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Posted by5 hours ago

Peru's President Pedro Castillo says he will dissolve congress, hours before impeachment vote

97% Upvoted
level 1
· 4 hr. ago · edited 3 hr. ago

A Peruvian redditor commented on another post. It seems this guy is alone and no one wants him. Congress voted to impeach him, regardless of his little coup attempt, and the military isn’t on his side either.

Edit: he’s been detained by police

original comment

level 2

the military isn’t on his side either.

That's how you know he's going to fail on his coup attempt.

level 2

Peruvian here. He was impeached while fleeing and his own security led him to the police to detain him. He is done for. Short-lived coup attempt.

level 2

Love that edit ✍️

level 1

And this is why checks and balances exist.

level 2

This is why Peru's state run oil company is being influenced by big oil.

level 2

What do bank papers and weight scales have to do with this?

level 1

That doesn't sound corrupt at all.

level 2

Very legal and very cool.

level 2

Perú constitution allows the president to dissolve the congress. But I have no idea under what circunstances. Fujimori (former president during the 1990s) did the same.

level 1

People are gonna needlessly die, yet again, all for a fucking ego.

level 2

He’s been detained by police.

level 2

I’m sure money is involved too. People will eat their children for a few bucks.

level 2
· 4 hr. ago

Maybe he feels bad about the size of his plátano.

level 2

Nah, looks like he utterly failed to seize power and has been arrested. Bet they'll charge him for trying though.

level 2

Never underestimate the power of the individual ego to guide development; Caesar conquered the Gaul and thus created the French entirely for his own ego, Alexander wanted to conquer up until the end of the Earth for his own ego.

level 2
level 1

Peru’s politics are so fucked.

It was either this guy, or the party that actively sterilized thousands of indigenous women in the 80’s/90’s to combat communists

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