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Posted by11 hours ago

When I was twelve I got knocked off my bike by a drunk driver. I split my head right open and broke nearly every bone in my body. For four days I hovered between life and death. My parents said goodbye and even picked my funeral song. They held my hand and told me they were sorry for every silly argument, but I wasn’t there anymore, I was somewhere else.

I was in the in-between. I was connected to the hospital room by only a small frayed thread that with every passing minute threatened to snap. I could hear they’re voices but only faintly, not that they were a comfort anyway, there was no such thing as comfort where I was. It was impossibly dark in that in-between, and so cold you could feel the chill in the marrow of your bones. I can’t remember what it looks like exactly, that oddly empty place.

From my waning memory, I recall it as a formless mass of, wet, dripping, nothing; there was no left or right, no up or down. You’d float around like a kite in the wind with only that little string holding you down. It felt like I was there for years. Time just seemed to elongate there. Eventually my family’s voices faded into nothing and all I could hear was the loud deafening thud of silence. It was then I heard him."

Hulqu-ša māru.” He said, over and over. His voice was soothingly consistent. I transcribe the phrase to you now accurately, though to my young, uneducated ears it sounded like a jumble of mismatched vowels. It was only in my adulthood that I found out that the voice he spoke to me in was Old Akkadian. Translated it meant; my child is lost.

Then I woke up. My eyes squinted from the bright hospital lights and my mother’s tears formed a puddle on my face. I can’t remember much following that, but my mum says that I kept saying “he’s real” over and over.

That’s why I know there is a god. He spoke to me, I walked in his kingdom and then I came back. Nearly eight-years later when I took my seat for the first day of my Religious Studies degree, I was perhaps the only one in that lecture theatre that knew with absolute certainty that there was a god. Was it the Christian God? The Islamic? Maybe no one has it right, but he existed. He was real. I knew that. I spent four years studying religion, and learnt nothing more important than what I found out when I was twelve.

“I have some concerns regarding your dissertation title Jeremy, Proving that God is Real, it’s… well it’s impossible to prove. We wouldn’t require faith if there was a burden of proof.” Professor Alcott said to me as he shifted through my research. “Personal anecdotes are also not sufficient subject to base an entire dissertation upon.”

“I’m committed to this research paper professor, I know with certainty that there is a god and I would like an opportunity to make this clear to everyone.” I said. “By next week sir, I will have more than anecdotes. Give me a chance.”

“I’m not one to quash academic innovation, if you would like to give this topic a bash, then I will not stand in your way. You are such a promising student Jeremy, I just don’t want you to waste your talent.” He said, looking dissatisfied.I left Alcott’s office with a seemingly impossible task. For centuries people have been looking for scientific proof in a higher power and all so far have failed. All I had was my own experience, I needed more. I scribbled down in my notebook the two most pressing features of a god with a puzzle knitting my brow together.

He’s everywhere.

Posted by3 hours ago

There is something living inside my wardrobe, but my mother tells me not to worry.

I try to be a good girl and listen. I don’t want my new mother to be anxious, and I don’t want any punishments, either.

In the daytime, it’s easy to ignore.

I go to school from eight to four, and afterwards mother likes me to stay with her in the living room so that she can make sure I’m doing my homework. She sits on the old sofa that smells like cinnamon and bleach, and I sit between her legs on the floor, practicing my arithmetic as she watches Desperate Housewives and runs a comb through my hair. Sometimes, she pulls the comb too hard, but I don’t mind. At the orphanage, I could go weeks without anyone touching me at all.

But brave as I try to be, it’s harder to ignore the wardrobe during the night.

Even when I shut my eyes tight as corks in glass bottles and smother my face inside my blanket, I can still hear the violent thumping of the wardrobe as it shakes and shudders. Sometimes, it sounds as though someone is trying to tip over the wardrobe from inside. The old wood creaks and trembles so violently that I think the whole neighborhood must hear it. Other times – like when I’m finally drifting off to sleep – the sound becomes muted. The thump-thump-thumping like a resigned heartbeat.

The first night I stayed here, I did try and open the wardrobe. I woke up in the middle of the night, panting and confused from an already-hazy nightmare, and in my state of dream delirium, I’d tugged helplessly at the door, thinking a stray kitten or other small, vulnerable animal had ended up trapped inside. But the door had been locked, and I had woken mother with my hysterics. When she realized the cause of my wailing, she had not been pleased. My backside stung for a week.

The next morning, mother sat me down and told me that there was nothing important inside the wardrobe, much less a suffering cat in need of rescue. The wardrobe had been locked for many months now, and if there was anything inside, she reassured me, it was not alive.

And yet, that did not stop the thumping and buzzing of the restless wardrobe. Neither did ignoring it. After many days of obedience, the creaks and groans did not settle, but instead, began taking on ambiguous patterns in my mind. Although I couldn’t yet decipher the noises, they sounded like forbidden whispers.

“I know there’s not a kitty inside the wardrobe,” I said to mother one evening, during our usual session in the living room. “But what is inside?”

Posted by10 hours ago

I worked as a park ranger in Northern Alaska for years, from when I was in my early twenties until my mid-thirties. At first, when I took the job, I was trying to escape, but over time, I learned to love it- the endless wilderness, the snow-capped mountains, the muffled way everything sounded during blizzards. With no light pollution, the stars up there look like tiny chips of diamond. And during the winter, the Northern Lights roll in, twisting and shimmering in strange, alien colors.

But a few years ago, things got much worse. People up here have started to go missing at an alarming rate. And I started having strange experiences around the park and the nature preserve.

One of the strangest parts of my story started on a freezing, dark night in 2018. I was on a snowmobile out in a terrible blizzard. The conditions were nearly to the point of being impassable. The snow was falling so thick and fast that it looked like a moving, shimmering wall of white on all sides of me.

Another ranger, a huge, lumbering man named ‘Ace’ Acosta, pulled up behind me on a second snowmobile. I looked at him, standing six foot six with majestic peaks stretching up into the night sky, and thought about what a great picture this would make. As I was looking around, I saw the faint tracks in the snow. Ace’s snowmobile lights were pointed in their direction, and I had been standing almost on top of them without realizing it- which is fairly easy to do when a few inches of snow are falling every hour.

At first, I thought it was the frozen tracks of an injured animal. I saw the drops of blood soaked into the superficial ice first. Following their direction with my eyes, I realized there were footprints pressed into the frozen crust leading away from me and towards the flat stretch of the tundra. I squinted, getting down on my knees and leaning inwards. I didn’t want to trample the tracks.

I quickly realized I was looking at human footprints- naked human footprints. But who would be out here in December in -40 degree winds without shoes? They would die rapidly out here. Just for me to drive across the tundra on a snowmobile required me to wear three jackets, long-johns, snow pants, thick jeans, a ski mask and multiple layers of socks and gloves with hand-warmers. I wore special water-proof boots with composite toes that wouldn’t freeze like steel toes. And despite all of this, I was still cold.

I moved forward, and saw handprints mixed in with the footprints, all of them bloody. The ice was thick enough to slice open human hands and feet, undoubtedly. The logical conclusion was unshakable- someone had crawled through here, maybe naked, on all fours, and their frozen body would be somewhere up ahead. I sighed, turning to Acosta. He still stood in the same position, his face covered in a red scarf with only his eyes showing. I saw one ice-covered eyebrow raise questioningly.

Posted by14 hours ago
DoomTake My Energy

Sand shifted beneath my feet as I shambled down the river’s edge. I tried to recall what had happened, but the throbbing pain pulsing at my left temple robbed me of any conscious thought. A strange static filled the space between my ears. It wasn’t like the kind you’d find on the tv at odd hours in the night, but more so the soft hum of recycled air piping through a small nozzle above your seat on a plane.

I felt like I was in a fishbowl. My vision would blur, then clear and blur once more. I struggled to keep my balance as I stepped through silt and wet stone.

There was no sign of my kayak or gear anywhere. The gray waters roared across boulders as trees loomed over the edges of the bank. Massive, gnarled roots crept through the ground to gather a drink. The underbrush above the bank was so thick it was impossible to guess at how far I’d drifted before washing up here.

I said a prayer to a God I’d long forgotten; keep me safe… please.

I had no desire to get lost in the surrounding forest, so I decided to follow the river. It seemed like the best and only option I really had. Surely, I would eventually come to a bridge that would put me on a road. Then I could flag someone down for help. Or maybe there would even be a clearing where I could gather my bearings. Perhaps a house or a farm would be there.

I’d read that in these situations, a positive attitude was essential for survival.

But the further I got down the bank, the more worry festered in my brain. It punched holes in my flimsy optimism. I was always cursed with being an overthinker, and now more than ever it felt like a mental prison.

What if I have a concussion?

What if I never find anyone and starve to death out here?

Or worse, what if something starving finds me?


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