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Hollywood teachers may more accurately reflect real life

Hollywood teachers may more accurately reflect real life

Hollywood portrayals do not reflect a social hierarchy where teaching has declined in status along with salaries and conditions.

  • by Tom Alegounarias


Humanitarian aid fights its ‘outdated’ image

Humanitarian aid fights its ‘outdated’ image

You don’t need to be whizzing off to an international crisis to make a difference in a humanitarian organisation.

  • by Sue White
The government has an opportunity to address wage theft issues

The government has an opportunity to address wage theft issues

Reducing wage theft through shared enforcement.

  • by Stephen Clibborn
How unreliable emotional responses could hurt your career

How unreliable emotional responses could hurt your career

An over-reliance on emotional responses in the workplace may misdirect decision-making.

  • by Jim Bright
Office dog policy gives flatulent worker convenient scapegoat

Office dog policy gives flatulent worker convenient scapegoat

Insinuating an animal may be responsible for a one-off gas crime is cheeky. Making a dog the fall guy for your week-long spree may go beyond mischievous opportunism.

  • by Jonathan Rivett
The woman thinking about how to feed nearly 10 billion people

The woman thinking about how to feed nearly 10 billion people

Can science help safeguard the future of food, and bring jobs at the same time?

  • by Sue White
Career failures and how to learn from them

Career failures and how to learn from them

Failure in a career is rarely given much credit for the learning experience it can provide.

  • by Jim Bright
Bad language: Can employers force employees to speak English?

Bad language: Can employers force employees to speak English?

Are employers out of line if they require you to only speak English to your work colleagues?

  • by Jonathan Rivett
A career door to develop everything from drugs and cosmetics to paint

A career door to develop everything from drugs and cosmetics to paint

Pharmaceutical scientists: The people who ensure your medications, cosmetics, and even your paints, are up to scratch

  • by Sue White
The COVID legacy: How some broke free from a career path they may have resented

The COVID legacy: How some broke free from a career path they may have resented

If ever there was a good excuse to make a big change in career it was the pandemic. We are not the same as we once were, and we look at work differently.

  • by Jim Bright
Spoiler alert: Dealing with a colleague who always gives away the ending

Spoiler alert: Dealing with a colleague who always gives away the ending

Is exclusion the best strategy for dealing with a colleague who constantly gives away TV and movie plots before you’ve seen them?

  • by Jonathan Rivett