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have I heard recent fandom stuff? interesting question. the answer is I did my fucking time and now I universally unilaterally refuse to learn anything ever again. thank you

Unless!! it’s VERY funny

Posted on Sunday; 2 July
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The sequel.

Posted on Sunday; 2 July
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Posted on Sunday; 2 July
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Watch every Zelink fanartist ignore Link being shorter than Zelda for the second game in a row


Me when I’m in denial


There’s something wrong with you people I think

Posted on Sunday; 2 July
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The other day I saw a YouTuber I follow make a text post that said almost verbatim “sometimes I when I watch a thought provoking movie, I find I think about it for several days afterwards.” the highlighted comment was someone saying “I think that’s called hyperfixation?”

People seem to be increasingly oblivious to the difference between thinking about or liking something, fixating or focusing on it, and /hyper/fixation as a disxriptor of the extreme of this that occurs in neurodivergent people.

If someone reads “I think about things sometimes” and sees “hyperfixation”, then I can totally see it following that “I think about people sometimes” becomes synonymous with “I am an obsessive creepy stalker with no boundaries”

Which. Sure is something.

Obviously the trend of people being weird about ‘you need consent to have a crush, but also crushes are a sin’ has been a slow rolling train wreck for a few years now, but seeing that YouTube comment made something click for me


Posted on Sunday; 2 July
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Posted on Sunday; 2 July
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anyways reminder that scars of any kind are morally neutral and not bad or harmful to show. if that shit is healed and not a literal open wound it is not fucking bad. it is not okay to shame or trigger warning a normal fucking part of someone’s body, including and especially when it’s a sign of physical or mental illness.

look every single time I make posts like this someone comes on my post like “not self harm scars though! those are triggering!” and fucking. think about what you’re implying for just one second here. you’re saying that if anyone has ever even once hit a mental point where they harmed themself in a way that left a lasting mark they can never show their body uncensored again. this is okay to you? you think this is fucking okay?

also, to expand on this: do not assume you know what are and aren’t self harm scars. i have ‘traditional self harm scar’ looking scars that are not self harm, just that i have a cat and scar easily. i have scars that do not look like self harm scars that very much are. you do not have the right to go up to someone and ask “hey, what are you scars from so i can decide if i can censor your body?”, nor the right to assume the origin of someone’s scars in order to censor their body. In general, no one’s scars or any other part of their body is your business



[Image ID: Screenshot of tags from this post. The first tag is: the human condition can not be censored. The second tag is: and the human condition is fucking scarred. ./End ID]

Posted on Sunday; 2 July
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I am currently in your tumblr feed

A screenshot from zaneclodon's activity feed showing a like and a reblog from tigerbleps, tagged "I am currently inside your activity feed". The image is a photo of Tom Scott with a transparent background.ALT



OP: 听说温柔的女生,夏天都喜欢穿裙子

↳ I hear soft and gentle girls all like to wear dresses in the summer


Posted on Sunday; 2 July
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One of the things that sucks about being an animation nerd is having to live with the fact that, from a technical standpoint, the Hotel Transylvania movies are absolutely ground-breakingly staggeringly incredible.

As completely ignorant on animation, why is that? How is Hotel Transylvania any good??

The short version is that they’ve been figuring out how to plug the strengths of traditional animation into cg animation.

Longer version: cg animation is essentially puppet animation. You build a model, paint it and dress it up, and then move it around. That’s why Pixar’s first animated film was about toys, and their second one was about bugs: it’s much harder to make something look convincingly soft and fleshy than it is to work with something that’s supposed to be rigid.

Working inside this paradigm, the progression that makes sense is to work on developing more and more articulated puppets. Figure out how to add fur (Monsters, Inc.), move fish (Finding Nemo), get to the point where you can actually make human puppets who look appealing (The Incredibles.) In 2012 the big animated feature films showed off huge strides in particle physics (The Guardians), and hair (Tangled, Brave). Character effects and lighting were really hitting their stride, and the general movement was towards more detailed models, increased realism, richer and more intricate environments. The models only had so much range before they started to break, so squash & stretch was never going to be as pronounced as something from drawn animation could be. Hotel Transylvania challenged that.

As a show creator and director, Genndy Tartakovsky’s always shown a preference for stylization. He’s also got a reputation for incredible and deliberate timing, spectacular silhouettes, dramatic movement and clear staging, and just overall really good at directing animation. He wanted Tex Avery-type animation in CG and by golly, he did it.


Look at how exaggerated those shapes are, and how snappy, smooth, and fast the transitions between each one: that’s not something that was really being done. The motion-blurring alone was so defining that apparently Sony calls it a “Genndy blur.”


Animation is essentially the art of movement: the better the movement, the better the animation, and the Hotel Transylvania franchise has spectacular movement.


The model is actually being resculpted for maximum exaggeration, and the smears and blurs make the transitions between each pose fast, energetic, and snappy.


Like. Look at that movement. Look at how tightly he’s rooted while the follow through of his clothing sells the hard stop of each hip bump. Look at how sharp and deep his knees are bending, the way his weight shifts onto his heels and that tiny little side step at the very end, where he keeps his weight on his right foot for a split second before popping over to his new position. And he’s dancing the Macarena because he had to find the most brain-dominating, toe-tappingist song in the universe to win a DJ battle where a Kraken was being driven into a murderous rage by a mystical melody and it had to be counteracted by another song.


Somebody once described the Hotel Transylvania franchise as “like seeing Lamborghini making a clown car,” and honestly, that’s kind of what it’s like.


friendly reminder for the new twitter refugees:

  • change your icon/pfp and put something coherent in your blog description or you’re going to get blocked bcs people think you’re a bot
  • this site is built around reblogs, so please actually reblog posts(especially art and fics!!)
  • you can set your likes and follows to private
  • checkmarks here are a meme and mean nothing
  • follower counts are private and we like it that way, so get used to not judging people by that metric
  • drama and discourse is boring, use your blacklist and block button liberally
  • DON’T CENSOR YOURSELF!! we can swear and say kill and make fun of corporations all we want, and if you tiktok-ify your tags people who have things blacklisted for whatever reason will still see them, and people who want to see that content won’t be able to find it!! spell words out normally, you won’t get in trouble!!
  • tumblr live is sketchy as hell and full of fake accounts, if you decide to use it anyway may god have mercy on your soul o7
  • be nice to the reddit refugees, they’re our friends <3

Posted on Saturday; 1 July
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anyway steam summer sale has the definitive edition of dishonored 1 (i.e. base game plus all three DLCs) for $4.99, or the arkane anniversary collection containing *checks notes* dishonored 1 definitive edition, dishonored 2, dishonored death of the outsider, prey, dark messiah of might & magic, and arx fatalis, for a combined total of $21.14, so, you know. if you haven’t played dishonored or arkane’s other works yet but have been wanting to do so now is your fucking moment

Posted on Saturday; 1 July
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A landscape image with Gman's face in the middle. Around him are glittering pride flags. This is an edit of the original "mxster freethem" picture where all the flags have been made to sparkle.ALT

woke up, mxster freethem… woke up and… smell the pronouns

Posted on Saturday; 1 July
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Happy last day of pride month!!

Old art but still valid

Posted on Saturday; 1 July
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My queers, we really need to put the “no men” thing away. Men are not inherently bad. There are queer men. There are questioning men. There’s men that are just plain cool. Denying these men a space at our table is not helping - except the TERFs. I just came off the back of reading a transphobe gleeful rant about the need to have pride without men - They of course mean me. This kind of stuff is damaging to me and I really need us all to take a step back and maybe kill this “men dni, men not allowed” stuff. What you mean is “no men who are going to do mean stuff to me.” And frankly those men won’t give a shit about that kind of boundary.

But I promise you there’s a fleet of good honest men who will see that and be sad they’re not allowed in your version of queer spaces.

PATRIARCHY is what you hate. Dni Patriarchs.

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