to her friend, wished me good luck for the future and told me to become a better person and blocked me.

Lost two friends in one day. Two birds with one stone?

Moral of the story: Just accept when you are being ghosted, no need to confront. Never call a friend a gardening tool even if she does sleep with a lot of people.

TL;DR - Told a friend that I don’t like being ghosted, ended up losing two friends.

Posted by17 hours ago

Disclaimer: English is not my first language and this is my first reddit post. 👀

I'm a 24 year old female that's currently studying to become a florist. My program contains a number of "work experience periods" where we usually work in flower shops for a month to then go back to school for a month -and so on. Now happens to be one of those periods so I'm working at a flower shop in my nearest city. I've been there before so I already now both the owner and the employe (let's call her Jessica).

Yesterday (not today I know, but close enough) was a hot summer day with quite low customer activity. I worked with Jessica and we decided to go out to the area where they keep the outdoor plants to trim them. Well, some of them -really- needed a trim so I got to work. For the most part I only used my fingers to pinch off the dried flowers and ugly leaves, but when that didn't do the trick I used my beloved floral scissors. I use this one. Lets say, it's very very sharp. I worked on that for maybe 30 min, took a tea break with Jessica and went back at it again while she went inside to serve some custimers.

This time I noticed that my feet where starting to hurt from prolonged standing, so I lowered into a crouch sitting position to give them a short break. I continued switching between my hands and the scissors in this position and put the scissors on the floor beside me whenever I didn't need it with my eyes fully fixated on the plant.

After a while I started to feel uncomfortable in my crouching position so I adjusted to change pressure point and in a blink of an eye I felt a sharp sensation in my right butt cheek while I heard the fabric of my favourite short jumpsuit ripp. Did I just stab myself by sitting on a pair of freaking scissors? How is it even possible to place it with the clipping parts upright in perfect stabbing position without even looking? It can't be. I pulled out the scissors by instinct and dropped it on the floor, still not sure if it went inside or just poked my exterior skin, when I spotted a tiny amount of blood on my finger.

I then rushed in as fast as I dared with my right hand awkwardly holding on to my butt cheek to find Jessica all by herself at the counter -Luckily all the customers had already been served. I told her I just sat on my floral scissors and asked her to take a look if it went through while I rolled upp my right short to expose my butt. After a quick inspection she confirmed that I sure had two pretty deep cuts in my butt while she grabbed some tissues to stop the bleeding. To my surprise it neither hurt that much or bled a lot wich just made the whole situation humoristic.

She cleaned the area the best that she could and patched me up with bandaids while we laughed before temporary closing the shop to drive me to the nearest hospital (5 min drive). I entered the healthcare centre, took a queue ticket and waited patiently for my turn, hoping that I would't feel blood trickling down my leg any near soon. I laughed when I told the woman in the reception what happened and noticed her attemt to not show her amusement too.

To my luck someone canceled their appointment wich made it possible for them to take me in within minutes. I asked the nurse how deep the cuts where and she told me she could take a photo of them to show me if I would like to. I accepted the offer thinking she would take it with my phone but she took it with what I assume was her work phone while I hinted a quick smirk on her face. Something is telling that we aren't the only people who laid our eyes on that picture. I hope I'm right because it looked quite hilarious.

To wrap this up, I got three stitches on each wound, a shot of tetanus vaccine, a follow up appointment, a good laugh and it didn't cost me a dime. I'm incredibly thankful for the free healthcare in my country! Sitting, espacially on a toilet is a literal pain in the ass, I have a bit of trouble walking and some sensory loss in one area, but overall 10/10 stabbing experience. I still have no clue how I managed to pull this off but I hope I'll learn to be more aware of my surroundings before sitting down. 😂

Posted by18 hours ago

This happened last week.

It was raining, the garage at my parents house was flooding, and they had 2 stacks of banker boxes that were getting soaked. I went to work and moved the boxes until I got to the bottom where the bottom box had cards/letter/gifts from when I was born, 29 years ago. I brought the box in and was asking my mom about random cards and people in it. Then I opened a box that had things related to my actual birth. Hospital bracelets, gift wrap clippings, more card, etc. I am rooting through it and find two tickets, and because I didn't read it I just said "you and Dad went to Hawaii when I was born?" My mom says no, why did I think that, and I show her the tickets, to which she said "oh no that was a homecoming football game." and then I asked why there would be tickets to a football game in this box. She is just as confused until she says "...OH! Well... do you really want to know?" and I said "uhhhh yes??" she then informs me that I was conceived over homecoming weekend and those were the tickets from the game. She also tells me all about what dorm room it was in etc etc. What's more is that I currently go to the same school and now Homecoming weekend will haunt me.

TL;DR: I saved precious memories only to learn about my date of conception.

Edit: the tickets didn’t look like traditional football tickets, the game was versus Hawaii, and I’m not “disgusted” to know my origin story I just didn’t need to know my origin story in that moment lmao. I’m glad I’m here and glad I came from a happy fun time I guess lmfao but thinking about my parents bumpin uglies in the dorm I drive past everyday isn’t the most thrilling thing I’ve experienced 😅

Edit 2: damn I thought I was sharing a funny story within a group that appreciated a little humor. My bad for not being totally enamored and psyched to hear about my parents sex life. I will make sure that next family dinner we discuss the ins and outs of their ins and outs throughout their marriage.


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