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La Stampa interview (English version) on Greek gvt refugee policy, Greece’s economy, MeRA25′ electoral setback, the euro, Italy’s PD and… Angela Merkel

, 29/05/2023

In this post you will find my original answers (in English) to La Stampa‘s varied questions (27/5/2023); from the Greek government’s shameful policy on refugees and MeRA25’s electoral setback, to the future of the Eurozone, my friend Elly Schlein’s leadership of Italy’s main opposition party, the PD and, yes, Angela Merkel! Almost all parties, on […]

Our defeat in context: Greece’s Erdogan-isation is almost complete

, 22/05/2023

The people spoke. Unlike in 2019, when MeRA25 won nine seats in Greece’s Parliament, in yesterday’s election we failed to clear the 3% hurdle, thus, electing no MPs. However, this freshly minted Parliament was condemned before it got a chance to convene. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the conservative party leader, who won handsomely, is about to dissolve […]

What to do about the Parthenon Marbles – interviewed by Michael Portillo

, 25/04/2023

Following my article in Unherd about the Parthenon Marbles, Michael Portillo interviewed me on the subject for GB News.

Time to Blow Up the Banking System – Project Syndicate, March 2023

, 09/04/2023

The banking system we take for granted is unfixable. The good news is that we no longer need to rely on any private, rent-seeking, socially destabilizing network of banks, at least not the way we have so far. This time the banking crisis is different. It is, in fact, worse than in 2007/8 when we […]

Europe’s latest illiberal democracy: Greece! – New Statesman

, 24/03/2023

“Like lambs to the slaughter” was how an elderly neighbour described the deaths of youngsters travelling on Intercity 62 which, on the night of 28 February, crashed head-on with a freight train in Greece killing 57 people. Many of the dead were students returning after a long weekend from Athens to their universities in Thessaloniki. […]


Capitalism, Democracy and Europe – Interviewed for the Great Transition Initiative

, 04/11/2019

As harsh austerity and xenophobic nationalism fester in Europe, Yanis Varoufakis discusses his antidote with Tellus Senior Fellow Allen White. What inspired your career trajectory from academic economist to prominent supranational activist? I went into politics because of the financial crisis of 2008. Had financial capitalism not imploded, I would have happily continued my quite […]

Naomi Klein supports MeRA25-DiEM25’s campaign against oil & gas extraction in Greece

, 02/10/2019

This morning, in Greece’s Parliament, MeRA25’s parliamentarians are staging an all-out struggle against the ratification of disastrous contracts between the previous (SYRIZA) government and multinational oil companies. The contracts to be ratified give the companies (including Exxon-Mobil and Total) full licence to drill, extract and exploit gas & oil reserves across Greece’s beautiful seas (Ionian, […]

Launch of Generation-s & European Spring in Paris, 6 DEC 2018

, 14/12/2018

Onwards with DiEM25-Generation-s-EUROPEAN SPRING and our New Deal for Europe

DiEM25’s European New Deal plan can succeed where Macron and Piketty failed – The Guardian

, 14/12/2018

If Brexit demonstrates that leaving the EU is not the walk in the park that Eurosceptics promised, Emmanuel Macron’s current predicament proves that blind European loyalism is, similarly, untenable. The reason is that the EU’s architecture is equally difficult to deconstruct, sustain and reform. While Britain’s political class is, rightly, in the spotlight for having made a mess […]

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