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animist | mod
2 days ago
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animist | mod
2 days ago
Posted by
4 hours ago

English version:

In libro Joannis, Jesus dicit se esse Deum. Item dicit se velle suos sequaces unum esse in Deo, sicut unus in Deo. Ita sibi ipse contradicit dicens se Deum esse ac etiam in proposito unum cum Deo esse.

Posted by1 day ago

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The words we use in religious debate have multiple definitions. There is no 'right' definition for any of these words, but conversation can break down when people mean different things by the same word. Please define the terms you use. If you don't, you are presumed to be using these definitions:

  • god: A being or object that is worshiped as having more than natural attributes and powers
  • Atheist: holds a negative stance on “One or more gods exist”
  • Agnostic: holds a neutral stance on “One or more gods exist”
  • Theist: holds a positive stance on “One or more gods exist”
  • Agnostic atheist: doesn't believe god(s) exist but doesn't claim to know
  • Gnostic atheist: doesn't believe god(s) exist and claims to know
  • Omnipotent: being able to take all logically possible actions
  • Omniscient: knowing the truth value of everything it is logically possible to know

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Some Discords You Might Like!

A Discord for Debating Religion - For the debate of religious topics and practices.

Post-Ironic Debate - For philosophy, theology and politics. Debates of the Day; Resource Sharing; Praxis; and rules made to force users to defend their beliefs!

SkeptRepublica - A non-toxic place to hang out and discuss theology, politics, philosophy, history and more!

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