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Exploring the philosophy that life is a dream


Crossposted by1 day ago
Posted by1 day ago

What you conceive yourself to be, and what you perceive to be.

A dream meets this requirement.

From what 'eyes' do you peer while dreaming?

Those 'eyes' are part of what you conceive yourself to be.

Are you sure there are two?

Have they ever blinked?

1 point
Crossposted by16 days ago
Posted by16 days ago

'I'm alive' or 'I am' is a concept of being. A concept of being requires awareness. Awareness does not require a concept of being. You can never notice your absence, because noticing is conceptual. There must be a declaration of 'I am not' or 'where did I go'. How could that be when nothing appears to be. The absence, that you realize, is only in retrospect. You must remember that there was an interval of time between when you went to sleep and when you woke up, that there was nothing appearing to be, except maybe a dream or getting up to use the bathroom.

This is the nature of reality or awareness, that appearances are an aspect of reality. Reality makes no appearance. When there are no appearances, such as the state of dreamless sleep or prior to birth, reality is. Reality is in the absence of any appearance. You can not know when you are not. Such is the nature of reality. You can only know when you are. The state of dreamless sleep is identical to the state of death. You die every night in your sleep. This is why you were afraid of the dark and going to sleep as a little child. Experience taught you that there is nothing to fear. But still you harbored some doubt that continued to dissipate as you aged. Sometimes now and then this concern may arise if you have a serious health issue or feel threatened by circumstance.

Nonduality is a pointer to a realization that what you conceive yourself to be is not what you are. You cannot conceive of what you are. You cannot know that what you are is absent. You can only know that you are, without know what you are, without being able to conceive or perceive of that which appearances or experiences are dependent. There are 8 billion experiences are there 8 billion realities? With the termination of a unique experience is reality terminated or reduce in any way?

Any attempt at identification can only be with what is experienced. What you fundamentally are cannot be experienced. What you are remains in the absence of any experience.

You cannot know that you're not. Nothing is lost, except what you conceive yourself to be. Intervals of no appearance are timeless. That is what you are.

7 points
Crossposted by1 month ago
Posted by1 month ago

If you had free will then you could will yourself to stop thinking. If you could will yourself to stop thinking, then you would never think again. For in order to think again, you would need to have the thought to think again. Since you cannot have that thought, as you willed yourself to not think, you would never think again.

For those who still conceive of having free will, please start by willing yourself to stop thinking. If you can't control the thought process, what can you control?

'Of course I have free will, I had no choice' - Chrisopher Hitchens

31 points
Crossposted by1 month ago
Posted by1 month ago

What you are never sleeps. By what means will there be an awakening?

In deep sleep you are the buddha. In the waking state there are far too many distractions for that same clarity.

4 points
Posted by1 month ago
How to correlate the statements of the three acharyas regarding attaining salvation?

[Devotees asked some questions during some recent Satsangas and Swami replied to them, which are given below.]

[Shri K. Abhiram asked:- Shankara says that knowledge gives salvation. Ramanuja says that theoretical devotion (Vedanā) gives salvation. Madhva says that practical devotion or service (Sevā) gives salvation. How to correlate these three?]

Swami Replied:- Sadguru gives true knowledge (A→B). Knowledge gives theoretical devotion (B→C). Theoretical devotion gives practical devotion (C→ D). Practical devotion gives salvation (D→E). Now, Shankara told that ‘B’ gives ‘E’. Ramanuja told that ‘C’ gives ‘E’. Madhva told that ‘D’ gives ‘E’. Here, the attainment of true knowledge from Sadguru takes the whole time because once true knowledge is attained, other steps are spontaneous. In this situation, whether ‘B’ gives salvation or ‘C’ gives salvation or ‘D’ gives salvation mean one and the same. People may mock on this solution laughing about simple knowledge giving salvation. It is true that salvation is not obtained by mere knowledge. The reason is that such knowledge obtained is not true.

The knowledge given by Guru is not completely true. The knowledge given by Sadguru is completely true knowledge. True knowledge alone can remove ignorance, however much intensive it is. Getting true knowledge from the Sadguru takes the whole time because even catching the Sadguru takes a lot of time. Once you get true knowledge from the Sadguru, all the other steps are spontaneous and take no time at all. In such a situation, the product of the first step (B) can be linked to the final fruit (E). Even the products of second and third steps (C and D) can be linked to the final fruit (E) directly. The time taken by the first step is the time taken by the overall reaction when the subsequent steps are spontaneous. From this example of ‘Reaction Kinetics’, the three statements become one and the same. When you go to a doctor, he gives a prescription, you purchase those prescribed medicines and you use those medicines as per the prescription. Finally, your illness disappeared. When you say all these steps in nutshell, you will say that you have gone to such and such a doctor and your illness got cured. In this statement, the product of the first step is linked to the final fruit since all other subsequent steps are spontaneous.

Crossposted by2 months ago
Posted by2 months ago

Not our sense of touch. The light reflected from the object gives the appearance of continuity when we are no longer in contact with the object.

Conception itself is made more difficult without the benefit of sight or sound. Without the sense of sight, we have a very difficult time conceiving of body as object. The hardness of an object is then relative to the softness of the body.

4 points
Crossposted by2 months ago
Posted by2 months ago

What appear to be outside it's container?

2 points

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