This is a place for lawyers and non-lawyers to discuss the legal profession and new and interesting legal developments from around the world.
r/law is moderated more heavily than most other subs on reddit. Please consult the Rules before posting or commenting.
r/law is dedicated to substantive, civil discussion of new developments in the law, legal system, and legal profession. In particular, articles about routine local law enforcement stories, police misconduct, proposed legislation, and electoral politics are usually off-topic unless there is some direct connection to an actual lawsuit. Trolling, sealioning, or purely partisan arguments are also forbidden. Off-topic posts and comments will be removed. Repeat violators are subject to banning.
r/law is not a forum for the solicitation of legal advice. It doesn't matter whether you personally intend to act on answers to your question, or whether you personally think your question constitutes a request for "legal advice". The moderators use their own discretion in identifying requests for legal advice. All requests for legal advice will be removed. Repeat violators are subject to banning.
Please direct all such questions to other subs, including r/lawschool and r/lsat. This includes requests that redditors complete surveys.
r/law is not a forum for commercial marketing of any kind, including market research. Further, r/law enforces the reddiquette guideline for self-promotion as a bright-line rule. Self-promotion must be less than 10% of a user's overall participation on the site. Violators are subject to immediate banning.
Post titles should be either direct quotations from the linked article (preferably the title) or short, objective, accurate statements of the content of the linked article.
If you have a question about something in the news, submit a link to a news article on the issue and ask a question in the comments. Do not make a self-post with a question in the headline.
r/law is a sub dedicated to substantive, civil discussion of new developments in the law, legal system, and legal profession. Soapboxing and slapfights (political and otherwise) are contrary to this purpose and will be removed. Violators are subject to immediate banning.
Personal attacks, trolling, flaming, etc. have no place in r/law. This is a subreddit for civilized discourse and participants are expected to treat each other with respect, even when disagreeing. If you are in a politically charged thread and someone disagrees with you, this is not cause to attack them personally. Violators may be subject to immediate banning in the moderator’s sole discretion.
If you make this place worse, in the sole discretion of the mods, we'll ban you.
If someone else has posted the exact same article and link or the exact same story before you, and you ignore the little warning screen that says are you sure you want to repost this, we'll ban you.