Boing Boing BBS Community guidelines. Contact @orenwolf or any Moderator for assistance with any of these. These rules apply to both public, and private messages on the BBS.
Be cool. Don’t post or encourage insulting, bullying, victim-blaming, racist, sexist, violent, homophobic or transphobic remarks.
Do not make assumptions as to anyone’s mental state, race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, group affiliation or sexual orientation without corroboration.
Stunt accounts and throwaways may live, but sock puppets, astroturfers and spammers will die.
Stay on topic. Don’t hijack threads, repeat yourself, post walls of text, or generic talking points.
Constructive criticism is welcome. Hostile, whining hand-wringers will be eaten.
Assume good faith and like the good. However, flag the bad, and avoid contentless comments.
Don’t post e-mail addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, URL-shortened links that obscure the target, porn, or gore.
We politely insist you do not post stuff you do not have the right to post.
We have the right to delete an account or content at any time for any reason. Remember to export your data right after making dodgy comments.
Enforcement may be lax or draconian as befits the whims of the Entity. The rude will be eaten first.
Rules lawyering will fail. Be sure to read our exciting Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Thanks for reading. There’s more at the complete community guidelines.
Last update: September 20, 2020.
Posts for context: