We Are Building a Future Free of Age-Related Disease

SENS Research Foundation works to develop, promote, and ensure widespread access to therapies that cure and prevent the diseases and disabilities of aging by comprehensively repairing the damage that builds up in our bodies over time. We are redefining the way the world researches and treats age-related ill health, while inspiring the next generation of biomedical scientists.

Discover the science behind our strategies to extend a healthy lifespan.

Training a new generation of scientists to tackle the roots of age-related disease.

Keep up to date on SRF’s latest news and activities.

Outreach Highlights -

SENS Research Foundation’s expanded Research Center in Mountain View, CA, will open its doors for an unforgettable Grand Opening event on June 23 from 4 to 8 pm.

Mayor Alison Hicks and Peter Katz, President of the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce, will officiate the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Meet our whole staff and learn about our current scientific programs and progress from our researchers while touring our lab and state-of-the-art workstations.


June 23, 2023
4-8 pm

SRF’s Senior Staff Team was recently featured in the Forbes article, “Women in Longevity and the Renaissance of the SENS Research Foundation.” The article, written by Insilico Medicine Founder, Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, discusses SRF’s unwavering commitment and ongoing growth under new leadership, and how this places it in a strong position to make significant progress in the field.

Research Highlights -

Repairing the Extracellular Matrix:  Request for Proposal

The SENS Research Foundation is seeking proposals for innovative approaches to repairing age-related extracellular damage. Proposals should include a comprehensive description of the proposed approach and any supporting evidence, as well as a detailed budget and timeline for completion.

Education Highlights -

Most graduate students have no research experience outside of academia. To address this need, the SRF Graduate Internship Program is designed to give students a look into the world of research in a non-academic setting, while intellectually contributing to our goal of ending aging.

Our Education Department hosted a presentation by Dr. Danica Chen, Professor of Metabolic Biology, Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology at the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Chen’s presentation, “Aging: Through the Lens of Metabolism” examines the processes of our metabolism as we age and the advances in this area of research.


Lights, Camera, Action on AI-Powered Drug Discovery

Docuthon is the world’s first documentary-creating competition on AI-powered drug discovery, providing an opportunity for every talented filmmaker to get involved in a cutting-edge industry, share a terrific science story, and inspire the next generation of scientists in longevity.

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