illustration of man and woman with mouths covered in red tape with chalkboard writing in the background

Editors’ Picks

Have Assisted Dying Laws Gone Too Far?

Meagan Gillmore | The Walrus | May 30, 2023 | 5,422 words

“Carlson doesn’t think she’ll be able to understand how to navigate social assistance programs without her husband to explain them to her. But if she dies first, she reckons, she…

How to Hire a Pop Star for Your Private Party

Evan Osnos | The New Yorker | May 29, 2023 | 7,880 words

“For the very rich, even the world’s biggest performers—Beyoncé, Drake, Jennifer Lopez, Andrea Bocelli—are available, at a price.”

Seeing Beyond the Beauty of a Vermeer

Teju Cole | The New York Times Magazine | May 25, 2023 | 3,212 words

“The violence of his era can be found in his serene masterpieces — if you know where to look.”


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All the top #longreads of 2022, selected by our editors, featured authors, and readers.