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Posted by1 day ago
Hashemite Soldiers Defending an Oil Field

When the Saudis, Egyptians, and Yemeni first went to war with the Hashemites, Emiratis, Kuwaitis, and Omanis, setting the Middle East aflame, few Americans truly cared. Fewer still realized what the effect on the global economy would be. The so-called Big Four oil companies in the world; British Petroleum, Shell, ExxonMobil, and Chevron, had invested heavily into the Pro-Western nations that were under attack from the Wahhabist bloc. As a result, domestic production, especially in the United States, had declined as these companies increased their reliance on Middle Eastern oil. However, several days after the '82 Midterms a combination of aerial and suicide attacks on oil fields, refineries, and ports suddenly deprived the world access to three of the largest oil producing countries in the world. The New York Stock Exchange would open to the catastrophic tanking of the Big Four's stock. While the two American oil companies still had significant refining operations in the US, many shut down because they no longer had any crude oil coming in. Gas shortages quickly followed as gas stations began to institute caps on how much customers could pump. Prices also soared to astronomical levels, with the average price going as high as $2. The largest economic crisis since the Great Depression had begun.

Overhead Shot of Rows of Cars Parked Waiting for Gas

The incoming Congress would immediately go into session to work with President Dole to forge a solution to the crisis. Unfortunately for the President, a not insignificant number of the Democrat majority in Congress was against any proposals for subsidizing emergency domestic production of oil under the mantra of environmental protection. Increasing international trade with other countries would also seemingly not be an option, as Germany began to decrease their own exports to compensate for the sudden downturn in the international market, while formerly export happy Persia, China, and Venezuela likewise decreased their exports to take advantage of the sudden increase in global oil prices. With weeks of deadlock presenting no real solutions, and the entirety of America feeling the pain from the incredibly high gas prices, the President began to look for other means of relieving the crisis. The solution would come from the one of the most unlikely of sources. Despite the economic crisis, Führer Franz Josef Strauss's visit to America continued as plan, with Strauss first arriving in New York City to watch Super Bowl XIV, in the recently built Giants Stadium north of Central Park, between the four time Super Bowl champions, and Strauss's favorite team, the Houston Oilers and the Green Bay Packers, in a rematch of Super Bowl III in '72, prior to the American Football League's absorption of the National Football League. At this game, Strauss would end up sharing a box with the son of the Giants part owner, Donald Trump, but more importantly with one of Trump's close friends, former Secretary of State Richard Nixon.

The Official AFL Logo for the '83 Super BowlStrauss Pictured at an After-Game Party Celebrating the Oilers' Win

Nixon would remind Strauss of a concept that he had mentioned in their previous meeting many years earlier, suggesting that it could simultaneously lead to greater understanding between nations while also helping alleviate the current global economic crisis. That night, Strauss would phone back to Berlin to have a impromptu teleconference with Deputy Führer Kurt Waldheim, Minister of Foreign Affairs Helmut Kohl, and Minister of Economics, and unofficial protégé of the late Albert Speer, Klaus Schwab. With all three of them being supporters of increased international ties to varying degrees, they also offered their own suggestions to Strauss, building off of Nixon's long lost proposal. On the train to DC, Strauss would work with his Private Secretary, Gerhard Schröder, to organize the final details of the plan he would present to President Dole.

The Three Most Powerful People in Germany behind Strauss; (From Left to Right) Deputy Führer Kurt Waldheim, Minister of Foreign Affairs Helmut Kohl, and Minister of Economics Klaus Schwab

Upon his arrival to the White House, Strauss and Schröder would be received by President Dole, Senate Majority Leader Russell Long, Senate Minority Leader Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State Howard Baker, and Secretary of Humanitarian Affairs Harold Stassen. Kissinger’s inclusion to the meeting would be awkward, as he had been born in Germany, but his family had fled to escape anti-Semitic violence. It would prove to not be an issue as Kissinger was a professional politician and prided himself on not letting personal feelings take the better of him.

The U.S. Delegation that Greeted Strauss; (From Left to Right) President Bob Dole, Senate Majority Leader Russell Long, Senate Minority Leader Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State Howard Baker, and Secretary of Humanitarian Affairs Harold Stassen

After all of the introductions had been made and the group made it to the Oval Office, the real business began. Dole would make it very clear that an international response to the Middle Eastern conflict was needed, as he would point out that even nations like Germany that had higher domestic oil production were struggling due to the overall global increase in prices. Strauss responded very little to Dole as he continued to make his case for why Germany should help America and Britain intervene in the war. After a few minutes however, Strauss would finally give full voice to his thoughts. He would agree with Dole that something needed to be done by the major powers of the world in restoring peace to the burning sands of Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula. He would than cause some surprise when he then went even further, suggesting that there should be some sort of international organization in place that would help coordinate international responses to any future international crises. Stassen would become quickly intrigued by what Strauss was beginning to outline, as would Kissinger, however he, unlike Stassen, retained an outward air of nonchalance.

As Strauss continued to unveil his proposal piece by piece, amidst eager questions from Stassen and almost theatrical pauses in which he would ask Schröder for papers that he would them hand out to the Americans, the somewhat skeptical Baker would bring a halt to Strauss presentation by asking what Dole & Long, also skeptics, had been thinking, ”Are you not just describing the ill-fated League of Nations? How would this…” Baker paused to find the paper with the name proposed by Schwab for the new international organization. Finding it, he continued, saying ”How would this World Forum be any different? I think we all remember the history lessons how how effective and influential the League was.”

Silence would reign for close to a minute until Strauss finally responded, saying ”Yes, you are correct in stating that this sounds like the League, however unlike the League the World Forum would not only be an affective international organization, but it would also do so without violating the sovereignty of those who are a part of it.”

”How can you possibly have both though?”, this time from Dole, ”The League collapsed because of arguments such as this. What would prevent this new organization from either being too weak to do anything, or so overbearing that no one wishes to chain themselves to it?”

”I discussed this matter with my ministers,” Strauss responded, ”We decided that for the Forum to maintain any weight, while also giving it the legitimacy to make other nations not only join, but also abide by proposed agreements that come out of it, there should be a Multipolar Council, comprised of several permanent members, representing the major powers of the world, and then several seats that are held by nations selected in lottery and then kept for a fixed term. This council would be the primary vehicle through which interventions, both military and political, would be enforced.”

”If this is to be the case then we will not only have to sell this idea to the citizens of our respective nations,” Kissinger said, speaking for the first time the whole meeting, ”but we will also have to convince the leaders and citizens of the nations that would be the permanent members of United Kingdom, Italy, China, India, and…” Kissinger paused, knowing that what he was about to say would not be popular, yet was still true nonetheless, ”the Soviet Union.”

Before he had even finished speaking, mumbles of dissent arose from the other members of the meeting, most prominently from Strauss himself. However Kissinger explained how it would be the only way to ensure that it was a wholly legitimate organization, otherwise it would set a precedent of exclusion that would live the World Forum crippled before it even starts. While Strauss remained unconvinced, he would nevertheless agree to an overture to the Soviets, as he voiced his belief that it would be unlikely for them to even consider such a proposal. The meeting would continue for another hour, with them hammering out some of the finer details of the proposal, including when they would publicly announce it.

It was decided that it should be announced as soon as possible, however they would hold off for two days to reach out to the governments of the UK, Italy, China, India, and the Soviet Union and see if they would agree to the proposal. In the meantime, Strauss would busy himself by touring the various museums and historical sites in the capital. Prime Minister Christopher Lee would respond in support of the proposal, however he would state concerns over how the Dominions would be represented, which was something that he would be told would be discussed at the conference to write up the treaty. Prime Minister Pino Rauti of Italy would also be supportive of the proposal, as it aligned with his foreign policy goal of making Italy a strong, non-aligned mediator on the world stage.

Italian Prime Minister Pino Rauti of the PNF

From Asia the responses would be more vague, as both President Neelam Sanjiva Reddy of India and President Deng Xiaoping of China were both currently embattled in national politics, however they both would at least promise to send representatives to the international meeting to draw up the official treaty. The Soviets would respond near the end of the 48 hour period, with the response coming from Soviet Foreign Secretary Nikolai Ryzhkov, ostensibly on the authority of General Secretary Konstantin Chernenko. It was a short message that simply stated he would await the details on the time & location of the meeting and then be in attendance once the time comes to ”represent the interests of the Global Proletariat.”

Foreign Secretary Nikolai Ryzhkov Delivering a Public Statement on the World Forum Treaty Meeting

With promises from the major nations of the world to entertain the idea of the World Forum and attend the meeting to draft the treaty, the time to announce the bold plan was now. However to address the more urgent current need of oil, it was also agreed that there would be a joint American-British-German intervention into the Middle East that would also be announced. And so in a joint press conference with President Bob Dole & Führer Franz Josef Strauss in the Rose Garden on February 4th 1983, they would announce to the world the bold new plan for the World Forum, an international organization and meeting place between nations, with Dole stating that representatives from various nations would gather to meet in Orlando on March 21st to discuss and hopefully draft a treaty establishing the organization. After they finished the discussion on the World Forum, they would then announce the imposition of sanctions on the Wahhabist Alliance and a joint American-British-German intervention into the Middle East to ”restore peace to the region and destroy the threat of violent Islamic action.”

Photo of the USS Douglas MacArthur after Entering the Persian Gulf as part of the Joint Taskforce

The immediate response to the press conference would be mixed, with many Republicans and some Democrats praising Dole for seeking ”inspired solutions” to the current crisis, while also working to ”bring about a more peaceful world.” Many House Democrats though, particularly the young radicals that had been blocking the introduction of subsidies to promote domestic oil production, started to make calls for Dole’s impeachment, denouncing both the military action and World Forum plan, calling the former illegal and the latter ”collaboration with tyrants.” Despite whatever their opinions may be, Operation Desert Storm was ago and there was no stopping it now, however there was still the question of the World Forum, and while the United States may help create it, there was no guarantee that they would join it, just like the League of Nations sixty years prior.

Sen. Bernie Sanders Denouncing Pres. Dole during a TV Interview with Phil Donahue

The Swastika's Shadow Link Encyclopedia

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Posted by13 hours ago

R/NFL is still blacked out because… people don’t want to use the free reddit app?

This is a little ridiculous at this point isn’t it? Where the hell are we supposed to tune out the blues of the baseball season with r/nfl and r/nba still blacked out! And maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think the free reddit app is that bad, atleast not enough to take your ball and go home like apparently the mods have. Imagine shutting down a sub with millions of members because what, less than 5% of members have to use a different app? This “protest” is just laughable

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Posted by20 hours ago
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Posted by14 hours ago
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Posted by23 hours ago

I know this isn’t the sub for it, but does anybody have information about when r/NFL may return? Are they a part of those subs that are contemplating locking down indefinitely?

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Posted by14 hours ago