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What we are

“Irish left-wing feminist thugs” – some randomer on Twitter

“Gratuitous immorality and depravity” – John Murphy, Castlebar Community Radio

We are feminists.

We are Irish, or Irish-ish, or based in Ireland.

We want to create a space for those on the margins and between the lines. We want to question traditional ideas about identity, about sexuality, about who we are and where we should be going.

We would like a nice cup of tea.

To contact us:

Email: feministire(at)gmail(dot)com
Twitter: @feministire

7 responses »

  1. All very vague.

    It seems to me that you:

    – Want a right to Abortion on demand
    – Wish to legalise prostitution and it’s purchase, so giving rights to criminals who know the risks
    – Support for the Gay rights (or maybe supremacy) agenda
    – Support for illegal migration and immigration
    – Support a right to engage in sexual impropriaty and associated deviancy on a non-paying basis

    • So Joe, will you look after all the unwanted babies? Will you take in all the women and men who sell themselves on our streets to get by? Will you shower with love all the people thrown out on the street because their parents think their offspring are satan? Will you welcome back into your street the hundreds of thousands of Irish people who migrated, emmigrated, left, gave up, had to flee, or made a different choice to your own? What do you do when you feel horny? Just asking?

  2. Joe what kind of sex (no paid for) other than under-age and bestiality do you think should be illegal

    • The kind of sex that is coerced or trafficked ( please note both)
      The kind of sex which reinforces the inequality between women and men, where 90% of the prostituted are women and 90% + of the buyers are men
      The kind of sex for sale that leads to increased demand for unsafe practices and the abuse of the marginalised in society; women of colour, minors of both genders on the streets , bought or trafficked by adults for profit, drug addicted and alcohol addicted women and children, those who are forced by society to ‘choose’ sex for sale instead of getting proper supports.

  3. Yes, supremacy of the gays, that’s all we want in life Joe, I am not sure how you figured out: the feminist agenda but there it is, Supremacy of the gays.
    And sex, you know how us immoral feminist want to destroy your family with sex.

  4. I look forward to following your blog. Its great to see lively debate.


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