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Posted by2 years ago
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Posted by2 months ago

Hello everyone, this post is not made to discredit anyone, instead it is fueled by good intentions and with the most effort I am able to provide, I just want to give my best shot at suggesting what could be done to improve Halo Infinite’s situation.

Despite the outstanding launch most players have left the title unfortunately, 343 suffered from a lot of lay offs too and maybe an outside perspective could be helpful to bring the title back into the spotlight.

NEEDLESS TO SAY: although it would be ideal, these changes are not meant to be applied all at once, 343 can take the time they need and add them in each seasonal update a piece at a time.

You will see that in each point I try to satisfy both 343’s side (make as much money as possible as all companies want) and also players.

Also, no human on Earth is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, 343 is made of human beings, so please, don’t throw your pitch forks at me until you read the entire post.

Let’s begin:

1 - The Matchmaking System

IDEAL SYSTEM FOR 343 AND PLAYERS: this matchmaking system would be able to retain the most players into the title as potential buyers, and all the players playing online would not feel like matches have unfair balancing, but would cheer their time with the title.

CURRENT MATCHMAKING SYSTEM: 343 is making use of either SBMM or EOMM, either way, if we were to rank players’ skill levels in a scale from 1 to 10 the result would produce a classic bell curve graphic in which most players have a skill of 4, 5, 6 or 7 and much fewer players have a skill level of 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10. With this in mind here are the benefits and the negatives of the current matchmaking systems - benefits: since the current system tries to populate matches only with people of very close skill levels competitive matches are mostly balanced, this also works well for all players who have skill 1, 2 or 3 in casual playlists, as they would only play between each other and not get stomped - negatives: players with skill 7 in casual playlists will only find very intense matches that require them to play as hard as possible, which is not the point of casual playlists, but of competitive - this leads all players of skill 7 to have bad time in casual matches, potentially leading them to leave the title!

SOLUTION TO HAVE THE IDEAL SYSTEM: for competitive matches, and casual matches of all players of skill 1, 2 and 3 keep the current system (apply any improvements that I may not know are needed too though), for all casual matches, players who have skill 4 and above are matched only based on the cumulative skill score of their team - example RED TEAM SKILL: 40 | BLUE TEAM SKILL 41 - in this way there are various skill leveled players and everyone can have dumb fun online as meant to be in casual playlists, because there is more room to breathe, this would also retain all the players of skill 7 into the game as potential microtransactions buyers, which is what 343 wants - like any other company on Earth, it’s the nature of companies, they can’t exist without money.

8 points
Posted by3 months ago
Posted by3 months ago
Posted by4 months ago
Posted by6 months ago

About Community

This community exists in response to the current state of forums for Halo Infinite and 343 Industries. There shall be no censoring or locking threads, so that people can share their feedback openly during this critical time for it.
Created Dec 5, 2021





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