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Posted by6 days ago
Posted by
Pasco County
3 days ago
  • r/FloridaCoronavirus - Alachua leveling off after a rise... Swipe left for next slide.
Alachua leveling off after a rise... Swipe left for next slide.
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Posted by
Pasco County
4 days ago
Wearing is Caring

WARNING: Rant Incoming.

The Big Heads have decided that our clinic can run very well with just one provider on most historically "less busy" days, and our clinical staff are avoiding us like the plague. They do not want to take the brunt of work involved, and are taking vacation days as often as possible.

Yup, I can read the writing on the wall. Very soon patients will be able to book their appointments online, filling out their info by themselves, thereby eliminating the now prolonged and very detailed check-in process. That means even fewer personnel will be needed.

Did I mention that we now have telemedicine up and running in FL? Now people can pay twice, once to consult online, and once to be seen in person. That is, unless their insurance covers it. Many do. Consult your insurance package to see about it, or call the number on the back of your card.

The whole process is being sold as "bringing us up-to-date with technology". (What it also means is that they will be able to make more money by reducing that nasty overhead called "employee salaries".) But for those who can discern the type of sickness that can be treated online (like gum abscesses, sunburn, and foot odor) it will be convenient.

I have already scented the cues given by my superiors (as any seasoned worker might). Nevermind, I'm keeping my sight firmly on the future, and do have plans. I just hope that the other personnel are doing the same. (Still, I wonder what a fresh Covid spike would do to the new system. Every year they tinker, and every year it gets screwed up due to Covid.... Hah.)

Phew! End rant.

Here's the clinic illness tally:

We are getting more and more calls from people who tested and resulted positive at home. Some called telemedicine, who refered them to be seen at the clinic. Most are looking for a magic bullet: anything to reduce their symptoms. Many want Paxlovid, but don't even know what it's called. They don't even know that it's an antiviral...They just want something.

Due to our lack of providers and the new appointment system, people who know us for our previous ability to take a patients at a moment's notice are being frustrated. Late arrivals were offered a spot the next day only to scowl and say, "No, thanks, and thanks for nothing!"

Posted by
Pasco County
7 days ago
Wearing is Caring3
Coronavirus Cases

For the most part Covid seems to be spreading via the senior community at this time. The vast majority of our positive cases were 65 and above.

Take this case: Husband and wife walk in. Both are in their 70's. Husband looks like death warmed over, wife has the sniffles but seems to be keeping it together. The man has tested positive at home, but wants a second opinion because his wife says, "Those tests are old, and they might be giving a false positive."

I sullenly informed them that unless they spilled coca-cola or orange juice on it, that the test was fine. Cue a lot of "Oooos" and "Ohhhhhhhhs".

Then I asked: "Any idea where you contracted it? Been traveling? Went out to eat?" Nope and nope, so I mentioned something that I've heard more often - "Cocktails with your neighbors?" Yup. The astonishment on their faces was something to see.

Yes, the gentleman was positive for Covid, and given a battery of symptomatic medications.

This type of interaction was repeated over and over again in the past week. Incidentally, I read of another nursing home, this one in Portland, Maine - having an outbreak. No mention of the cause/place of origin.

We did have an occasional person in their 20's and 30's test positive, too, but they were rare. Most were experiencing the "headache that just won't go away", prolonged low grade fever, runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and a slight cough. Many had been sent home from work, but one had simply been curious due to awareness of the symptoms.

Our main concern in the past few days was for patients with tremendous, horrible ear pain. Numerous children and some adults were in agony. Children screamed as they waited to be seen. Adults were in tears. My coworker and I discussed this afterwards, and her one comment was, "Why do they wait until the pain is so unbearable? I would have brought my child in at the slightest sign of sickness." It does leave me pondering. All of those patients were fully covered by their insurance, so it wasn't money. This may be the effect of total avoidance of medical facilities, possibly due to distrust. One or two adults explained that they "Hardly ever see a doctor."

Our 911 patients arrived with a variety of serious situations: Narcolepsy, kidney stones, chest pain with arm pain and extremely high blood pressure, sudden lack of balance...and most of them avoided coming to us for far too long. They only showed up when their symptoms became unbearable.

Strep A is still with us. Numerous patients with sore throats tested positive for it. Curiously, it may be tied to the ear pain, too. Strep can manifest itself in other parts of the body besides the throat. Patients with sore throats that resulted negative for Strep were still sent home with an RX for antibiotics. I have no explanation for the sudden reversal of the providers' minds in this. Perhaps it's the lack of Covid. Maybe it's patient pressure. Dunno.

Posted by
Palm Beach County
9 days ago
Posted by13 days ago

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