



It’s not “everyone” acting like it’s normal. The majority of people know something’s wrong they just don’t have the tools to fix it. Maybe a plurality don’t know that the problem is capitalism, they blame it on something else, but they’re still aware there’s a problem. “Everyone” is just too exhausted from working 4 jobs, 50 hours a week to scream into the void in their spare time.

cartoon of a gopher pointing at a diagram of a spaceship of billionaires flying into the sun saying "Remember capitalism is working perfectly. You're supposed to be exhausted and frightened that you will lose your job and die old and homeless, it makes it easier to treat you like garbage and pay you less. If you're worrying about the rent you're not worrying about firing all the billionaires into the sun where they belong.". below is a panel with a gopher saying "Regardless of how today turned out f you the best that you could, and you can't so do any more than that. Also I love you."ALT
two panel meme of the Simpsons bus driver. the first image is him saying "don't make me tap the sign." the second image is his hand pointing to a sign that reads "let this radicalize you rather than lead you to despair."ALT

guess I gotta pull out this bad boy again huh

maybe ​I just have ‘Elite Capture by Olufemi Taiwo’ brain rn but it’s like. why do you think so many ppl are acting like it’s normal it’s cause they have emperor’s new clothes syndrome ie they are acting normal (going along w/ the narrative of normalcy pushed by the powerful) bc they are afraid of the social and material consequences of doing otherwise and often with good reason!! if you don’t go along w/ the facade of normalcy you may very well be killed for it!! either by your peers or by cops or by material lack of food healthcare etc it doesn’t mean that most people don’t know in their bones that something is deeply wrong so you know what the work is? to speak out and speak up even when it’s socially unpopular. to stand in solidarity with those fighting back against normalcy on the front lines (ie Indigenous land n water protectors; stop cop city; mutual aid networks; prison abolitionists; no más muertes; etc.) and to resist however and wherever you can in your day-to-day life for instance: something u could do today to say ‘no. I’m not going to act like everything’s normal’ and to materially help ppl is to wear a mask in public!! preferably a respirator/N95/KN95 if you’re able to!! if you are able to put yourself at risk by doing so you should also speak up for trans rights!! attend school board mtgs if u can!! etc huh I should’ve put this in the actual text of my reblog but whatever. anyways you get the point. and you can do something today to materially and socially resist normalcy anti capitalism anti imperialism anti amerikkka antiwork

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