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Posted by3 months ago
Crossposted by2 years ago
Posted by2 years ago
  • u/bandit_iguess - Just a story that me and my friends came up with, hope you guys enjoy the prologue!!
Just a story that me and my friends came up with, hope you guys enjoy the prologue!!
1 point
Posted by5 years ago

“Cyeote! Help!” Lil cried out.


Cyeote panted, his heart count was getting higher, but it didn’t seem to be enough to dare challenge the wither. He gripped his sword, blessed five times over by the purple robed monks of Newbie hill and gritted his teeth.


Lil Screamed again, and he knew it was now or never- Crying out against the pain in his leg and side, he leapt from cover, right in front of Lil.


The Wither recoiled- almost seeming to be surprised, allowing Cyeote to land an initial blow against his unprepared foe.  

The Holy energies of the sword immediately ravaged the skeletal monstrosity, causing it to roar in pain and rage.

1 comment
Posted by8 years ago

Michael didn’t feel well. He was airsick. He should have been excited; he was going on holiday for the first time in 3 years. But something didn’t feel right, he was bored, bored of his reality. Before he realised, he was starting to fall asleep... He dreamed. He dreamed of falling, wasn’t he in the plane? Where was he? Were the brief thoughts that passed through his mind as he fell. Something was starting to come into view. Land? He thought. Am I going to die? But as the thing got closer, he realised it was some sort of hole. But how was that possible? You can’t just have a hole in open space? He closed his eyes to brace for impact… but none came? He opened his eyes it had been a hole after all. But the question was. Where was he now? This was impossible. The world was made of squares? Yes the ground was made of green square tiles for as far as he could see. He looked down. Now this was weird. His legs were made of squares too?! He stretched out his arms. Square too.

This wasn’t possible. Was it? He decided to look around. He wandered for what felt like a few hours. Eventually he came across a tree, at least that’s what he thought it was. But yet again it was square. Then he got frustrated, where was he? Why was he here? Why him? He punched the tree to let off steam. And again something strange happened, where his fist made contact cracks spread through the log. He drew back his fist and the cracks vanished. He hesitated for a moment and punched the tree again. The cracks spread back; he punched with his other fist and then with drawled his first fist to punch again, the log broke, but not exactly. In its place a smaller version lay, floating lightly above the bottom block of the tree. He reached out to grab the log, and it popped, disappeared into thin air, but what was this feeling? It was like the log hadn’t vanished from reality, then he realised, it was inside his head. He closed his eyes and concentrated. There was something inside his head. An interface of some sort? He looked closer, the log was there! He focused and realised he could move the block around the various slots and then he tried throwing it out the inventory, when he opened his eyes their laid the block, still in shrunken form. “Okay” he said out loud “I can break and pick up logs, but how do I put them down in normal form?” then he felt a possibility. He picked up the block into his mind and with his mind he placed it into his hand, he reached down and placed the small block on the ground, it began to grow until it reached its normal size. He broke the log and the rest of the tree, and carried on with his journey, after sometime he reached a place where the grass (presumably that’s what it was) seemed to die and go brown, he looked ahead and saw a dessert; there was what was probably meant to be a cactus. From out behind it, the ugliest thing he had ever seen strolled out. “A duck?” he thought at first glance, but as he looked it over he realised it was a chicken. “So I’m not the only thing here huh?” then he heard a loud popping noise and a square egg laid next to the chicken, he picked it up into his mind and looked at it. He mentally put into his hand. He glanced down at the egg. He tucked the egg into his inventory. Now for an experiment. He reached forward and grabbed the chicken. It didn’t disappear into his inventory, instead it turned around at him angrily and pecked his face he let go of the chicken “so I can still be hurt huh?” With this carefully in mind, he wandered deep into the dessert. And then the sun set. …

What was that? Growling where?! He turned around, afraid of what he might see, he turned back round, and there it stood. A green man with torn clothes, arms outstretched, and if he could say, very bad teeth. It had a faint purple glitter to it. It looked at him hungrily, and without warning struck him. He turned around and ran as fast he could. He didn’t like this anymore, where was he, why was he here, was he going to die? These thoughts rushed through his mind as he ran. He saw something in the distance, a person? Maybe they could help him get out of here! But as he approached the figure he realised something was wrong. As he got closer, he realised what it was. It wasn’t a person! It was a skeleton! He stopped in his tracks the skeleton turned round. How was this possible?! Surely it was dead?! He noticed the skeleton was wielding a bow which it raised to fire. it too had a faint purple glitter. He did the same as with the green man, and turned to run and sprinted as fast as he could, an arrow flew over his shoulder but he didn’t stop running. Eventually he was surrounded by skeletons green men and a few other monsters, all with purple glitter. Just as he was about to give up hope, an idea struck him, he grabbed the logs he had collected and started jumping whilst placing them under him until he felt he was safe. Surely they would give up eventually? He held on tight to his precarious tower and fell asleep…

He was woken up by the rising sun and nearly fell off his pillar, the monsters were still their but, and they had started burning in the light. This gave him hope, the monsters weren’t invincible, and as the last green man crumbled to dust he felt somewhat triumphant, and nearly fell of his pillar. With uttermost care he broke apart his pillar and carried on his journey through the sands… eventually he reached what seemed to be an ocean, careful to make sure it was safe, he gingerly dipped a toe in the water, it felt surprisingly normal. He tried to pick it up, but it poured in square shape drips onto the sand. And then he had an idea. Using the logs he had collected he built a raft to take him across the strange ocean of this new world. He couldn’t remember how long he had floated on his raft, it felt like days, maybe it was longer… then when he felt he was going to die of hunger; he saw something in the distance, an island? He grabbed his makeshift paddle and rowed towards the island. It was noon before he arrived and the sun was setting, he had to hide! He broke his makeshift raft and using the wood built 4 walls around himself and fell asleep, waiting for mourning… he awoke to the sound of shouting, was the dream over? As he opened his eyes he nearly had a heart attack. Surrounding him were 5 square people, just like him! The apparent leader who was nudging him with his foot was tall, his head was bold but he had a beard and an angry expression on his face, behind him was a skinny but taller man with brown hair, he appeared to be covering his mouth with his jacket, next to him was a man wearing sunglasses and a jacket, he looked vaguely like that guy from gan man style. Then there was a shorter and chubbier man who looked a bit younger than his cohorts. Lastly there was a girl in a green shirt with blond hair. He looked around at the people and said “who are you?” Michael asked “We” the leader began “are the people who are going to ‘save’ this world”. “Save it? From what?” asked Michael? The leader broke a hole in the wall “look out there, what do you see?” he said gesturing for Michael to come see. As Michael peered out the hole, he saw some green men wondering around. He pulled his head out “you mean the monsters?” the 5 strangers nodded. “So what do you want with me?” Michael asked. “We just want to verify” said the leader “Why are you here?” Michael hesitated for a moment, but answered “I fell asleep on the plane, and woke up here”. “You too?” said leader before turning back to his team “okay now we know for sure”. “Know what?” asked Michael. “That were not dreaming” the leader replied. Michael replied “of course I’m dreaming, there’s no way this could be real!”. The leader shook his head. “It’s real, otherwise who’s dreaming it? We have been stuck here for 4 years”. “Four years!” exclaimed Michael. The group gave a sad nod in perfect unison. “But that’s insane! How did you survive!” he exclaimed. “How can we not? Whenever we die we are just reborn” said the leader. “Really?!” said Michael, “I didn’t know that, that would have been useful to know”. “Enough about that said the leader, we’ve got a goal, we believe if we rid this world of monsters we will go home, but like us they respawn, however, they’ve got a weakness, they respawn using a special cage, if we destroy all the cages they won’t respawn. “Okay” said Michael “how can I help?” The boss smiled “I’m Obsidi-dan, this guy’s Pork chop” he said gesturing to the cubby one “he’s birch” he said pointing to the one with brown hair, “this guy’s smooth stone” pointing to the man who looked like he was from gan man style, “oh and this lady is rose” he said referring to the one woman amongst the group. “Okay. I’m… I don’t know…” said Michael. Obsidi-dan patted him on the shoulder and said “None of us know our names; we were forced to make our own. Come with us and I’m sure you will find a name you like” …

Posted byu/[deleted]8 years ago
Posted by
loves the Nether
9 years ago

Part 1

Part 2

Dylan stared deep into the witch's purple, seemingly lifeless eyes. Suddenly, its eyes began to glow, and again it spoke:

"Dylan," she spoke, "you are a fool. You come from a line of forbidden human beings. You have deceived the Creator, and she has grown impatient and furious with the past and future actions of your blood. Your ancestors and descendants have interfered with her plan time and time again, and have even attacked and destroyed her own blood. But now, it is time to bring it all to an end. Your descendants shall cease to exist in the bloodline, and her plan shall continue once again."

Dylan paused, then slowly smirked back at the witch.

"You're wrong," he said. "You have wreaked havoc upon the Earth. You have destroyed cities and obliterated civilizations. The one you call 'the Creator' is merely an ant compared to the true Creator, who must frown upon her actions as well as those in her blood, including you. One day, all of you shall pay for your sins and shall be sent back into the depths of Hell far beyond the known lands of the Nether! You shall suffer far worse than eternal damnation, for it is far from proportional to your crimes! The child of Sheoul and Necropolis could not punish you enough for what you've done! You are all evil and wicked, and I shall not stand for it! Nor shall the Creator! Begone, foul witch, or I shall end your life here!"

Dylan drew his sword, and the witch gazed at it for a moment, before looking back at him with a twisted smile.

"Fool," said the witch, "you are merely playing her game. A game which once entered, cannot be exited until won or lost. And your blood shall inevitably lose."

Dylan charged forward and stabbed the witch through the chest, blood dripping from the tip of the blade on the other side of her body. As the witch looked at him with hatred and horror, he looked her in the eyes and spoke, with a smirk:


About Community

MinecraftStories is a simplistic subreddit I made when I saw an awesome story on r/Minecraft by the name of "Chasing Clouds" (Author couldn't be found) that inspired me to make this. This is for poems or stories ONLY, though you may post links to screenshots with them.
Created Mar 18, 2013





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