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Posted by11 hours ago

I am so upset I am shaking. I have custody of my niece and our water got shut off. I have a full time job but recently picked up a second job as a server because I need cash to get it back on. I am living off the tips I get. I have to walk to work to save money and it was almost 100 degrees so I was sticky sweaty. I went into the public bathroom, there is no employee bathroom. I was freshening up with my wipes trying to be as quick as possible and I heard a “hi”. A kid had crawled under the stall. There is always obnoxious music blaring so I didn’t hear him come in.

He looked like he was old enough to know better, maybe 10 or 11. I had my back to the door because I have this fear that someone will look through the cracks, irrational and silly but still. I immediately started yelling at him to get out and the little shit was laughing like he knew it was wrong! I thought maybe his mom was washing her hands or in another stall but nope! This kid was in the women's bathroom alone. I have been SA’d in a bar bathroom before and my fight or flight kicked in.

I chased him out of the bathroom and started asking “who’s kid??” very loudly. He was still laughing thinking it was funny. His mom runs up and yanks him towards her screaming “why are you talking to my kid!?”. I told her he had crawled under my stall while I was changing. He says “Yeah I almost saw her naked!”. The mom starts screaming at me asking “why were you naked in a public bathroom!?” and that I was a predator for “being in the mens bathroom”.

At this point my manager came over to tell everyone to stop yelling and making a scene. I admit I was a bit worked up but an unaccompanied child should be cause for concern, no?

I told her I was in the WOMEN'S bathroom and she looked at her son and asked if he went into the men or women's and he started to cry saying he was confused and didn’t know. The bathrooms are clearly marked. I told her if that was true (it wasn’t) then he needs a chaperone to the bathroom if he can’t read.

She threw a huge fit and I got fired because I was still in my probationary period. My boss said I couldn’t be freshening up at work or “getting naked” at work. Which I wasn't fucking naked! I was sweaty and gross about to start a double shift. We don’t have employee bathrooms or changing rooms but are required to change into a uniform.

Now I’m totally shit out of luck. I was just trying to freshen up before my shift because I don't have running water at home, it was 100 degrees, and I walked to work. Was I in the wrong here?

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Posted by13 hours ago

Can someone tell me if I am overreacting/pregnancy hormones, or if I had a right to be mad at this?

For about 5 years, my husband and I lived in Florida. Florida was always a bit red, but we lived there before DeSantis got into office, so it was manageable, especially living in a blue city. Everything went downhill once Desantis was elected.

My husband and I had a dream from the start of our relationship to move to Colorado, and once Florida politics got worse and worse, we decided to just up and move. Especially since we were starting to talk about having kids. I refused to have children in a state that has no human rights. Plus, as a bisexual, very pro choice woman, it was not the place for me. My husband agreed. The only reason he liked Florida was because of the warm weather, he has some chronic pain ailments and the cold weather makes them worse.

Anyway, I think from the time we moved, my mom held on to a glimmer of hope that I or we would move back. Always dropping little comments that I could move back in with mommy if my marriage doesn't work out (which I would never do). Trying to bait me by sending me photos of the beach saying "don't you miss this?" (no. Mountains > oceans. Plus, I can fly two hours to California, have a beach AND human rights! Win win!). Bragging that it's 80 degrees in February in the hopes that I'll say I miss it. This continued even after my husband and I bought a house here, basically showing the long term commitment of staying here. Her argument is because we live in a slightly red area of Colorado, it's "basically the same" as Florida and may as well come back. Um, no, it's not. At all. The city leans slight red and is surrounded by blue areas. It's been incessant little comments since we moved in 2021.

The "funny" thing is, my mom is a democrat. She hates Desantis. But, she loves the warm weather. And has, verbatim said "As much as I disagree with his politics, as a post menopausal, straight white woman, they don't have much of an impact on me". I like the warm weather too, as does my husband for reasons mentioned above. But human rights matter more to us, so if the cold becomes too much ever, we will move to California.

Now, I'm pregnant. Yay!! This has only made her comments much worse. We don't have any family in this state, BUT my husband and I are both self employed, doing very well financially, and we will both have the ability to be stay at home parents as we set our own schedule and have savings to not work for up to a year. My husband is extremely hands on, and I know he will do everything I do less breastfeeding and birth. I do not underestimate how hard parenting is, but I think I have an advantage being that we can both be stay at home parents, we can afford a post pardum doula, and my husband isn't a loser man child that sees childcare as "women's work".

I know this sounds dramatic, but I would literally rather be a single mother in a dingy studio apartment on welfare vs move back to Florida. This is truly how strongly and angry I feel about it.

The last time my mom made a comment relating to us moving back to Florida, I snapped. I lost it. I told her it's evident that she cares more about selfishly seeing me/her grandkid, then she does them having human rights (especially so if this child is a girl). She cares more about seeing me, than me having rights, and me being in a place that makes me happy. I said it's disgusting how she can care so little about politics that don't directly impact her life, especially as she was a teacher all her life, mostly teaching students of very marginalized backgrounds. I said "you literally live in the North Korea of the USA and you want me to come back??!" It was a very heated convo and we haven't spoken in a week.

If she genuinely and whole heartedly wants to see me and her grandkids more, nothing/no one is stopping her from selling her home and moving to Colorado. But ohhhhh noooo its cold here!!!!!!! It snows here!!!!!!! I don't know anyone there!!!!!!!!!!! It's more expensive!!!!!!!!!!

Is Colorado perfect politically? No, no location is perfect. But I love it here for reasons beyond politics. It is the most scenic and beautiful state I have ever seen. I take two to three hikes a week, and can't wait to do more 14ers once not pregnant. The people here are so much nicer too. Overall, there's very little I don't like here.

Posted by6 hours ago

My husband and I have been married just over a year, together for almost three. Things haven’t always been bad. There were fireworks and so much chemistry and passion in the beginning. We moved quickly but it felt right at the time. There were red flags along the way that I ignored. Frequent accusations that I was cheating, emotional outbursts, unstable mood. He struggles with his mental health but so do I and I wanted to fix him I guess.

Things got really bad over the last few months. He became incredibly controlling and possessive, monitoring me constantly, insisting I call him every free moment I had and getting mad if I didn’t. If he didn’t know exactly where I was and what I was doing, he would get mad. One time at work I had been busy all day meeting with patients and charting and didn’t have time to text him. He got so scared and upset that he called the front desk in my office to check on me. He was constantly accusing me of cheating on him. He needed to spend every waking moment with me and would get mad if I wanted alone time. He was so obsessed with me, but at the same would blow up at me constantly, accusing me of not loving him and sleeping with other men. He’d yell and scream, threaten to kill himself, threaten to leave me. He would drive erratically, tried to jump out of a moving car, hit walls and doors. I was terrified of him and did anything I could to calm him down. Then he would cry and beg me not to leave him and go right back to clinging onto me. I didn’t realize I was being abused until I found myself thinking through every one of my moves, getting scared if I couldn’t get to my phone, constantly worrying about his next blow up. I confronted him, which was probably a bad idea. He agreed that he had been abusive and promised to change, get therapy, honor my boundaries. I was hopeful.

Things were ok for a few days until last night. We went to a yoga class and I didn’t want to hold his hand at the end of it. I knew a blow up was coming and it did. He told me he was putting in all the work to fix this and how unfair it was that I wasn’t trying too. He tried to justify abusing me by saying I was neglecting him and his needs weren’t being met. He kicked me out of his car and left and I decided enough was enough. My dad came and got me immediately and I finally felt safe, for the first time in who knows how long. I got out.

My family, friends and coworkers have rallied around me and provided me with more love and support than I probably deserve. I’m wrecked financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Everyone saw it but me. And despite that, I still wonder if I’m overreacting. He never hit me. Was I really abused? It’s a lot to process.

I’m hopeful for the future but scared at the same time. I love him so much but I know I have to love myself more right now. I guess I just needed to get it out of my head and into the universe. I’m so lucky for all that I have, but I still feel so broken.

Thank you for listening to my word vomit. I hope you all stay safe. ❤️


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Created Jul 16, 2009





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