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Posted by7 hours ago
GoldAll-Seeing Upvote

I stepped into the mirror and felt like I was submerged in icy cold water for a moment. Closing my eyes instinctively, I opened them again to find myself in another world.

The air was breathable and the temperature was similar to Earth, but that was where the similarities ended. The sky above was a rusty shade of red, the ground a pale purple color. This area of what was previously Hollow’s End was now a windswept desert wasteland. There were only a few buildings and sparse signs of civilization could be seen here and there in the distance.

But there WERE signs of civilization - which told me there were people here, or something like them.

The buildings in the distance were obscured partially by the constant sand blowing through the air, which stung my eyes. I got the impression of strange carnival-tent-shaped structures - their surfaces covered with spider web patterns.

Randy was up ahead, marching forward as if he knew where he was going. I ran to catch up with him, not wanting to yell.

“Hey man, where are we going? What’s the plan,” I asked, after I’d caught up to him. Then I realized who I was asking and it occurred to me just how deep in the shit I was. Back on Earth, I would never trust Randy's sense of direction or leadership qualities. What made me think they would be any better in this dimension?

“I dunno where I'm going," he said. "I was just trying to get far enough away from all of you to take a piss, but you keep fucking following me.”

For a second I almost granted him his privacy, but then thought better of it. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt, pulling him toward me. It helped that I stood at least a foot taller than him, but I could tell by his resistance that he had some sort of wiry strength hidden behind his bulky, ragged clothing.

“You have foregone all rights to privacy, Randy. That’s what happens when you repeatedly deceive me and disappear randomly for hours at a time. Do you have any idea how frustrating that is?”

He didn’t seem to be listening at all. At least, that’s what I thought at first. But then he unzipped his pants and started pissing right in front of me, staring in my eyes the whole time like a territorial street dog, indicating he’d heard every word.

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Dec '20; Jan '22; Best < 500 20/21/22; Immersive '21; Monster 22
11 hours ago

A possibility exists that there are people who had similar experiences to mine as to where they don’t know what is wrong with them. No matter how hard they try, they can’t quite put their finger on the missing piece. Cannot find the antidote. The gears that make us human are broken for the most part. They don’t move in the right direction, or some are missing, thus rendering the whole mechanism faulty.

I sometimes find a safe haven in my loneliness, but other times this room I live in feels like hell. I think hell is two places: the first is what you feel deep inside, and the other is a physical place. The sadness comes in waves and crashes against the shores of my fragile heart, breaking it ever so slowly every day. It’s all a whirlpool of sorrow, sadness and the fear for what horrors tomorrow might bring.

And living like this isn't easy, but I somehow manage to push through. The physical pain is excruciating, and the darkness in my mind is like a demon always trying to take control. It claws at the most sensitive areas of the mind, trying to rip out and kill whatever it can.

It all started when I was just a child. With that man. That man and his awful grin.

At first, I thought he was just a recurring nightmare. Then he manifested himself through sounds in the middle of the night. Sometimes a glass would shatter in the kitchen, or the door to my room would slowly creak open only to reveal nothing in the darkness. Other times, the room temperature would suddenly drop, making me shiver even on hot summer nights.

He changed how he wanted to be heard or seen as time passed. When I was a kid, I think I was maybe seven or eight years old, the man would make me wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of children giggling and whispering. He made me think rats scurried inside the walls. One time, the light in the room turned on by itself, and the lightbulb suddenly overheated and exploded in a matter of seconds.

The manifestation of the man had always been there with me through various stages of my life and in different forms. He would come unannounced, as he did when my grandfather died at 88 years of age. That day, the overcast sky complemented the sorrow we breathed in the air. The sadness embraced us all with its bitter and cold arms and sank its teeth into our tired flesh, delivering us into nothingness. Everyone who attended had their heads hung low. Some cried, and some stood there watching the coffin or the ground witness the end of life. The end of a cycle.

Except for one man. He was fleeting, like a speck of dust in the wind. He was there for just one moment. A wrinkle in time. I saw his wide grin from the corner of my eye. He watched from behind a tree but not hiding. He made sure everyone knew he was there. I think I was the only one who saw him. Fully dressed in black, a shadow, a ghost made of smoke. And as he stood there rubbing his hands with satisfaction, almost as if he was the only happy one at the funeral, I saw his grin and shiny chromium teeth. He glanced at me for a mere second and then disappeared, leaving me unable to move. He had planted the seed of terror in my mind, let it grow, and vanished into the unknown.

And after that, I hadn’t seen him for years. I forgot about him. I would remember, of course, the things that happened in my childhood, the unexplained phenomena, the trauma and him standing behind that tree at my grandpa’s funeral. But, I didn’t know if these happenings were real anymore, nightmares or just a figment of my imagination.

Occasionally, I would still jolt awake in the middle of the night. Muscles jerking and gasping for air. Sweat beads rolled down my temples, and for a few seconds, I would lay in bed scared and lost. It would end fast, and then I’d go to sleep again and forget about it the next day.

Posted by5 hours ago

I was already quite familiar with the name A. Jean Starcher before receiving this account. Starcher was a professor and historian at Marshall University, then later the Tri-state Historical Society, and until recently one of the few true academics writing about the history and folklore of the Ohio Valley. I appreciated her thoroughness and insights, her having grown up not far from where I currently reside. Which is why I think the news of her passing in 2020, at the ripe old age of 98, led me a few days later to the front steps of Fletcher & Harris Funeral Home in Huntington, West Virginia.

The venue was packed with people, and my plan was to slip in, pay my respects, and leave unbothered. Of course it’s always then that you find yourself in the exact situation you were hoping to avoid.

“Why Bobby, it’s so good to–oh heavens, you’re not Bobby!” The pale face of the elderly woman who had spun me by the elbow flushed with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, dear, you must be thinkin’ ‘who’s this old fool’,” she tittered, giving my shoulder a playful shove.

I laughed awkwardly in return. “Haha, no, sorry, I’m not Bobby. It’s quite alright though, ma’am.”

“So then, how did you know Rory?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Aurora. How were you two acquainted?”

“Um, I…actually, I’m studying Appalachian folklore, and...”

“Oh, surely not as one of her students? You’re far too young! She hasn’t taught classes in darn near 30 years!”

“Ha no, obviously not. I’ve just read all of her books and papers. She’s helped me more than anyone else, really.”

Her face soured, adding many extra wrinkles. “Even her…later works?”

Posted by1 day ago
Gold2Bravo!Are You Winning?Take My Energy3All-Seeing Upvote

I live on the streets.

When they meet me, people wonder why. I’ve made up all sorts of lies, and occasionally told the truth. Even rarer, somebody believes me. I’ve finally decided to set it down in writing, to record it for after I pass on, and so that I don’t have to repeat the story. Next time somebody asks, they can simply read this.

Most people just walk past a homeless person. Some will give spare change; that’s rarer these days, with fewer people carrying cash, but there are enough kind people willing to go into shops for me that I get by. Barely.

And even more rarely, somebody will stop to talk to me. Most homeless people I know don’t ask; we’ve all experienced trauma of some kind, and we generally don’t like to talk about it. My story is unusual though. I’m very articulate, and I’m fluent in English, French, Mandarin, German and Yoruba, with a decent understanding of Swedish, Korean, and Swahili. I’m also very good at talking my way out of situations, and persuading people to find common ground. With all these skills, people who talk to me ask, why aren’t I - for example - a well-paid translator or diplomat?

The answer is simple. Because those jobs take place indoors.

For the last seven years I’ve lived on the streets of a city in West Africa (I won’t name it). I get by on the charity of others and doing gardening jobs, and a bit of brick laying - in the early stages of construction, at least. I have to bail on those jobs when houses are nearing completion, as you’ll see. But I grew up in northern England.

My parents were (are?) fairly wealthy, and I attended a private school. Not one you’ll likely have heard of, but my education was excellent. My life was going very well; I had plenty of friends, and I was getting good grades in science, French and Latin. I had won a few minor piano competitions, and enjoyed skiing holidays in Switzerland most years.

I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m boasting. That’s not my intention; I’m just presenting my life as it was, so that you fully appreciate the contrast, and so that you understand I had no reason to run from it.

You see, just after my 13th birthday, after school on a Friday in June, I was supposed to meet some friends in a coffee shop in town. I was there first, and feeling very grown up - and wanting to show off when they arrived - I ordered a latte.

So there I was, sitting alone with my coffee, scrolling through Twitter, when a woman approached me. She was 40, maybe 50 years old, with long dark hair, and wore what looked like it would have been a very nice business suit ten years earlier. Now it was ragged, with holes and dark stains. She sat herself down opposite me, and stared at me.


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