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Today I Fucked Up


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Posted by17 days ago
Posted by9 hours ago

So, this happened last night, and I'm still cringing at the thought of it. There's this girl I've been crushing on for a while now, and I finally managed to grow a pair and ask her out. She said yes, and I decided to invite her over to my place for dinner. I thought, "Hey, I can cook a decent meal, and chicks dig guys who can cook, right?" Oh boy, how wrong I was.

I decided to make some fancy-ass pasta dish I saw on one of those cooking shows. You know, the kind where they use words like "al dente" and "reduction" to make it sound like they're doing some next-level shit. I went all out, bought the ingredients, and even got a bottle of wine to set the mood.

Fast forward to the evening, she arrives, and I'm already sweating bullets. I start cooking, trying to play it cool, like I'm some sort of culinary genius. She's sitting at the counter, watching me, and I can feel the pressure mounting. I'm chopping onions like a madman, trying to impress her with my knife skills, when I accidentally slice my finger. Blood starts gushing out, and I'm trying to play it off like it's no big deal. She's clearly concerned, but I assure her it's just a flesh wound.

I wrap my finger in a paper towel, and soldier on like the culinary warrior I am. I toss the pasta into the boiling water, and in my haste, I forget to set a timer. No biggie, I think, I'll just wing it. Meanwhile, I'm trying to make small talk, but my mind is racing, and I'm pretty sure I'm just spewing out random facts about pasta and Italian cuisine. She's nodding along, probably questioning her life choices at this point.

As I'm stirring the sauce, I realize I haven't tasted it yet. I grab a spoon, take a taste, and it's saltier than the Dead Sea. I must've mistaken the salt container for the sugar one in my nervous state. Panicking, I remember reading somewhere that adding a potato can help absorb the excess salt. So, I grab a potato, peel it, and chuck it into the sauce like it's some sort of magical salt-absorbing grenade.

I finally decide to check on the pasta, and it's turned into a mushy, overcooked mess. At this point, I'm ready to admit defeat, but I figure I've come this far, so I might as well see it through. I drain the pasta, plate it up, and pour the sauce over it, potato and all. I set the plates down, trying to hide my shame, and we dig in.

The first bite is a disaster. The pasta is a soggy mess, the sauce is still saltier than a sailor's vocabulary, and the potato is just sitting there, mocking me. She's trying to be polite, but I can see that she is going to need a gallon of water to wash down this culinary catastrophe.

I refuse to admit defeat, so I muster up the most convincing smile I can and say, "Bon appétit!" She hesitates for a moment, then takes another bite, clearly trying to be polite. I can see the fear in her eyes, but I just keep shoveling the salty, soggy disaster into my mouth, pretending like it's the best thing I've ever tasted.

As we continue eating, I try to salvage the situation by making more small talk, but it's clear that the culinary catastrophe has taken its toll on the evening. She's giving me one-word answers and nervously glancing at the door, probably planning her escape route.

Finally, she can't take it anymore. She puts down her fork, looks me dead in the eye, and says, "I'm sorry, but I just remembered I have an early morning tomorrow. I should probably get going." I can see the relief wash over her face as she stands up, and I know I've royally screwed up.

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Posted by7 hours ago
Posted by5 hours ago

Today I fucked up. Well, last month but I just remembered after blacking out the horrific memory. I was attending the first day of a week-long Peer Support Specialist training along with a female co-worker and several other students from different workplaces.

The training would involve a lot of soul-searching, sharing stories of addiction, struggle, etc. As our job was to work with people in crisis. Anyway, a bit early on in the first day I ran to take a leak. When I got back everyone was writing on a flashcard they'd been given and folding them up. I asked my co-worker what I missed and she said I had to "write a secret."

Due to the emotional nature of our training, I believed we'd fold them up and hang onto them or something. Then we'd throw em away at the end or some symbolic thing like that. So, I write "I feel like a terrible father and sometimes regret having kids." I have a 1.5 year old. Impostor syndrome/depression is a bitch.

I fold it up and pocket it.

"Alright, I'm gonna collect everyone's cards now." The facilitator says. I think, huh? Alright. This must be some kind of trust exercise. Brilliant stuff. Wow. He collects the cards then puts them in a cup and shakes it up. Holy FUCK I am breaking a sweat now. I ask my co-worker what's going on. She shrugs. Okay.

He grabs a card and reads it. It days "I've been bit by a shark." Huh, weird secret. I'd tell everyone that. The class then points to one person, some are like "that's gotta be you. You look like a surfer!" Surfer dude confirms it's his and everyone cheers. I'm at this point seconds from jumping across my desk and stealing the bucket of cards.

He reads a few more and everyone correctly guesses the secret holder. "I was in a movie", "I was born in Canada" things like that. He grabs mine, which is the LAST FUCKING ONE. My co-worker, with me being the last one says "I guess we all know who this one is going to be!" The look on the instructor's face when he opened the card. He sort of half-pity-laughs. "I feel like a terrible father and sometimes regret having kids." The room falls silent and I just sit there wanting to crawl out of my skin and die. I raise my hand to confirm it's me. I learned later on he said to write a fun fact about yourself anonymously on the card. Not a deep dark secret. Fuck me.

TL;DR: Thought we had to write a dark secret on a card which we would keep during a class. Turns out it was a fun fact and I had to sit and listen to it be read to everyone.

Posted by1 day ago
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Created Mar 4, 2012


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