

I'm very pleased that Revenge of the Librarians has been nominated for the Best Humor Publication award at the Eisner Awards 2023. If you are a comics artist, publisher, librarian, retailer, or educator, you can register to vote herein the Eisners here.


I’ve updated my Works in Translation page with links to as many of my books in other languages as I can find.

The Ukrainian edition of The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess is available to pre-order now.

My Kierkegaard print is out of stock just now. I may have a few more to add to the shop in a week or two, if all the ones I’ve sent already out get to their buyers safely.

My cartoons continue to run weekly in The Guardian and New Scientist. A recent one is below.


On the 13th of March I’m coming to Hamburg to talk live with Andreas Platthaus and Jörg Mühle at Literaturhaus Hamburg as part of Graphic Novel Tage. You can get tickets here. I will also be signing books at Strips and Stories from 4-5pm.

Revenge of the Librarians is out now in German, published as Die Rache der Bücher by Edition Moderne. More information is on their site.

My Shop and Art for Sale sections have reopened. I have a new print in the shop:


I’m coming to France next week. I’ll be reading, signing and talking about my comics at Médiathèque Françoise Sagan in Paris on the 25th of January at 7pm, you can book a spot here. Then, I’ll be at the Angouleme Comics Festival, signing at the Editions 2024 table on Saturday 28th of January from 10am until noon, and on Sunday 29th from 2 until 4pm.


You can get Revenge of the Librarians in good bookshops in the UK, US, Canada and France. Or follow these online links:

order at (UK)
order at the hive (UK)
order at gosh (UK)
order at (UK)
order at (US)
order at (US)

order the French edition
order the French-Canadian edition

La Revanche des Bibliothécaires (from Editions Alto and Editions 2024) had been chosen for the Selection Officiélle at the Angoulême comics festival 2023. I will be in Paris and at the festival in late January and will share details when I get them.


I’m doing a Revenge of the Librarians event at the Barbican Library in London on the 30th of November. I’ll be reading, talking, being interviewed and signing books. You can get tickets at this link.

The Spanish edition of La Venganza de los Bibliotecarios is out very soon from Salamadra/Penguin and I’m coming to Barcelona and Madrid:

23rd November: Reading/chat/signing, 6.30pm, Libreria Finestres, Barcelona. Book Here.
24th November: Signing, 7.30pm, Generación X, Madrid.
25th November: Reading/chat/signing, 7pm, Fundacion Telefonica, Madrid. Book Here.

The Korean edition of The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess is out now from Bear Books. Click here for more information.


I am coming to Germany to visit the Frankfurt Book Fair and do some events for both my comics and for Der Kleine Holzroboter und die Baumstumpfprinzessin:

Friday 21st October, 4-6pm. Signing at T3 Comic Shop, Frankfurt.
Saturday 22nd October, 11am. Signing at Buchhandlung Eselsohr, Frankfurt.
Saturday 22nd October, 4pm. Children’s event with Jörg Mühle at Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt
Sunday 23rd October, Noon. Comics event with Jakob Hoffmann at Goldstein Galerie, Frankfurt.
Monday 24th October, 9am. Reading for children at Stadtbibliothek, Stuttgart.
Monday 24th October, 7.30pm. Event with Thomas Klingenmaier at Stadtbibliothek, Stuttgart.


This week I begin my Revenge of the Librarians North American tour. Here’s the schedule (click on the city names for full details): Toronto, Ann Arbor, Chicago, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Columbus.


I’m coming to Paris for the launch of La Revanche des Bibliothécaires at Maison de la Poesie. I’ll be presenting a slideshow, chatting on stage and signing books on Friday the 16th from 7pm. UPDATE: this is sold out now.


Revenge of the Librarians comes out in the UK this week! On Wednesday from 7pm there will be a launch / signing at Gosh comics.

order at (UK)
order at the hive (UK)
order at gosh with signed bookplate
order at (UK)
pre-order at (US)
pre-order at (US)

The french translation' ‘La revanche des Bibliothécaires’ will be out soon from Editions Alto in Canada and Editions 2024 in France.

My new book Revenge of the Librarians can be preordered now. It will be out in September in the UK and France, and October in North America. There will be a launch / signing at Gosh comics on Wednesday 31st August.

The Shop and Art for Sale are closed for the summer. They’ll re-open in October. You can still order things but they won’t ship till I’m back.


I’ll be in Paris signing books at Millepages Jeunesse et BD on Saturday June 11th from 10.30am to 1pm. You have to book a place online if you’d like to come along.

I’ve added four new prints to the shop.


I’ve updated the Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess page with links (at the bottom) to the Catalan, Dutch, French, French-Canadian, Italian, Japanese and Spanish editions. I’ll add others when I get the details.


A cartoon about wordle for the Guardian:

To celebrate the new French edition of Goliath I’ll be coming to France and signing books:

Thursday 17th March, 5.30-7pm BDnet Bastille, Paris.
Friday 18th March, 3-5pm Angouléme comics festival at the Editions 2024 booth.
Saturday 19th March, 3-5pm Angouléme comics festival at the Editions 2024 booth.
Sunday 20th March, 11am-1pm Angouléme comics festival at the Editions 2024 booth.


I’ve added some new drawings to the Art for Sale section.

Editions 2024 are bringing out a lovely new hardback of the French translation of Goliath.


One of my weekly cartoons for the Guardian. See many more of them online here.


My next book will be Revenge of the Librarians, a collection of literary cartoons coming from Drawn and Quarterly in October. Details and an excerpt are on their site.


Happy New Year! The shop and art for sale sections are open again.

Three interviews I gave in December are online now: Max’s Boat , A Case for Pencils and McKinsey Author Talks.

The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess or, 木のロボットと 丸太のおひめさまの だいぼうけん, is out in Japan from Holp Shuppan. More details are here.


The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess has been chosen as the Foyles Children’s Book of the Year. They have signed copies with a limited edition signed print.

The book has also been chosen as a book of the year by The New York Times and New York Public Library, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe Booklist, People Magazine and The New Statesman.

The shop and art for sale sections are now closed for the holidays until mid-January. Any orders received over the break will be sent out when I get back.



A week today I will be talking about The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess and children's books generally with Stephen Savage hosted by Greenlight books. Details here.

I'm so proud that The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess has been chosen as a New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Book of 2021! Click here to read more about the books and here to read about the winning artists.

Le Petit Robot de Bois et la Princesse-Bûchette is out now in Quebec from Comme des Geants. Details of all editions of The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess will appear on this page.


The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess got a very nice review in the New York Times. Click here to read it.

Le Petit Robot de Bois et la Princesse Bûche is now out in France from Ecole des Loisirs.

I drew a cover for the latest, food and drink themed, New Yorker. You can read a little interview about it here. Prints and objects featuring the image can be found online here.



The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess is OUT NOW in the UK and North America! Click here for more information and ordering links (early orders really help as they let the shops and websites know that there is an appetite for the book).

Gosh comics have made a signed, limited edition bookplate to put in their copies and Foyles have some signed copies. Get them quick while stocks last.


The shop and art for sale sections are now closed for the holidays. Any orders received will be shipped when I’m back in early September.

I have made two downloadable Wooden Robot and Log Princess colouring sheets which you can find at:


I will be away during August, so if you would like anything from the shop or art for sale then please get your order in by 30th July.

The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess got a very nice starred review from Kirkus. Read it here.


I have added four new prints to the shop, including the cartoon above.


It exists! I got a real copy of my book! The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess will be out in August. It can be pre-ordered now from all good bookshops and online. Pre-orders and early orders are extremely helpful, as they let the bookshops and websites know that there is demand for the book.


My exhibit Apprentis Sorciers is finally open at Muséum de Toulouse. It consists of my science cartoons interacting with their collection. It was curated by Editions 2024 and supported by BD Colomiers.


I drew a cover, some play bank-notes and lots of little people for yesterday’s New York Times for Kids Money Issue. The cover is below and I’ll add more pictures to my instagram.

The exhibit 'Apprentis Sorciers' is finally open at Muséum de Toulouse. It consists of my science cartoons interacting with their collection and was was curated by Editions 2024. Visiting details are here.


My forthcoming children’s book The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess has been chosen by the Junior Library Guild as one of their 2021 Gold Standard Selection books and by Publishers Weekly as one of their Summer Reads for 2021. The book will be out in August and I’ll be adding more information and preorder links as I get them.



I drew a cover for the next issue of The New Yorker. You can read an interview about it here. Prints of all my New Yorker covers can be bought from their store.


The Shop and Art for Sale sections are open again. I’ve also added a new page titled Children’s Books, which has information and ordering links for my forthcoming book ‘The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess’.


A recent cartoon for The Guardian Review:




There are five new, science-themed limited-edition prints available now in the shop. One is shown above.

I have designed a Christmas card for the London Library. You can buy them from their shop.

If you’re buying my books in the coming weeks, please consider using a local, independent bookshop. If you’re in the UK you can find many of my books online at and



I have written and illustrated a book for children! ‘The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess’ will be out next year from Holiday House (in North America) and Templar Books (in the UK). You can read about it in the Bookseller. I’ll put up pre-order links when I get them.

Little Wooden Robot jacket final_lr.jpg


I have added Endless Journeys to the Shop and a few drawings to Art for Sale.

Editions 2024 have curated an exhibition of my prints at Maison de la Poesie in Paris to celebrate their forthcoming French edition of my book of science cartoons, Le Département des Théories Fumeuses.


The Laurence Sterne Trust has published a new edition of my Endless Journey myriorama, newly packaged in Jade Green Vanguard paper. You can buy it now in their shop.


I drew a short comic for the New York Times called Attempts to Create a Robotic Novelist.


My new book of science cartoons ‘Department of Mind-Blowing Theories’ is out now! You can order it from good bookshops and online. Russian and German translations are out now too. Please consider ordering from your local bookshop if you can.

Department of Mind-Blowing Theories
Hardcover, 160 pages. ISBN 978-1770463752. Published by Drawn and Quarterly / Canongate. More details and an excerpt are here.

order at the hive (UK)
order at (UK)
order at (US)
order at (US)
order at librarie d&q (Canada)
order at Gosh with bookplate



A recent cartoon for the Guardian Review

A recent cartoon for the Guardian Review


Sadly, because of the coronavirus situation, the launch party for Department of Mind-Blowing Theories at Gosh has been cancelled. They will still be offering the exclusive, signed bookplate edition of the book which can be pre-ordered and posted to you.

I will try to have a signing when things look better. In the meantime, please consider pre-ordering the book, preferably from your local independent bookshop:
pre-order at the hive (UK)
pre-order at (US)

I’ve put a few new drawings into the Art for Sale section.


I will be at Modern Graphics Kastanienallee in Berlin on Wednesday the 11th of March to read comics, talk, and sign copies of Abteilung Für Irre Theorien.



I drew a cover for The New York Times Magazine. You can see a short film about it here.




My new book of science cartoons ‘Department of Mind-Blowing Theories’ will be out soon. You can pre-order it now from all good bookshops and online:

Department of Mind-Blowing Theories
Hardcover, 160 pages. ISBN 978-1770463752. Published by Drawn and Quarterly / Canongate. More details and an excerpt are here.

pre-order at the hive (UK)
pre-order at waterstones (UK)
pre-order at (UK)
pre-order at wordery (worldwide)
pre-order at (US)
pre-order at (US)

I will be doing various events over the next couple of months to promote the book and will announce these soon. Editions of the book in German, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian will follow later in the year.


I’ve put some new drawings up for sale and added a new minicomic (which includes the cartoon below) to the shop.


I designed some limited edition promotional stamps for my illustration agents, Heart:


A recent cartoon for the Guardian Review:


I’ve put eight new drawings into the art for sale section.

The shop and art sales will close for the holidays on 11th of December. If you would like anything for Christmas, please get your order in as soon as possible.

I drew the cover to this week’s New Yorker. You can buy prints of the image here, or read a short interview about it here.


I am very honoured to have been made a Royal Designer for Industry by the RSA.


The illustration below is for piece about Thomas Edison by Casey Cep in the current New Yorker.


I’ve added a few new original drawings to the Art for Sale page.

A Ukrainian edition of Baking with Kafka is now out from Vydavnytstvo.

I contributed a map to ‘Archipelago: An Atlas of Imagined Islands’ a beautiful collection of illustrated maps, edited by Huw Lewis-Jones.



I will be in Italy for Festivaletteratura in Mantova next week. I have two events on Thursday September 5th.

Mondadori have published a new Italian edition of Mooncop. It’s out now. Details here.



I have added some new drawings to the Art for Sale section.

My graphic novel Goliath is now out in a Brazilian translation from Todavia Livros.

Drawn and Quarterly have announced that they will publish my next book in April 2020. Department of Mind-blowing Theories is a collection of one hundred and fifty of the weekly science cartoons I make for New Scientist. The UK edition will be published by Canongate and editions in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Russian will follow soon.


On 21st May 7-8pm I will be at Blackwell’s Oxford Westgate, talking with Alex Fitch about comics and signing/drawing in my books. The event is organized by the Oxford Comics Network and is open to all. Buy a ticket here.

I drew the cover for this week’s New Yorker Innovations issue. It is titled ‘Dog Walkers 2.0’ and I talk a little about it here. Prints of the image can be purchased at The New Yorker store.


I have added some new drawings to the Art for sale section.

I have collaborated with Eye magazine editor, John L Walters to create a limited edition poster (below) for the St. Bride foundation. The poster is one of a series called Collections and Collaborations and is now available from the St. Bride Shop for £15.


I have moved studios. My new address is 1 Bridge Mews, 122 Dalston Lane, London, E8 1FG, UK.

My cartoons continue to appear weekly in the Guardian and New Scientist. Here is a recent one:



I drew the cover for this week’s New Yorker. It is titled ‘Winter Garden’ and I talk a little about it here. Prints of the image can be purchased at The New Yorker store.



Happy New Year!



I designed some limited edition wrapping paper for my illustration agent Heart (see a detail below). It’s not for sale I’m afraid.



I have sold out of Endless Journeys, but you can still buy them from the Laurence Sterne Trust.

I just sent out a newsletter with festive gift ideas. You can read it here and subscribe here

If you've enjoyed any of my books and feel like leaving a review on Amazon, that would be lovely:
a list of my books at UK amazon
a list of my books at US amazon

I drew the cover for the current edition of Eye magazine, a special magazine design issue:



My new project The Snooty Bookshop is out now in the UK and North America.

It is a postcard book containing fifty literary-themed cartoons chosen from You're All Just Jealous of my Jetpack and Baking with Kafka, published by D&Q and Canongate.

order at waterstones (UK)
order at (UK)
order at wordery (Worldwide)
order at (US)
order at indiebound (US)



I have added four new prints to the shop (including the one shown below) as well as adding a new section of original art for sale.



My next project The Snooty Bookshop will be out in October from D&Q and Canongate. It is a postcard book containing fifty literary-themed cartoons chosen from You're All Just Jealous of my Jetpack and Baking with Kafka . You can pre-ordered it now:

preorder at waterstones (UK)
preorder at (UK)
preorder at wordery (Worldwide)
preorder at (US)
preorder at indiebound (US)


I am coming to Edinburgh and will be doing two events: 6.30pm August 11th at Golden Hare Books and 1.45pm August 12th at the Edinburgh Book Festival (with Hamish Steele).

I won an Eisner award! Best Humour Publication for Baking with Kafka.

I drew a cover for the New Yorker:



Baking with Kafka has been nominated for the Eisner Award for the Best Humor Publication of 2018.

I will be appearing at the Edinburgh Book Festival on Sunday 12th of August, in conversation with Hamish Steele and James Runcie then signing books. Tickets are on sale now.


My next published project will be The Snooty Bookshop, a set of fifty postcards featuring literary cartoons chosen from You're All Just Jealous of my Jetpack and Baking with Kafka. It will be released in late October but can be pre-ordered now: Amazon (UK), Amazon (US), Wordery (worldwide).

My cartoons continue to run weekly in The Guardian and New Scientist



I am attending a few events in the coming weeks. Click on these links for details:

Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg, 25th to 27th April.
UK - London, Free Comics Book Day at Gosh Comics, 5th May.
Spain - Madrid and Barcelona, Primera Persona 11th to 12th May.


I drew a spring cover for The New Yorker, a musical version is available on their website.



My exhibition Robots et les autres Accidents, which places my work amongst the collection of Musée Historique de la Ville de Strasbourg, is now open and will run until the 29th of April. The show was made in collaboration with Editions 2024.




I’m having a mini show of books and prints at B-platform in Seoul to celebrate Edition Jean Moulin’s Korean Mooncop.

Baking with Kafka is now out in German and Spanish. For a full list of foreign editions, see here.

I drew a comic about Karl Marx (in German) for Le Monde Diplomatique.

I have collaborated with Editions 2024 to make an exhibition for le Musée Historique de la Ville de Strasbourg. It is called Robots et les autres Accidents and will run 16th March to 29th April.


My cartoon for the Guardian will be appearing weekly on the last page of the newly redesigned Review section. The cartoons are in a new, longer format: see example below, or the whole lot here.

My shop is open again.

Korean Mooncop is here!



I drew the cover for this week's New Yorker. You can buy a print here.


The shop on this site will close on the 11th of December, but please order sooner rather than later if you want things in time for Christmas.

I've just sent out one of my semi-regular newsletters which contains various Christmas present ideas from this site and elsewhere, you can read it here, or sign up to the mailing list here.


I have one, last Baking with Kafka event this year. I'll be talking with Paul Gravett at The British Library on the 28th of November. After the talk I will be signing books and giving out badges. Tickets are available now at The British Library's website.


15/11/17 now stocks most of my books and offers free worldwide deilivery. 

I have added some new items to my shop, including badges, books and drawings. [update: the badges are sold out]

My US tour is over. Thanks to everyone who came or helped along the way. 


Drawn and Quarterly are bringing me and Baking with Kafka to the US tomorrow. See the poster below, or get more details on their site. If you can't come to the tour, you can get Baking with Kafka in good bookshops and online:

order at (UK)
order at (US)
order at (Canada)
order at waterstones (UK)
order at the hive (UK)
order at indiebound (US)



I've put a few new drawings in the shop.

Baking with Kafka is now out in North America! Thanks D&Q!


Police Lunaire (French Mooncop) is up for Le Prix SNCF du Polar. The prize is voted for by readers, so if you enjoyed it, please vote here:



Baking with Kafka and my other books are all currently under £10 when you buy from an independent bookshop through The Hive.

I'm going to be coming to London, Scotland and France to promote Baking with Kafka, please come and see me at Burley Fisher, Superheros, Quai des Brumes, Toppings & Co, Dundee Literary Festival or the British Library. Scroll down to the last post to see my US dates.



Drawn and Quarterly have just announced my tour for the North American edition of Baking with Kafka. More details on their site.


Baking with Kafka is out now in the UK from Canongate:

order at
order at gosh (signed bookplate edition)
order at waterstones
order at the hive

The next event for Baking with Kafka will be at Burley Fisher Books in East London, 7 to 9pm on the 5th of October. You can book tickets here.


 These badges are for the launch party of Baking with Kafka at Gosh Comics on the 8th of September, come along and get one.



You are invited to the launch party for my forthcoming book of cartoons will be at Gosh Comics on the 8th of September:

Baking with Kafka will be released in six weeks. You can pre-order it now:
pre-order at gosh (signed bookplate edition)
pre-order at (UK)
pre-order at (US)
pre-order at waterstones (UK)
pre-order at the hive (UK)
pre-order at indiebound (US)


Drawn and Quarterly will have early, signed bookplate copies of Baking with Kafka at their stand (#1629) at Comic-con San Diego from 19th to 23rd July.

Mooncop is nominated for three Eisner awards which will be announced at the con. [Update: I didn't win. Well done to all the winners!}


The launch party for my forthcoming book of cartoons will be at Gosh Comics on the 8th of September. Gosh are producing an exclusive bookplate edition which can be preordered here.


I've put a few more original drawings into the shop.


I got my hands on a real copy of Baking with Kafka which collects one-hundred and fifty of my one-page cartoons and will be published in the autumn by Drawn and Quarterly in North America and Canongate in the UK.

pre-order at (UK)
pre-order at (US)
pre-order at waterstones (UK)
pre-order at the hive (UK)
pre-order at indiebound (US)


I will be at ELCAF signing books at the Drawn and Quarterly booth, on Friday 16th June 1-2pm and Saturday 2-3pm & 4-5pm. We will have early copies of the new paperback edition of Goliath as well as my other books.

My illustration agent Heart have added new images and a video interview to my page on their site.


The New York Times published an all-comics issue of their weekend magazine featuring many excellent cartoonists. I created a two-page story titled 'View Finder' (shown below) as well as creating a comic-strip editor's letter and hand-drawing the lettering most of the design elements in the magazine. Thanks to Matt Wiley, Caitlin Roper and the NYT magazine team who created the issue.

Click on the image to enlarge.


Mooncop has been nominated for Eisner Awards in the Best Graphic Album, Best Artist/Writer and Best Lettering categories. It is still available in good bookshops and online.


I've put ten more original drawings into the shop. The Endless Journey cards are now sold out.

A cartoon for The Guardian.

A cartoon for The Guardian.


I have added ten original drawings to the shop. [update: These are all now sold. I'll add more in a few weeks]


Welcome to my new website.

The shop is open now, but uses a different system from the old one. Please email me if you have any problems.

A cartoon for New Scientist.

A cartoon for New Scientist.


The previous version of is archived at Wayback Machine.