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aresef commented on
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1 point · 1 hour ago

I think it's the back of the studio

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1 point · 33 minutes ago

It’s Spark Arena. It’s a good match for Tokyo Dome City and other common locations.

18 points · 4 hours ago

Goodbye Spark Arena. Goodbye Wainui Quarry, Auckland University of Technology, Lake Wainamu, Bethells Beach, Britomart Transport Centre, Manukau Plaza, Hikuwai Plaza, Eden Park...

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Posted by5 hours ago
0 points · 4 hours ago

Talks a lot about hoaxes. I'm really surprised that so many exist.

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Op1 point · 4 hours ago

The EGM one is probably the most infamous.

aresef commented on
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1 point · 7 hours ago


aresef commented on
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ModModerator Achievement1 point · 8 hours ago


aresef commented on
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13 points · 10 hours ago

Twitter was not consistently profitable in the years before Elon bought it for three times its value. The company made $1.2 billion in profits in 2018 and $1.4 billion in 2019. Twitter took on $13 billion in debt to finance his purchase and the company needs to conjure $1.5 billion in additional profit to please lenders. That profit isn't there so what he's been doing is trying to cut costs instead. That included canceling the Google Cloud contract and cutting off bots. But you can't just cut costs, you have to raise revenue. And you don't raise ad revenue by limiting how much time users can spend on the site and see ads.

Meanwhile, you have BlueSky, backed by Elon's business partner Jack Dorsey, and Mark Zuckerberg also smells blood in the water as Instagram preps its own Twitter clone.

When Twitter shuts down, he won't be on the hook for those loans. But I think Tesla shareholders may want a word with him.

1 point · 9 hours ago

Does Musk get most or all of his $44 billion back if Twitter goes bankrupt?

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2 points · 9 hours ago

Whatever money he personally spent on Twitter would be lost but he wouldn’t be on the hook for the leveraged part of the buyout.

aresef commented on
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2 points · 10 hours ago

Mods: Given that Twitter now requires users to log in to view tweets, I propose that Twitter links be banned from the sub, at least while that's the case.

The links are basically unworkable for users on mobile. I know for me, I click a Twitter link from this sub and I get kicked to a login page on the Reddit app's Safari instance. And the structure is such that I'm never actually able to see the tweet or watch whatever video is included with it until I look it up on the Twitter app myself or something like that.

1 point · 13 hours ago


On a serious note, I visited Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and the museum there in 2010 and I still think about that regularly. The museum is unflinching in its depiction of the horror visited upon the city, with a goal of ensuring it never happens to anyone again. It doesn’t take a stance on whether it was the right decision to drop the bomb or whether it was a war crime per se. It lets you come to your own conclusion on that.

aresef commented on
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8 points · 23 hours ago


On Saturday, pot became legal here. It was like Black Friday at dispensaries I passed by. Marijuana will be taxed at the same rate as alcohol--9%--with some of the revenue to be set aside for communities that were impacted by cannabis arrests. Lawmakers expect to pull in $36 million in tax revenue from legal pot sales. Every county and Baltimore City will decide where their respective shares of that money will go. Baltimore City isn't sure yet.

The state's gas tax increased to 47 cents on Saturday, in line with inflation. Gov. Moore is asking the General Assembly to do something about the automatic increases, saying they hurt working families. Republicans suggest a one-day special session to fix it now rather than waiting until the next session in January.

The NAACP is calling out Baltimore police for a lack of transparency in tapping Deputy Commissioner Richard Worley to succeed Commissioner Michael Harrison, who resigned to spend more time with his family (but is for some reason still on the city payroll). They want a national search conducted.

Republican Dan Cox, a former state delegate who ran buses to DC on Jan. 6, got blown out big in the gubernatorial race last year. He appeared to have filed to run for Congress last week, but he says it wasn't him or anybody working at his direction. It could be another Dan Cox but, if so, it would be a Dan Cox using the same PO box he used for his gubernatorial campaign.

As he continues Maryland's push in the FBI headquarters sweepstakes, Gov. Wes Moore says the headquarters shouldn't go to a state with a governor as critical of the FBI as Glenn Youngkin.

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u/aresef · 12y
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