
Not the best idea. by Bobbi-Is-Bitter in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Wait…. How can this be?

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick claimed that there will only be peace when everyone converts to Christianity.

So was that just bullshit? Because it feels like bullshit.

Woman DESTROYS McDonald’s because they messed up her McFlurry… by KevElwood in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 -41 points-40 points  (0 children)

OP: “I hate Black people… so I’m going to make up ridiculously minor reasons why fights like this happen”

Woman with multiple personality disorder being attacked by her other personality while trying to make a video. by [deleted] in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 12 points13 points  (0 children)

You mean someone thirsty for attention…

There has never been a legitimate case of “multiple personality disorder”

2018: The German delegation at the UN laughs at Trump by johnnychan81 in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

“ThEy OnLy SeNt HeLmEtS!”

  • 30 Gepard armored self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, including around 6,000 rounds of anti-aircraft ammunition
  • IRIS-T surface-to-air missile system
  • Cobra artillery detection radar
  • 80 Toyota pickup trucks
  • Three MARS multiple rocket launchers with ammunition
  • 54 M113 armored personnel carriers with armament (systems from Denmark, with conversion financed by Germany)
  • 10,000 rounds of artillery ammunition
  • 53,000 rounds of anti-aircraft ammunition
  • 5.8 million rounds of handgun ammunition
  • Seven Panzerhaubitze 2000 155mm self-propelled howitzers, including training and spare parts (joint project with the Netherlands)
  • 5,000 combat helmets
  • Eight mobile ground radars and thermal imaging devices
  • 40 reconnaissance drones
  • 10 protected vehicles
  • Seven “jammers”
  • Eight electronic anti-drone devices
  • Four mobile, remote-controlled, protected demining devices
  • 65 refrigerators for medical supplies
  • One vehicle decontamination point
  • 100 auto-injectors
  • 14 anti-drone sensors and jammers
  • 10 anti-drone cannons
  • 100,000 first aid kits
  • 22 trucks
  • 3,000 Panzerfaust 3 semi-disposable single-shot rocket cartridges plus 900 launchers
  • 14,900 anti-tank mines
  • 500 Stinger man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS)
  • 2,700 Strela surface-to-air missiles
  • 16 million rounds of handgun ammunition
  • 50 Bunkerfaust rockets designed for use against hardened enemy positions
  • 100 MG3 machine guns with 500 spare barrels and bolts
  • 100,000 hand grenades
  • 5,300 explosive charges
  • 100,000 meters of detonating cord and 100,000 detonators
  • 350,000 detonators
  • 23,000 combat helmets
  • 15 pallets of clothing
  • 178 motor vehicles
  • 100 tents
  • 12 power generators
  • six pallets of material for explosive ordnance disposal
  • 125 binoculars
  • 1,200 hospital beds
  • 18 pallets of medical supplies, 60 surgical lights
  • Protective clothing, surgical masks
  • 10,000 sleeping bags
  • 600 pairs of shooting glasses
  • one radio frequency system
  • 3,000 field telephones with 5,000 reels of field cord and carrying equipment
  • one field hospital (joint project with Estonia)
  • 353 sets night vision goggles
  • Four electronic anti-drone devices
  • 165 binoculars
  • Medical supplies
  • 38 laser range finders
  • Diesel fuel and gasoline
  • 10 tons of AdBlue diesel fuel exhaust fluid
  • 500 wound dressings
  • 500 food rations
  • 2,025 pallets, or 68 truckloads, of food
  • MiG-29 spare parts
  • 30 armored vehicles

It’s adorable when Trumpers show how absolutely ignorant they are… so confidently ignorant.

2018: The German delegation at the UN laughs at Trump by johnnychan81 in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Germany diverted imports away from Russia and supports and aids Ukraine…. Exactly what Trump claimed wouldn’t happen

Boy was Trump wrong… again.

2018: The German delegation at the UN laughs at Trump by johnnychan81 in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Relying on Russian Natural Gas and Oil is fine… as long as you’re willing to do what’s necessary and divert imports when Russia invades a sovereign nation… which Germany has done, while supporting that sovereign nation.

Trump was in fact proven wrong.

A shit truck tipped over causing a literal shit shower in Amman, Jordan. by mofuq in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Seems like if it was an actual sewage truck… that people wouldn’t be casually taking video of it. And would at least be reacting strongly to the smell.

Unless people in Jordan’s shit actually does in fact not stink.

The design of sewage trucks are also reinforced steel, smaller and fitted with a pump, even in Jordan.


Yerrrr Dunnnn by Jakes55 in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 1 point2 points  (0 children)

In LA, those are work hours for permitted projects. But emergency projects get access whenever they need it. There were work trucks down the street from me with worklights blasting and digging up the street at 2am last year. Likely due to a water/gas/electrical issue.

People of Walmart Iowa edition. by [deleted] in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Cleetus with the gun there is something else… pointing it at a group of people arguing is totally what the country needs more of.

Thief stocks up for Halloween at Wawa by tefunka in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Define common though… it’s not like it’s happening daily.

It’s a trend for sure and there’s theft crews targeting stores which then sell what they steal on the Amazon Marketplace. But even those are being targeted by task forces.

It’s simply the “fell off the truck” robberies, just in a fresh form that police need to catch up to.

Thief stocks up for Halloween at Wawa by tefunka in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 11 points12 points  (0 children)

That's the point... people love to claim this only happens in California.

Restaurant owner denies cardiac service dog for absolutely no reason. Shameful. by [deleted] in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 24 points25 points  (0 children)

The point being that the ADA bans businesses from asking to see that documentation.

You are more then welcome to show it, but a business is not legally allowed to ask you to present it before entering. They have to take anyone at their word on everything claimed regarding the dog.

And unfortunately there's plenty of people who lie through their teeth so Mittzy can accompany them wherever they go.

Restaurant owner denies cardiac service dog for absolutely no reason. Shameful. by [deleted] in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730 32 points33 points  (0 children)

I feel for both sides here.

Because the ADA doesn’t require documentation of a service dog’s certification.. it’s all on the honor system.

And we’ve all seen garbage people with their fake “service dog” vests, bought on Amazon, on their super annoying dog just because they can’t bare to shop or eat without them (while not having an actual medical need)

And because of those people, business owners become super sus of anyone who tries to come in without an obvious disability. Not that all disabilities are visible.

But the Law does indeed say that you can only ask what task the dog performs if it is not obvious. So gotta let them in.

However the law also states that if the dog causes any damage while in the business… the dog owner is liable. So if you are a business owner, and someone claims they have a service dog whose acting as if they’re not actually trained… something to keep in mind.

At Alaska Trump rally... Sarah Palin claims COVID was a hoax, that it is not Republicans seeking to control women's bodies, but Democrats and tells Republicans "Don't Retreat, Reload!" (Nope, definitely not a cult...) by IllustriousStorm5730 in PublicFreakout

[–]IllustriousStorm5730[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Here’s the fun part about these “Trump Rallies”…. He’s not paying for any of it. All those candidates who give a quick speech before he goes on… their campaigns are the ones who pay for the rally.

The grift continues!