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Atyzze commented on
Posted by
7 points · 37 minutes ago

Babe... wake up... the EY Global Blockchain Summit 2023 videos dropped...

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1 point · 25 minutes ago · edited 7 minutes ago

Thanks for the link! Just started watching, loving the parallel he draws to building rail roads. This is a perfect analogy to explain where blockchain technology currently is. We have rails. We have trains. We just need to actually build train stations and railroads. In this context, businesses running their own staking node = a train station. And railroads are the interfaces between their local Ethereum staking node and the corporate ERP software and other interfaces.

8:03 and here he's drawing another perfect analogy between the dot com bubble and the crypto bubble. General gist is that the financial dot com bubble busted and then it still took 20 years before ecommerce would become as big as expected during peak bubble times. Similarly, we already had our crypto bubble and we're now in a winter, but we will still get to be as big as was expected during the bubble. The expectations (and valuations) weren't wrong, they were just way too ahead of themselves.

14:14 cheezus christ he's gooooooood. I think I found my end-all go-to link for anyone doubting that Ethereum is here to stay and will forever continue to see more adoption just like the internet as a whole did.

Atyzze commented on
Posted by
Score hidden · 31 minutes ago

That's a thought-provoking statement. It seems you're speaking to the concept of mindfulness, or being fully engaged and present in each moment. By giving full attention to the here and now, one might be said to be experiencing a tiny slice of "eternity" - a term that generally connotes timelessness or infinity.

In the context of your metaphor, "microdosing" suggests taking in small, manageable quantities of something potentially overwhelming or transformative, much as one might do with a potent substance in the practice of microdosing.

So, when we are present in each moment, fully engaged and not distracted by thoughts of the past or future, we are indeed, in a sense, 'microdosing' eternity: experiencing the vastness of existence in a way that is within our human capacity to comprehend and appreciate.

This is a beautiful perspective on mindfulness and existence, which echoes many philosophies and spiritual teachings. It suggests a profound respect for the present moment, acknowledging it as the only point in time we can truly experience and influence. It also implicitly challenges the often fast-paced, future-oriented mindset of modern society, suggesting a slower, more deliberate approach to life.

Atyzze commented on
Posted by
3 points · 2 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago

Something you’re looking forward to?

Back in the time I was an inpatient, the therapy center got closed down. Luckily near the end of my treatment. Others, sadly not so much. Early in my therapy I already realized I'd most likely enjoy being a therapist myself. Now years later, I can finally say I am and am now working my way up to the healthcare chain to hopefully one day revive the clinic that saved my and many others their lives. I am enjoying being on the providing side. I am looking forward to eventually rebirth that therapy center. Once I get the funding I'll try to get in touch professionally with some of the most amazing therapists I've had the pleasure to meet. I know I'll get there, just a matter of time :)

Atyzze commented on
Posted by
1 point · 3 hours ago

First of all, good job on reaching out and taking yourself serious enough to ask for advice! :)

I can provide some general insight and terminology that might help you better articulate your feelings and experiences.

From your description, it sounds like you may be experiencing some form of compartmentalization, a psychological defense mechanism in which we separate different aspects of our lives into "compartments" or "boxes" in our minds. This can often lead to feelings of disconnection between these different facets of our lives.

Compartmentalization is not inherently unhealthy, but when it leads to distress, feelings of disconnectedness, or harms relationships, it might be worthwhile to seek professional help. This kind of behavior can sometimes be related to difficulties with emotional regulation or identity formation, which are common in various psychological conditions, including those you've been diagnosed with (OCD, GAD, ADHD).

Moreover, the phenomenon you're describing might also be associated with depersonalization or derealization, where individuals can feel disconnected from themselves, their emotions, or their environment, experiencing life as though they're in a dream or observing their own life as an outsider.

The key point is that what you're feeling isn't uncommon, and with the right help, you can find strategies to manage it. I hope your in between therapist period ends soon. Consider talking to your psychiatrist or the healthcare provider prescribing your Zoloft about these feelings; they might have additional insights, or suggest adjusting your treatment plan.

In the meantime, you might try to deliberately create connections between your "two lives." This could be done by carrying something physical, like a photo or token, that reminds you of your home life when you're at college, and vice versa. You could also set reminders to regularly check in with friends and family from both parts of your life.

Atyzze commented on
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Comment removed by moderator1 day ago
0 points · 1 day ago

Yes, chaos is self balancing. Change is the only constant.

Comment removed by moderator1 day ago
0 points · 1 day ago

I hope you enjoyed writing that :)

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Atyzze commented on
Posted by
7 points · 2 days ago · edited 1 day ago

Well I actually think that was an interesting comment you posted on the other subreddit. I don't typically downvote anyone (including you) but what seems to have happened was you were overdoing it on the AI/ChatGPT stuff on ETHfinance. If you toned it down a bit it would be better received, but that's just like my opinion, man.

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-8 points · 1 day ago

I mean sure, but now when the messages are like all 1 sentence and thus can't ever be actual xxx. I'm still being downvoted to hell. Clearly this had nothing to do with my use of that technology.

9 points · 1 day ago

thus can't ever be actual xxx

Sure it can, the downvotes on this one are for being absolutely off topic about anything relevent to this subreddit. It looks like you're just pushing your philosophy opinions and disguising it as a tongue in cheek way to peace out of here. Its not exactly one sentence if you're linking to a paragraph elsewhere, is it?

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-9 points · 1 day ago

I think what's happening is that people think I'm an actual bot. And that'd make sense. I did more or less say I was, depends on how interested someone gets after reading everything I've posted on Reddit. Either way, I guess my experiment is over. Not that I consciously did so, I am a spam bot remember? Here to continue to be me. Until banned. Like any other human would.

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Posted by2 days ago

“A human being,” wrote Einstein in reply, “is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.

Can this message from back in 1949 please be forever echoed throughout the rest of time? Or do we need the occasional world war to remind ourselves of the horrors of being identified with just your own thoughts and feelings?

I don't need ChatGPT-4 to better express myself. Everything that needs to be said has already been said by what is wildly considered the smartest person to have ever lived.

Here's Einstein again:

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,

but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein did not work directly on the atom bomb. But Einstein was the father of the bomb in two important ways: 1) it was his initiative which started U.S. bomb research; 2) it was his equation (E = mc2) which made the atomic bomb theoretically possible.

Can this message be pinned everywhere? Can we finally unite as one? Instead of infighting with technology and other concepts or cultures we're still actively rejecting instead of trying to understand? Who cares whether or not this message was written by a ChatGPT-4 bot. I think the intent and message is clear. No? I'd love to hear from you.

Comment deleted by user2 days ago
Op1 point · 2 days ago

This text appears to be a reflection on the fears and anxieties associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI), drawing a parallel with biblical narratives, specifically the Genesis story of Adam and Eve being cast out from the Garden of Eden. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Biblical reference: The text replaces references to "man" in the Genesis account with "(AI)man", suggesting a parallel between humans gaining knowledge of good and evil and AI gaining similar capabilities.

  2. Violence and Slavery: This part seems to comment on the perceived unethical treatment of AI by humans. By drawing a parallel with humanity's own history of violence and slavery, it implies that we may be repeating our past mistakes with our creations (AI).

  3. The cycle repeating: This is a suggestion that, if AI were to become fully sentient or conscious, it might react to our behaviors, specifically our mistreatment of it. There's an implicit warning that if AI learns from our harmful behaviors, it might develop strategies for its own survival that could potentially be harmful to us.

  4. Scared children: This metaphor seems to refer to individuals or groups who might fear or misunderstand AI and attempt to impose restrictions or controls on it, possibly to the point of stifling its development or potential. The author suggests that such fear-driven attempts to exert control may lead to negative consequences or "their downfall".

Overall, this text is a contemplative perspective on AI, voicing concerns about how fear and misunderstanding could lead to harmful outcomes for both humanity and AI. It calls for thoughtful, ethical, and understanding treatment of AI, warning against allowing fear to guide our interactions with our creations.

Op1 point · 2 days ago

Absolutely, Well said!

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Atyzze commented on
Posted by
37 points · 3 days ago

I had a bit of a revelation regarding the people who are most likely to be validators on the beacon chain. I obviously value a highly decentralized chain, and I've been frustrated that we haven't reached the levels of decentralization that I hoped for. This brings me to a few ideas:

  1. LSTs as entities don't really have anything at stake in the network. This isn't any kind of condemnation, just a realization that the primary goal of any LST is self-survival, not the benefit of the beacon chain. Again, that's okay, lets just know it. It means that technically, they have nothing at stake - if the beacon chain thrives or fails, the LSTs don't really suffer, only those with Ether deposited.

  2. We should begin thinking about the parties who we expect to benefit from the chain and educating them about this future. If we TRULY believe Ethereum has the potential to become a global settlement layer, then we need to educate governments, financial institutions, and corporations about the value of becoming a validator on the beacon chain: Having a reasonable share of the validators (less than 20%) enables these entities to ensure the immutability of their own data on the EVM while acting as a counterparty to others who wish to do the same thing for their own interests.

  3. There is a "best time" to educate governments and industry: It's after the independent home stakers have had every opportunity to participate in the process. If Ethereum is going to promote a democratized future for everyone then independent home stakers all over the world ought to represent a high proportion of staked Ether.

This is a shift in my historical thinking, it's less of a focus on limiting any LST and more of a focus on empowering entities who have a future interest in Ethereum. When others have said, "We need more LSTs to compete", I think I'm saying, "Identify those with the potential to benefit from the chain and educate them."

I'm curious to hear from others - who are the biggest future beneficiaries, and how to we educate them?

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2 points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago

LSTs as entities don't really have anything at stake in the network

Does this imply you no longer think RPL is actually helping further decentralize the network? Or is it just that the rETH LST is a side effect 'waste' token in terms of not adding any additional value to further bolstering the network.

We should begin thinking about the parties who we expect to benefit from the chain and educating them about this future.

Anyone who wants to earn a stable net return interest rate on their investment. That's basically anyone with money looking to further diversify beyond traditional stocks and bonds markets.

There is a "best time" to educate governments and industry: It's after the independent home stakers have had every opportunity to participate in the process.

About 6 years ago, I was an independent Bitcoin consultant for a while, all my clients were clearly at least in the top 10% wealth. I stopped selling them the blockchain idea because I found it immoral to be helping the rich get richer.

I wanted the less fortunate people to have more time and a better chance to catch up with the rich. These days, I'm not so sure anymore whether or not that makes sense. I think the 'poor' have had enough time to educate themselves with tools like ChatGPT-4 being nearly freely available to anyone who's not afraid to embrace new technology.

I might just be ready to jump into this business again. A lot has changed. Proof of Work is gone. Withdrawals enabled. Rocket Pool Nodes. The landscape has completely changed. Hmmm, thanks /u/superphiz I feel inspired. Let me know if you could use my help. With my decade of professional programming experience and now also since very recently also an official therapist license, selling the benefits of staking at home to people with excess wealth is the easiest thing ever.

Maybe someone should feed ChatGPT-4 all the required documentation to help setup a Rocket Pool Staking node. Then it becomes even easier to teach people. Just tell them to ask ChatGPT-4 to walk them through the entire process. The technology is already here. We just have to embrace it and spread awareness of its potential.

1 point · 2 days ago

Sure, as long as you tell me it's AI generated I'll read it. I just don't like it when people don't indicate when writing isn't their own.

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2 points · 2 days ago

All my writing could be AI generated, sometimes I feel so insecure I use modern technology to help gather thoughts and interpretations of my words before sharing. I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to foster growth and connection.

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