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What do you really want to do?


Posted by8 hours ago

Lately I’ve been feeling like I’ve wasted/messed up my life so far, and I am now dealing with the consequences.

Since a very young age I’ve been dreaming of leaving my country to study abroad and build a life there. I’ve always felt like a stranger here, and most of my friends are international. When the time came to go to uni, my family was against that dream because 1. “we can’t afford it” and 2. they were very controlling and did not want me to leave them. I recently realized that had I not been so influenced by them, my dream was definitely achievable.

Fast forward to now, I am currently unemployed, no degree and still live at home, an environment I desperately want to get away from.

I consider going to college here to study something I’m very passionate about, but there’s a catch: If I do, I will have to stay at home (and in the country) for 3 more years, otherwise I won’t be able to afford it. Plus, the field I’m choosing is quite competitive so there’s no guarantee I’ll be able to move out and find a job abroad even after I graduate.

It is however something I love and I don’t want to make another mistake and settle for something I don’t like.

I’m in a really dark place right now and I don’t know what to do. On one hand, I think that maybe I should suck it up, stay at home, get my degree, and take it from there.

On the other hand, the thought of being stuck here for three more years terrifies me. My 20s are almost over and I’m afraid of wasting what’s left in isolation, at a place I dislike so much. I often think about running away and starting over somewhere else with no plan.

Tldr; I’m 28 and feel completely stuck. I don’t know if I should stay at home for 3 more years to get a degree, or move abroad, which is my biggest dream, and start over with no plan.

EDIT: I can't thank everyone enough for the overwhelming response to this post. As someone who grew up in isolation, with emotionally neglectful parents, I've always turned to the people of the Internet for support and, once again, they have been incredibly generous.

Posted by11 hours ago
Posted by1 day ago

27M, no degree, no driver license, never had a girlfriend (virgin), longest job been bagging groceries and pushing carts for the past 4 and a half years. I feel stuck and just feel my life flying by, losing time.

I feel like a complete failure, not just as a man, but as a human being. In fact, I don’t really feel like a traditionally masculine male anyway, I’m some freak who’s into femdom stuff, most women expect men to dominate them.

I’m also not very good looking apparently, so it’s even more important that I make more money to make up for that and give women more of a chance to want to be with me (good looking or not, who wants to be with someone who can’t afford rent and bills? No one wants to be at constant risk of ending up on the streets).

I’m not saying all women are gold diggers, (I do live in the US, the western world, I’ll leave it at that, and yes I’m a white American, so don’t assume I’m from elsewhere, people can complain about their own country too) but really, I don’t think anyone wants to deal with constant financial insecurity. It doesn’t just cause stress and arguments, but genuine risk of ending up homeless, or (if lucky) back to living with family dependent on them. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a blessing to have, but it doesn’t feel great to HAVE to have.

I don’t hate my family, and it’s not terrible hell living with my parents. I do pay a little (while making NOT EVEN $400 a week) but barely save any money anymore and constant credit card debt, often taking the entire next paycheck and therefore relying on the credit card that week again.

I don’t feel I should be asking my parents to let me pay less (usually $300-$400, more or less, depends on the bill which varies, I pay $100 rent and two utility bills) especially at my age.

I rely on health insurance (which sent 26 I have to get from my own age, US law allows you to stay on your parents health insurance until 26) to afford my multiple prescription medications that will have terrible withdrawal if I suddenly stopped, even slow gradual reducing the dose can be very dangerous and shocking to the nervous system and brain and body) so less hours could mean losing health insurance. GoodRX would discount meds, but not the doctors visits to refill them, nor the blood tests or other potential procedures, ER visit I probably just wouldn’t even pay……

I take Uber/Lyft a lot, live pretty close to the job, usually less than $10 a ride, sometimes less than $8. My parents also often give me a ride so I’m kind of cheating I guess.

Besides the fact that I couldn’t afford a car anyway, I stopped trying to drive because of rage and panic attacks (mostly from loud sudden noises, even after getting on MORE medication for worsening uncontrollable explosive rage, which fortunately did help a lot) and constant intrusive thoughts.

The intrusive thoughts sometimes get overwhelming and stick around for some weeks or months, sometimes they fade away, it’s strange. I also have OCD so that probably makes it worse.

I have a million different ideas, just wish I could instantly bring into existence. The closest thing to that now is AI generating, but it’s not perfect yet and it’s also oversaturated with so many people already using it. It cannot however generate say, fully animated videos or fully automate video editing, definitely can’t create video games.

Posted by2 hours ago
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Posted by2 hours ago
Posted by5 hours ago
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For those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to make a living out of, but don't know how they can get there. Wanderers and contributors alike are welcome.
Created Mar 27, 2013





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