Security Engineer

Now Hiring
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We're doing something ambitious at a new public cloud, running on our own hardware around the world, designed to make it easy to run distributed and real-time apps close to users anywhere in the world.

Security is part of what we promise our users. We run containers by converting them into micro-VMs running under Firecracker, a memory-safe, stripped-down Rust hypervisor. Apps on are isolated from other customers with their own kernel, private networks, and WireGuard, Jason Donenfeld's next-gen VPN, which provides the networking dial-tone for our entire fleet.

Security at is part of the engineering team, and we're looking for security engineers to join it.

Security engineering goes beyond the code we write and the production servers we manage; it's responsible for our corporate security and all our endpoints as well. We're looking for engineers who are interested in working on the full gamut of security challenges facing an intensely technical, relatively small team competing with the largest companies in the industry.

This is sort of a golden moment to come work with us at We've hammered out our basic service and have a base of enthusiastic users shipping super cool stuff on it. Our team is growing but still at a point where everyone knows everyone and what they're working on. Nobody's off in a corner on a solitary death march. It's still easy to have a good idea here, float it to the team, and have it take off. We're having fun. For some of us, this kind of environment is why we work in startups.

It's not all sparkles and lollipops. Security Engineering is a no-fooling serious role. We don't want to sell anyone a bill of goods. Here are some messy things we want you to know:

  • We're smaller than you'd guess given our competitors. There is some chaos. We've held the line on a lot of nuts-and-bolts security stuff, but there's lots left to do.

  • We're ruthless about working on stuff that our users will see and care about, to the exclusion of a lot of engineering formalism. "How will this immediately help users?" is a standard we hold ourselves to, even when it makes us uncomfortable.

  • We're on call, 24/7. Everyone shares a rotation. We've chosen a cortisol-intensive domain to work in: when our stuff breaks, our users notice, and because we're global, they notice in every time zone.

  • We're a helpful bunch, but all of us are learning stuff as we go along and we expect you to do the same.

  • We don't care what the cool kids are using. We're addicted to code that works, right away, with minimal ceremony. We like SQLite, and we get nervous when people talk about Raft. The engineering culture here is pragmatic to what Hacker News would consider a fault.

Extrapolate all the bad implications you can from that list. Then ask us about them, and we'll be candid.

The Role

This is a mid to senior level job. The salary ranges from $120k to $200k USD. We also offer competitive equity grants.

We're remote-first, with team members in Colorado, Quebec, Chicago, London, Mexico, Spain, Virginia, Brazil, and Utah. Most internal communication is written, and often asynchronous. You'll want to be comfortable with not getting an immediate response for everything.

The role reports to our security practice lead, and up to engineering management.

Here's some of what you'll be working on in this role:

  • CorpSec/endpoint security for everyone in the company. Which in our case means designing a security CorpSec strategy from the ground up: our processes and controls are OK for the size we're at now, but won't be a year from now.

  • InfraSec for our production fleet: visibility and monitoring, and taking advantage of the platform capabilities we've spent the last several years investing in. Our prod fleet is all Linux, we nerd out about BPF, and we're happy to sink resources into interesting security projects.

  • Software security (and software supply chain security). You'll want to be comfortable with the idea of picking up a PR in a language you don't write all the time, understanding it, and spotting flaws. This could be the year we end up getting semgrep religion!

  • Designing and building security features for our users. We get to write the rulebook for this platform as we go, and there are a zillion opportunities to improve the security status quo for apps that deploy here.

Does that sound like "all of security", like we're looking for people to work in multiple different security subspecialties? Probably, we are. If that's appealing to you, we'd like to talk.

You'll Dig This Role if You:

  • Are looking for a technical firehose for your next gig, and you're happiest when there's always more important stuff to learn.
  • Want to work in a diverse and respectful team that values communication, glue work, and small, autonomous teams making decisions for themselves.
  • Are deeply comfortable with software development and with building solutions to challenges when existing tools and libraries invariably prove to be insufficient. Our problems are idiosyncratic!
  • Look forward to working on problems with immense scope and a million degrees of freedom, while relentlessly focusing on impact and building incrementally. Managing scope is here is even harder than it looks.
  • Like the idea of a high-profile role working in public communicating directly with our users. We value prose writing more than most tech companies.
  • Naturally ask lots of questions and can function effectively in situations where you don't immediately have the right answer to every question.
  • Believe in what we're doing. Every company says this. We're a startup where it's unusually easy to explain how big the project can get to, and the risks are easy to see too.

How We Hire

We are weird about hiring. We’re skeptical of resumes and we don’t trust interviews (we’re happy to talk, though). We respect career experience but we aren’t hypnotized by it, and we’re thrilled at the prospect of discovering new talent.

We hire with work-sample testing. That means we give candidates challenges that model the work we actually do. We've taken the time to build scoring rubrics for those challenges in advance. The challenges are the whole process; they're not a hoop you jump through before we haze you with interviews.

For this role, we've got 3 at-home challenges: a relatively light software security assessment (we'll give you working code, you give us the dumb bugs), an osquery exercise, and a quick thought exercise about the security of our platform. We think these challenges should take substantially less time than a series of phone screens, but we're not timing you; knock them out in your spare time.

If the results of those challenges suggest you'll be happy in the role, we'll invite you onto our Slack for an hour or two to talk through a design exercise: we'll be designing new security monitoring capabilities for our production hosts.

There's nothing up our sleeves with these challenges. If you're interested, we'll tell you much more about them, including all the resources we can think of to bone up on technical subjects. We want to see you in your best light, not surprise you with tricky questions.

If you're interested, mail Tell us a bit about yourself, if you like. We're happy to chat, online or voice.