Thursday, May 18, 2023

A milestone of sorts . . .

Turns out this is the 5,000 published post on the blog. Only took me 19 years to reach this goal . . . of sorts.

Special shout out to the 171 unpublished posts currently resting in my drafts. Don't worry little buddies. Some of you will eventually see the light of day. Maybe it will take another lockdown.

My cheeks are moist, my tea has been masking too long and I only have one question to ask on this day of days: whatever happened to mikeovswinton? And who was he?

Actually, that's two questions.

Bewitching . . .

So Blur's forthcoming new album is entitled The Ballad of Darren, and the two Darren's are going head to head at Hillsborough.

Who knew Darren would be making a comeback in 2023?