
How the hell are we in 2023 and men are still objectifying women and saying "fresh maal chahiye"? by anxiety_ki_dukan in india

[–]GreenerPeach01 4 points5 points  (0 children)

just from what I've observed as a girl, this doesn't apply to all guys,

but for the guys to whom it DOES apply, it's definitely cause of the new rise of red pill/alpha male movement. the movement itself is not new, but the youtube algorithm has been highly recommending these videos, and therefore they've gone more viral within the last 1-2 years than ever. it's encouraging men to become more passive aggresive, and narcissistic. some youtube motivational content, certain male influencers, pick up artists, "do THIS to make her like you", podcasts like fresh n fit, it's all intertwined in the youtube algorithm, and you go down that rabbit hole and you'll see all of it.

also, thanks to youtube and particuarly its thumbnails, they're feeding suggestively negative visuals for their visual senses which are very strong in these guys when they're young. images of sexually provocative women and suggestively indicating that a guy can cancel, "tame", or "bring down to her knees" that woman like a goddamn animal. look up "womans ego" on youtube, i dare you. it scared me as a woman the kinds of things i was being recommended, and this isn't even the explicit side of youtube. you'll see a bunch of these thumbnails of women bent over, a guy pulling on her hair and the tag will be something like "bend her ego to your will". it's quite monstrous when you think about it really.

so on one hand, you'll get these sexually provocative "modern" women in these thumbnails, and seeing them get controlled or tamed makes you feel dominant or more "masculine" and like that, and at the same time you're getting these videos about how back in the day women were more traditional and hence remained virgins, and how women should be like that today.

TLDR: these guys are being fed a whole counterintuition: they want to reap the sexually stimulating, visual appeal of a hot, sexually promiscious, "modern" woman who behave sexy and bad and nasty, but at the same time want the long term "benefits" of a virginal and innocent and quiet woman. all this desired by one chap sitting on his ass behind a computer who probably can't even talk to his mom properly.

Who is universally thought of as hot that you think is average at best? by Feroset in AskReddit

[–]GreenerPeach01 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I meant the overly strongly defined jawlines to the point where they don't look normal. Will edit original

What is a dose of reality everyone needs to hear? by psycmike in AskReddit

[–]GreenerPeach01 1 point2 points  (0 children)

your contribution to society starts with only a job. it's very unlikely people actually care about your career, that's entirely you.

Music imagined as animals by Danger_Zone007 in midjourney

[–]GreenerPeach01 1 point2 points  (0 children)

well, the rabbit can do "dubsteps" with his little feet, of course he can

My Great Grandfather | New York City, 1920 by [deleted] in TheWayWeWere

[–]GreenerPeach01 5 points6 points  (0 children)

those boots and how he pulls them off are everything.

What's something you cannot stand which people do/say to "diffuse the situation" or "ease the tension"? by GreenerPeach01 in AskReddit

[–]GreenerPeach01[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

yeah true. imo, this obsession with "trolling" is what causes things like this; just saying things knowing it messes with someone for whom it's serious and all

Rant (long one, sorry) and possible advice of any kind: Don't know what to do and stopping my extreme negative thoughts again and again by GreenerPeach01 in antiwork

[–]GreenerPeach01[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

your second last line reminds me of the book "the subtle art of not giving a f^%$" would you perhaps have read that book sometime?

What's something you cannot stand which people do/say to "diffuse the situation" or "ease the tension"? by GreenerPeach01 in AskReddit

[–]GreenerPeach01[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

fair enough lol thanks for pointing it out. looked it up after and i get it, but I can't correct the spelling in the post itself now

Who is universally thought of as hot that you think is average at best? by Feroset in AskReddit

[–]GreenerPeach01 -7 points-6 points  (0 children)

Defined jawlines. Seriously, that stuff is just weird now EDIT: referring to those insanely defined jawlines which you see in photoshoots, which you just know were separately edited to really stand out

Average person from different US states by ThrowRAConsistent in midjourney

[–]GreenerPeach01 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Woaw, hold the phone fam:

Jumpscare at slide 6/20 straight up lol wtf was that

I hate my job, I don’t know what next steps to take by NoEntertainment5630 in hatemyjob

[–]GreenerPeach01 0 points1 point  (0 children)

i'm in a similar position as OP, so how would I go about doing this, that is, if you were not joking lol

Regret bringing more slaves into the world. by Infinite-Anxiety-267 in antiwork

[–]GreenerPeach01 1 point2 points  (0 children)

As a girl myself who wishes to become a prospective mother, I can see now why many women are choosing to be childless. Let's disregard those who are childless for their personal preferences, or because they cannot, that is regarding them and they are perfectly in a position where they can.

The issue is when girls who WANT to have their own children and truly love and cherish them have also seen the world today and realize how the world has changed, and why this is not a children or family-friendly world anymore. As someone who loves children with all my heart, after having had my heart broken many times from knowing how soulless, individualistic, capitalistic, solely driven by fear this world is,

It's not just that families today have "terrible mothers" as it's stereotyped. It's that the system is set up such that I physically CANNOT be a good mother to my children, and raise them well as a loving, good mother, if they are to be well to do, "good" followers of the system. I have to raise them no different than how a boss behaves towards his new recruits. I cannot be a good mother to them, I HAVE to be toxic to them, have to destroy their innocence from a young age. I have to destroy their innocence from a young age. And if anyone reading this is wondering just in case, yes, I know the world's not all daisies and rainbows and that kids will have to learn the harsh realities of the world, that's growing up. But we see that the extremely capitalistic, individualistic ways of the world today are such that there's more fear instilled in people today to not trust the other person, and most people in the past who fought or succeeded did so in groups, whether things turned out good or bad was later on, but atleast they did. More people today are system and corporate driven than ever before, very few people can actually think for themselves, truly genuinely think for themselves. Many people today are good hearted people, and because they're good hearted people, they're the ones who the system hates the most.

As someone who wants to protect and see a better future for children in this world, I would rather give up having my own kids in order to use my life to fight the system to build a better world for children to be their full-fledged selves in. Yeah i'm going on a fairly intense tangent here lmao but I am speaking 100% honestly here.

Longest you've been unemployed? I'm genuinely suicidal now. by every_tatti in india

[–]GreenerPeach01 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm a girl who graduated back in Sep '21 in mathematics, concentrated in stats and data science, and I feel you man. I don't want to sell myself to the corporate world, undergrad took enough soul out of me , and I'm naturally a very soulful, creative, borderline-controversial, artistic, optimistic, intense kind of girl. And I hate to say it, but from 2021-2022, I applled to so many jobs, more than 100+, heard back from not a single one. I got a massive company to consider me for interview, but I just got ghosted. Then another company hired me for some time, but they were so unfair to me and had me on a tight rope which I let go back in February 2023, and I know if I mention this company in my resume, recruiters will hear very negative feedback from them about me. I don't know what to do, my interests aren't even in f*cking statistics and data science, it's literally money. I can write well on demand, I am good at social media online presence, and am good at arranging things together (don't know if this makes sense, but in many situations, me helping out and doing one quick fix here and there really sped up things, and I've always been considered helpful in those things), but i'm so tired and had enough of staring at the linkedin homepage on my screen at this point, and it's just so soulless.

sorry if that was so long, I know this was supposed to be for you and what you're going through, but I guess what you wrote was so motivating, it got me in a frizzle and made me go off on my own tangent here too, and what you said word for word was just so touching, and I guess the main takeaway you can take away from my comment here is

TLDR: I'm motivated and happy to know I'm not alone, after hearing from my own parents that I'm "weird" and "not like other kids hahahahaha da fuq is wrong with you". I'm happy you expressed your true honest feelings here, and definitely similar people like us all should stay in touch, cause we've been through the depths, in and out of this bull, and so we don't have such a sugarcoated, positive view of this corporate world unlike most of these new coming "tech recruits " seem to have, and therefore what these companies expect from people like us who, unlucky for them, can actually see them for what they truly are. they'd rather hire employees who do nothing over eager recruits like us when they had the chance, lowlives.

alright, now i'm done lol

How Being Suicidal Makes it Easier For Me to Keep Living by erohtar in india

[–]GreenerPeach01 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Bro, I think I have a similar viewpoint as you do. I'm a girl who hasn't bee diagnosed yet, but I definitely am sure I have borderline autism/asperger's, and just the thought of going into a corporate world destroys me. I'll probably write a rant/advice post about this in this subreddit sometime soon.

So, knowing that, I think people having similar views like we do are more intense and think very deeply. What sorts of careers are best for us to apply that? Have you explored that yet yourself?

I'm genuinely curious, as someone who legitimately doesn't know which path to go on in life, but I do have a lot of views of the world, artistic and poltical, and am very good at asking questions. I've genuinely thought of being someone who starts a podcast like TRS or Diary of a CEO or something, cause I often find myself having many questions and seriously introspecting a lot. I was told by my college professors I'm a good writer, but I worry chatgpt is gonna take away the copywriting side of things, idk, anyone enlighten me lol I just typed out a straight trail of thought for real here lol

Which celebrity gives off vibes that they have committed crimes but keep getting away with it, and you're just waiting for them to get officially caught/charged? by GreenerPeach01 in AskReddit

[–]GreenerPeach01[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

i get why it got misunderstood, i was referring to the thumbnail of the video. Will clarify that in my comment lol And even in the video where she's considered more normal, she still looks scary.