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SPOILER:Discussion about the plotholes and ending of season 4 SPOILER:Discussion about the plotholes and ending of season 4

Okay Juat finished season 4. I have some thoughts.

Originally, the show had built up how the "artifacts" coming through was because Hargreeves "universe reset" didn't take. When the show got canceled mid season, that was switched to the broken timeline story so that everything could attempt to be wrapped up.

This however, left us with quite a few unresolved plot points:

Reginalds "human" love interest (whose story is never explained) was originally alive and well in the 1960s. After Diego speaks to her in the past, he changed events so that she leaves him, when originally she stayed. When the umbrellas go back to the present, they find Reginald has created the sparrow academy instead of the umbrella academy (alternate timeline) And recruited different individuals with marigold powers (meaning there was more in the world than the ones we saw, and the cleanse we witnessed in season 4 wouldn't have worked because they all weren't there anyway, more on that later...)

Reginalds "human" love interest, who somehow seems to have merigold powers of her own, apparently created marigold at some point BEFORE the 1960s, the earliest point we have observed their relationship on screen, and this creation of marigold, and its antithesis, somehow results in her death. Which is also never explored. Also, Reginald is an alien who has been on earth for an unstated amount of time. He was involved in government conspiracies during JFKs time as president which lead to JFKs death, although it is revealed this waa not Reginalds plan (why he was on earth back then, or what his actual plan really was or what he was trying to accomplish or work toward is never explained or even hinted at) and that he was tricked by the humans he was working with so that they could assinate jfk because they wanted to for some reason.

Anyway, the death of reginalds love Interst that happens at somepoint between jfk and the birthdate of the umbrella babies hurts Hargreaves, so at some point he relases marigold into the world (that had apparently been stored in a bottle from im guessing the time his wife invented it) on a day 9 months before the "birthday" of all the immaculately conceived merigold children from it infecting a small number of women throughout the world. He intended to train them to fight and use whatever power the marigold had gifted them, to break into the "oblivion hotel". After using their skills to defeat the Guardians, his design from the beginning was to use the power of the marigold in their bodies to power some kind of universe resetting machine, which was built by "whoever created the universe at the very beginning", to reboot the universe to one where he seems to have control over just the USA by pretty much owning every business, abd where his dead wide whose corpse he and kept on the moon in the original timeline that he had Luther guarding (never explained. Seems completely pointless) is now alive in the new timeline, with all of her memories. When the universe is reset, Reginald is able to make the universe exactly how he wants. For some reason, merigold exists in this universe, but is back in the bottle and not inside anyone. But his wife is alive and everything is literally fine.

Afterwards in the end it is revealed the wife was orchestrating all of this to bring about the cleanse, including giving the bottle of merigold to the umbrellas in the new timeline (so it could get inside them again, I'm guessing?). Why did she do this? Who knows. It was completely unnecessary. The universe was fine. The merigold was not inside anybody, it was just existing in a bottle.

The wife feels some kind of guilt and like she "deserved to die" as a penance for inventing it in the first place. And now that Reginald brought her back, he "gave her no choice" other than to bring about the cleanse to get rid of merigold and its antithesis. But again, it was in a bottle. There were literally no problems AT ALL until the umbrellas drank it again, which could not have happened if she literally didn't give it to them while disguised as the bald man with glasses.

Additionally, when the wife originally died from unexplained and undiscussed causes, using the universe resetting machine was apparently the only way to revive her. Using the marigold to reset the universe. It was convenient the universe was "ending" anyway when they finally got to the oblivion hotel. But Hargreaves wanted the children to go there much earlier. The universe ending was his convenient excuse to get them to trust him so he could finally lead them there like he has wanted to for years.

Also, the machine only required 7 people with marigold to work. But the first season told us there were many more marigold people in the world, Hargreaves was just only able to get his hands on 7 of them. So the whole cleanse thing doesn't even work as a cleanup "asspull" plot device anyway, as every fractured tineline would have had merigold in more than the umbrellas or sparrows we saw, and it was explained how EVERY TRACE of merigold needs to be destroyed to reunite the timelines into one. Season 4 even briefly SHOWED us a few of the others we never met in the phoenix academy, a guy named Alphonse. Individuals who were not presently there from the timeline where the cleanse was taking place, but did exist somewhere out in the world.

Also, the Durango (merigold antithesis that exists with it) is only ever ALL inside of one person? Jennifer? In EVERY fractured infinite timeline? (Whose powers are also not explored AT ALL btw).

If the merigold.was originally trapped in a bottle before Hargreaves releases it and starts this all just to find a "long game" way to revive his dead wife, (who's corpse is on the moon for absolutely no reason, as he's just plans to reset the entire universe anyway) why wasn't the Durango also inside a bottle?

Also, why was Jennifer inside of a squid as a girl? What was the point of that unfinished side story? How did that happen?

Why couldn't Hargreaves wife just feed the bottle of merigold to Jennifer to begin with so the particles could connect with eachother? Which was apparently the entire point to bring about the cleanse. She already knew where Jennifer was as her and Hargreaves created that whole community to watch her like the Truman show.

It would have been much easier to just do that.

Why did Hargreaves love interest feel the need to bring about the cleanse at all other than her illogical "guilt" over creating merrigold? In the new universe, Hargreaves got to reset things so she was alive, and the marigold didn't have to be inside of anybody anymore. And in fact, It wasn't. It was trapped in a bottle. Why did it have to exist at all? Why didn't Hargreaves reset the universe and make it so the merrigold did not exist in that universe?

For some reason, the Durango STILL appears to be inside Jennifer. Whether hargreaves reset universe started that way, or whether she was somehow exposed to it later in her life is not discussed or shown.

What was the point with the umbrellas powers being different/enhanced after taking merigold in the new timeline? And why did that happen?

What was the point to revealing Hargreaves was an alien? In the end, it served no purpose or has nothing to do with anything. There isn't even a backstory or any motivation or anything. He could have just been a human and everything in the story could have happened EXACTLY the same way. Another abandoned plot idea?

Why did Luther's body go back to being "apelike" after getting his powers back? Him being like an ape had nothing to do with the nature of his powers. His body was fine when he was younger and only became like that after he was in a fatal accident of some kind and they had to apparently use there monkey butlers DNA to save his life, which altered him to become apelike. This didn't happen in the new universe. So why is he apelike after drinking the merrigold?

I'm sure there are many more plotholes than these that I just couldn't think of at time of writing. Please comment and add your thoughts to this discussion. I'm very interested to hear what other serious members of the fan base have to share. Thank you for reading

Season 4 Rewrite: Season 4 Rewrite:

Season 4 with a new ending:

  • Reginald is exploiting humanity to some extent, being a bad leader. Our heroes realize that it's not enough to just save the world; they also need to free it from Reginald's leadership.

  • They discover a way to enter different timelines (using power juice from Reginald's wife, similar to the show) to regain their powers by collecting more power juice from these timelines.

  • In the midseason finale, they come together to defeat Reginald. He reveals the true origin of the power juice, explaining that he stole it from an ancient guardian and released it into the multiverse to create his perfect timeline.

  • Now, they must collect the remaining power juice from various timelines (fighting bosses and completing random tasks) and absorb it to unlock new powers, enabling them to solve the multiverse problem.

-Finally, all parts of the power juice are gathered in the same timeline, allowing the group to use this power to create the Commission, which will timeloop everything that happened to bring the original timeline together and solving the multiverse problem.

-They live out their lives in the final timeline, and as they grow older and the rest of the family dies of old age, Five (being the youngest) absorbs all the juice. He ultimately decides to keep himself alive within the Commission to guard the final timeline. This is the guardian Reginald eventually finds and fights to steal the juice from, repeating the loop all over again to reach the final timeline. (in this fight 5 loses his arm)

Just watched season 4 Just watched season 4

Omg that was beautiful... My ship between Lila and five, I always thought Lila had better chemistry with five over Diego, the original time line is so beautiful... And the Jennifer project was the most biggest surprise out of them all, it was so beautiful, it has finally come to an end and I'm so sad but it was so beautiful

The 8th of August 2024 was just a normal day as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred

Just beautiful