The Root of COVID Misinformation Continues To Grow

WorldNetDaily columnist Wayne Allyn Root just can't stop spreading false and misleading claims about the safety of COVID vaccines -- even creating a rigged lie detector test to spread them.

Related: Wayne Allyn Root, Misinformation (And COVID) Superspreader

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New Press Secretary, Same MRC Hate: March 2023

The Media Research Center was happy to have Peter Doocy to fluff again, and it praised a reporter for an obscure African website for throwing temper tantrums in the White House briefing room.

The MRC Flips Over Elon Musk, Part 10: The Hearings

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Out There, Exhibit 85: CNS Obsessed Over Biden's Words Too's excessive concern with specific words President Obama did or didn't say spread to President Biden -- and it never stopped nitpicking what Obama said.

WND Profiles In COVID Misinformation: McCullough And Malone, Part 2

WorldNetDaily continued to give space to Peter McCullough and Robert Malone to spread more misinformation about COVID and vaccines -- and to complain that their misinformation was being called out for what it is.

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