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Joderry commented on
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1 point · 4 hours ago · edited 4 hours ago

If I was to ELI5 this change, it would be like this:

We made polymorph better BUT we noticed that it can also benefit the enemy... So we removed that.

Is this broken? I dont know, but they undoubtably made it stronger and removed all the factors that can make you second-guess casting Poly (Except for DR but c'mon now..).

Joderry commented on
Posted by
1 point · 4 hours ago

You play the hero, like the ones on Paw Patrol! And you get to ride on your own little paw patrol pets, and you can have big SWORDS!

There's also DRAGONS. Good dragons but also MEAN DRAGONS!.. :(

The mean dragons are trying to decide all the rules and stuff but eventually... if you get strong enough, then you can stop them! Or so we think.... :)

Joderry commented on
Posted by
1 point · 6 hours ago

Lol jag är en hungover finn och seglar framför din Coast på Vikingline. Hittade subben på accident. Detta är set weirdaste fråga, tänker ni om göterborgarna som olika? Är det satire? Är jag missing hela pointten?

Anyway gud bless you. Helan går. Fralle fralle.

PS. Furusund är vackert like nobody's business. Def ska kolla upp B&Bs där.

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1 point · 4 hours ago

Det är ett svenskt personlighetsdrag o tycka att alla utomstående är annorlunda. På gott och ont. Alla ser Stockholmare som annorlunda, så om Stockholmare inte såg andra som annorlunda så skulle det bli konstigt eftersom vi alla är svenskar.

Men så är inte fallet. Stockholmare ser Göteborgare som annorlunda. Norrlänningar ser Skåningar som annorlunda. Enkelt talat så kan man säga så att ALLA typer av etniciteter ses som egna kulturer, om de skiljer sig från dig ^^

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Posted by7 hours ago
1 point · 5 hours ago

Just start it when you go to bed :)

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Op2 points · 5 hours ago

I took a chance and did it. It took 5 minutes :D And I also did a faction change which took like 2-3 minutes. 10/10 service

Joderry commented on
Posted by
0 points · 8 hours ago

Soo many armchair devs. If you want an easier fight, do a lower key

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1 point · 7 hours ago

When the keys actually do make ALL enemies stronger, why should affixes make the dungeon tedious and boring? There's no reason it HAS to be like that. They just decided to not get creative with it.

Joderry commented on

DPS is easier to play than healer. Change my mind.

Posted by
69 points · 11 hours ago

Yea we do because our dps alts in blues are the same rank we worked for on our mains lol.

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-18 points · 7 hours ago

I agree but chuckled at the way you worded it because it sounds like an Andrew Tate quote, if he played a High Value Healer.

2 points · 2 days ago

it does no significant dmg you only use it defensive-wise. its good against rogues in the opener because you have more HP and a stun

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Op2 points · 2 days ago

Thanks! Final question What's your take on counterstrike totem? Considering it's mostly viable against people who don't understand the game, maybe it doesn't have any uses in RSS. Or maybe people use it in blade's edge due to the level change (putting it up on the edge of the ledge when the fight happens on the floor of the arena, VS 2x DPS, forcing the melee to either waste a gap closer to reach it OR to spend 5+ seconds running up to kill it ).

2 points · 2 days ago

it might be working at your CR but its terrible the higher you get. People just insta kill it and thats it.

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Op1 point · 2 days ago

At your cr, do you have to dispell as a elemental or is that still the healer's job?

Also wondering about the value of cleanse spirit.

The one talent that prevents me to choose cleanse spirit is the 10 sec shorter gust of wind. It feels valuable but that again can be due to my CR

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