Top Legislative Searches

Legislative trends for all state and federal legislative bodies across the entire United States over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and bill activity.

RankSimple SearchesRankComplex Searches
1china1labor AND rate AND repair
2pfas2fish AND commission
3tiktok3collision AND repair AND parts AND procurement AND insurance
4Controlled Substances4advanced AND driver AND assistance AND system
6Psychedelic6residential density AND cap
7Plant Medicine7"cement" OR "concrete" OR "carbon" OR "greenhouse" OR "climate" OR "GHG" OR "emissions" OR "carbon price" OR "cap-and-trade" OR "cap AND trade" OR "ccs" OR "ccus" OR "carbon capture" OR "geological" OR "sequestration" OR "Extended Producer Responsibility" OR "geothermal" OR "carbon tax" OR "EITE" OR "net zero" OR "net-zero"
8Alternative Therapies8school AND (status:enroll OR status:pass) AND type:B
9Hypnosis9pardons AND paroles
10insurance10Land AND foreign
11workers' compensation11Emergency Management OR or School Safety Drill OR SERC OR LEPC OR ESDA OR IEMA not appropriations not appropriate
12immigrant12"Emergency Management Agency" OR "$IEMA-TECH" OR "Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act" OR "$EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY"
13marijuana13"vapor product" OR "Vapor products" OR "vaping" OR "nicotine" OR "electronic smoking" OR "e-liquid" OR "Smoking device"
14waste14status:passed AND (cannabis OR marijuana OR marihuana) AND (advertise OR marketing OR promote)
15abortion15school AND (status:enroll OR status:pass) AND (not congratulating not recognizing not "In memory" not commending not commemorating not honoring)
16gambling16Health Occupations - Social Workers - Scope of Practice, Supervision, AND Application Decision Appeal Process
17education17"China" OR "Chinese Communist Party" OR "foreign ownership" OR "alien ownership" OR "tiktok" OR "People's Republic of China" OR "Republic of China" OR "Taiwan" OR "Huawei" OR "ZTE" OR "Chinese" OR "Country of Concern" OR "Countries of Concern"
18article v convention18"China" OR "Chinese Communist Party" OR "foreign ownership" OR "alien ownership" OR "agricultural land" OR "tiktok" OR "People's Republic of China" OR "Republic of China" OR "Taiwan" OR "Huawei" OR "ZTE" OR "Chinese" OR "Country of Concern" OR "Countries of Concern"
19student-athlete19"Biological sex" OR "puberty" OR "hormone" OR "bathroom" OR "restroom" OR "gender marker" OR "sex marker" OR "sex designation" OR "gender affirming" Or "drag" OR "gender change" OR "transgender"
20privacy20BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the official misconduct AND removal of district attorneys AND county attorneys.
21math21use AND file
22firearms22transgender OR gender
23community solar23status:passed AND (accountability NEAR school)
24building permit24Sexual AND limitations
25asset management25securitization OR securitize OR utility OR utility securitization OR securitization legislation OR cost recovery OR recovery bonds OR rate reduction bonds OR fuel costs bonds OR financing order OR Disaster Recovery OR Debt issuance OR Bond Issuance
26surprise bill26science OR scientific
27sexual assault27school AND (status:enroll OR status:pass not congratulating not recognizing not "In memory" not commending not commemorating)
28right to repair28school AND (status:enroll OR status:pass not congratulating)
29"OEM"29school AND (status:enroll OR status:pass)
30neonicotinoid30school AND (enroll OR pass)
31mers31salary increases to auditors AND tax compliance officers
32medical debt32Reiki, Bodywork, registration, energy healing, complementary health, alternative health, somatic healing, qigong, Asian bodywork therapy, affectation of the human energy system, words OR directed movement to deepen awareness of patterns of movement, accupressure, qi, meridians, message.
33maintenance management33Reiki, Bodywork, registration, energy healing, complementary health, alternative health, somatic healing, qigong, Asian bodywork therapy, affectation of the human energy system, words OR directed movement to deepen awareness of patterns of movement, accupressure, qi, meridians, massage.
34electronic document34prison OR "Texas Department of Criminal Justice" OR TDCJ OR prisoner OR inmate OR incarcerated
35"crash parts"35PFAS OR PFOA OR GenX OR fluor OR "ethylene oxide" OR microplastic OR "halogenated flame retardant" OR "organohalogen"
36"clean streams"36"pfas" AND "food packaging"
37"body shop"37pediatric AND concurrent AND Care
38"appraisal clause"38Pawn OR Money Lenders
39ambulance39"open education" OR "open educational resources" OR "open textbooks" OR "open source textbooks" OR "open-source textbooks" OR "openly licensed instructional materials" OR "open access textbooks" OR "open access resources"
40"aftermarket parts"40office of management AND enterprise services
41tax41Notwithstanding the provisions of this title, an employee who is sexually assaulted AND can identify the attacker may elect to pursue an action-at-law against the attacker, even if the attacker is the assaulted employee's employer OR co-employee, for full damages resulting from such assault in lieu of pursuing benefits under this title, AND upon repayment of any benefits received under this title.
42school42non-solicitation OR nonsolicit OR nonsolicits OR noncompete OR noncompetes OR noncompetition OR "covenant not to compete" OR "covenants not to compete" OR "restrictive covenant" OR "restrictive covenants" OR non-compete OR non-competes OR non-competition OR non-solicitation OR non-solicit OR non-solicits OR "restraint of trade"
43notary43lawn AND garden equipment
44media literacy44Landlords, rent fees AND maintenance charges.
45homelessness45labor AND employment
46gender46Jeremy Gray AND yoga
47epilepsy47In this section, "telehealth" means, as it relates to the delivery of health care services, the use of interactive audio, video, OR other telecommunications OR electronic technology
48digital literacy48internet service provider registry to make broadband internet access service quality AND network management practices readily available to customers in the commonwealth.
49dealer49("interest in land" OR "land ownership") AND ("foreign entity" OR "foreign government" OR "foreign")
50budget50Information AND Communication Technology