
YMCA Camp at Horsethief Reservoir experience? by lackluster_love in Boise

[–]mcsb14 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It’s amazing! 10/10 experience and recommendation

what do i need to know? by Astraldicotomy in Idaho

[–]mcsb14 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If you are people then I can see how you’re arguing that you aren’t nice.

Moving to Boise by zOnslaughtt in Boise

[–]mcsb14 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Welcome! Boise is great for all these things you listed. You may be able to find a one bedroom apt downtown for that budget. The most likely neighborhoods for young professionals are downtown, west end (just west of DT), SW Boise, The Bench but probably more young families there than singles. North and East ends are also good for downtown and trail access. All those neighborhoods will be walkable and bikable. The Greenbelt is a paved multi purpose path anong the river and though downtown. If you can get to the Greenbelt, you can get a lot of places by bike. Enjoy it state and please treat it well- stay off wet trails, leave no trace, and allow drivers to merge in traffic.

Kate’s most recent instagram story👀 by FitCommittee3611 in belowdeck

[–]mcsb14 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Did she have to tho. Natural for people to speculate but it’s 100% her business to share or not

Anyone else think Kandi is lowkey selfish ? by godiegoben in realhousewives

[–]mcsb14 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Totally! And although she has loads of money, she basically supports her entire family, immediate and extended. I’m sure she feels a tremendous about of pressure there. Most people never shake the financial situation mindset they grew up with as a kid so she will likely always feel pressure to hustle since she grew up without money.

Mother’s Day experience by Late-Koala3343 in Boise

[–]mcsb14 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The Lively does a tea too. The cooking classes at Season and Taste are also a fun experience.

what do i need to know? by Astraldicotomy in Idaho

[–]mcsb14 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sounds like you’ve got it all covered then

Will my Corso be affected by my deployment? by KingTau25 in CaneCorso

[–]mcsb14 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Maybe time to Think about rehoming this pup and try again when you’re a bit more stable geographically. Otherwise you’re relying on others to train and develop your dog. Doesn’t seem fair to dog or your friends who will be raising the dog.

Advice for recent graduate? by thiccPo in Boise

[–]mcsb14 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Get involved with a non profit you’re interested in. The best people I have met were through volunteering and it helps you build community.

Are there Ballet Idaho archives? by lstud in Boise

[–]mcsb14 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There are no public archives. The choreography, costumes, and often music by individual musicians is protected for sharing without consent. Performances are occasionally recorded for artist or internal use but not for public consumption. The programs also won’t be shared online for similar reasons or artist protection- photography and written context, etc. perhaps a digital program is in the future but would require different permissions from the artists, which they didn’t have in 2013.

Blue and moving to boise (please don’t downvote me) by lcharbs in Boise

[–]mcsb14 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Boise is the blue dot. Everything else is overwhelmingly red, including Meridian. Stay as close to downtown boise as you can and it’s not so bad if you can ignore the state decisions.

There are only two correct answers to “is your dog friendly” and the answer should have been “no” by heathercs34 in dogs

[–]mcsb14 27 points28 points  (0 children)

I’ve never understood leash to leash introductions to strangers. Like, what do you expect is going to happen? My dog is friendly but would wish to play and can’t because they’re both on leashes. It just never makes any sense to me. At best, my friendly dog is frustrated that she’s tethered down she meeting a new dog. At worst, the dogs frustration turns into something else. Some one did this at the vet, in the waiting room, I was like she’s friendly but also has a mystery illness that has so far cost me $600 and we don’t know if it’s contagious but yes please go ahead and allow your sick dog to try and play with my sick dog in an office on leashes. My pup knows “leave it” on leash applies to other dogs we pass on walks. There’s a time and place for introductions and play and this isn’t it.

Nonetheless I’m sorry you had to experience that, I hope your dog fully recovers quickly and sounds like you’ve learned an important lesson.

Tuna in a cold pasta salad? by Jolie-Fille in EatCheapAndHealthy

[–]mcsb14 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I make a favorite tuna pasta salad with shells, tuna, Mayo, green onions and cilantro. It’s been a generational family cook out favorite. You could sub the pasta shape to whatever you have on hand.

My Dog is sick and we can’t afford the suggested course of action. by RowSubstantial7143 in dogs

[–]mcsb14 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes was going to suggest care credit. My dog had pancreatitis earlier this year. It’s no joke. I hope you get it worked out.

Is it just me or has Gary taken a heel turn this season? by MrFantastic74 in belowdeck

[–]mcsb14 21 points22 points  (0 children)

One thing is clear, he’s a terrible leader. His philosophy of crap talking his team behind their backs but not actually giving them any direct feedback is so immature and shady. He’s always been a slime ball imo.

Will Danielle be invited to the wedding? by 125in2021 in summerhousebravo

[–]mcsb14 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I’m with you. ALL Danielle needed to hear was “this change must be really hard for you. I get it will take some adjusting for you”. Literally just an acknowledgement of what Danielle is feeling. Instead it’s a massive defense hatred reaction from Lindsey every time Danielle dares to mention how she feels. It’s ok to be happy your friend is happy and also to be grieving what you lost in that friendship. Certainly she’s been acting out but I swear one recognition from L would put it all to rest. D has been begging for that.

Adopted a dog 7 months ago, previous owner won't leave us alone and keeps visiting. Any advice? by [deleted] in dogs

[–]mcsb14 29 points30 points  (0 children)

I’d be very clear about the expectations. When they are broken, reenforce. “As we discussed, this isn’t a good time. I need you to text first and only on Saturdays. Have a good day”” or whatever. If it continues then you say, you haven’t been respecting my boundaries and we’re going to have to sever communication now. Goodbye. And then you don’t answer the door.

Will Danielle be invited to the wedding? by 125in2021 in summerhousebravo

[–]mcsb14 -14 points-13 points  (0 children)

I doubt it. I havent seen Lindsay try to make amends at all