Poll: Disability and healthcare

if you feel comfortable please share your choice as well as whether you have ever experienced medical malpractice

not to be that person but please consider reblogging this, my tumblr don't have a ton of traffic and i'm genuinely interested in the results.

also please do my other related polls if you're queer, trans, and/or disabled/have chronic pain:

neurodivergence/neurotypical healthcare poll

It took me a decade to be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis because I'm seronegative (I don't produce the antibodies they test for) and so I don't test positive for rheumatoid factor. It was actually a medical STUDENT who suggested seronegative rheumatoid arthritis during one of my appointments she was sitting in that got me my diagnosis finally.

I had been suffering with these symptoms since childhood, being dismissed as a hypochondriac the point I was almost convinced I was just weak and everybody lives in this much pain.