Their worst nightmare

Has anyone thought about what will happen if Bush takes the stage at the Republican National Convention and the crowd starts chanting, “FOUR MORE YEARS!” like they did at CPAC earlier this year? Would that pretty much be game, set, match for Obama?


Comments: 49


Can we get tickets to the convention just to start this chant?

Cuz, it would be totally worth it.


Considering that this is what the dimbulbs attending think they actually want, I can’t see it changing any numbers.

But the dream lives!


Hee hee – it’s a fun thought, for sure.

If people at the Redoublechin convo do chant “four more years”, I’m thinking they’d be referring to the Iraq war or hoping that McCain survives that long.


The fact is, it won’t happen. Gustav has given the RNC the perfect excuse to announce that, due to the storm, Bush will not be able to appear at the convention as planned. Don’t think they won’t take it.


While a hurricane hits NO?

Mistah McCain, he dead.


due to the storm, Bush will not be able to appear at the convention as planned

Well that opens up another line of attack: “Republicans are so ashamed of George W. Bush that they want to pretend the least eight years didn’t happen.” Damned do, damned don’t, etc.


They’ll really be in trouble if that chant starts when McCain appears.


I think it would be appropriate to start that speech when Cheney appears. There’s no law against that is there? All McCain has to do is de-select Palin. Which by then might look like a good idea.


Has anyone thought about what will happen if Bush takes the stage at the Republican National Convention and the crowd starts chanting, “FOUR MORE YEARS!” like they did at CPAC earlier this year?

Irony gives up, packs up, and ships off to Mexico?


Shorter Sadly, No! re: Palin Palin Palin –

“We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine…”


Bush is currently scheduled to address the convention on Monday. The NHC’s five-day track of Gustav currently projects the storm to make landfall in the U.S. on Monday evening.


Has anyone thought about what will happen if Bush takes the stage at the Republican National Convention and the crowd starts chanting, “FOUR MORE YEARS!” like they did at CPAC earlier this year?

I believe the Republicans will claim they were misunderstood.


Well that opens up another line of attack: “Republicans are so ashamed of George W. Bush that they want to pretend the least eight years didn’t happen.” Damned do, damned don’t, etc.

The fact is, I hope. But I hope Bush does show up and speak. And that the convention attendees misbehave badly the way they did the last time.


cowalker – you are right, Palin is nothing more than a Judas Goat to lead all the Republican faithful into the election booths for another four years for the real president – Richard Cheney.


Wasn’t there some looney fundie prayer-alert thing trying to get Obama’s acceptance speech inundated by some wrath-o’-God rainstorm? Maybe Gustav is what they stirred up instead.

Je Support les Troops

Sadly, No!


Shorter Booger:

I’m pickin’ my nose, pickin’ my nose, pickin’ my nose…


HEY BRAD: If Palin’s laughter riled you, will you similarly condemn this?

I doubt you will, Braddie-boy.


Predicted Fowler defense:

“Fowler isn’t the VP nominee.”

Doesn’t matter; it’s still boorish, as bad or worse than Palin’s interview (I vote for worse).

And, ifthethunderdon’tgetya, as a matter of fact I did pick my nose. So nyah.


goober — your defense is spot in. Fowler is, in fact, not running for vice president.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Umm, I’m guessing that the big networks will just edit it out, and use crowd reactions from a Minnesota Wild game. And then all of us libtards will be sad that the GOPpers get beer during the big speeches – but then we’ll also get to hear the big speeches on the toob, so we won’t be all that jealous after all.


Well thank you for sharing, booger.

I denounce Gustav Klimt, as a gesture of something or other.


So we have someone surreptitiously recording private conversations versus a government official publicly broadcasting at 50,000 watts.

I watched about three seconds of that video and I’d seen enough. Typical wingnut thing to do, that—secretly record people and think that makes you Bob fucking Woodward.

Assuming they really said that (I’m not watching the video)—yes, that was an assholish thing to say. Next?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Damned do, damned don’t, etc.

Could be both too. All the GOP faithful need to rally a “FOUR MORE YEARS” cry is just a mention of Dear Leader’s name. So they’ll have to design the entire convention around making Bush totally invisible – which’ll just ramp up the 28%-ers. Who knows, maybe they’ll just break into it for no reason other than to relieve the stress.


The fact is that Republicans never ever behave boorishly in private toward democrats.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hey goober – I’ll denounce Fowler. I like denouncing things – so here it is, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was terrifyingly tragic – and the main reason for the failed and pathetic response is still in charge. Speculating about another hurricane hitting New Orleans – and it’s effect on the political race currently being fought – would ordinarily be just plain offensive, but knowing that those folks still have to rely on Bush administration emergency response – it seems down-right cruel.

Now your turn – tell us about Sarah Palin again.


Little things. Tuesday’s schedule:

Today’s Speakers:

Gov. Sarah Palin (Alaska)

Wednesday’s schedule:

Today’s Speakers:

Republican Party’s Vice Presidential Nominee

Gary, could you put a word in to get them to fix this?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh and before booger goes all Troofy on us with his laundry list of denunciation demands:

I denounce Kamal Kambon.



I’ll denounce Bill Ayers.

The fucker ate all my Ho Hos….



I mentioned it earlier but… a 527(9?) called “Four More Years” with a full Jon Swift style selling of the idea of John McCain as “the leader America needs to carry on the policies of George W. Bush”… that has possibilities.


a lesser imp said,

August 30, 2008 at 23:31

I mentioned it earlier but… a 527(9?) called “Four More Years” with a full Jon Swift style selling of the idea of John McCain as “the leader America needs to carry on the policies of George W. Bush”… that has possibilities.

I think we’ve already got FAUX Nooze for that.


I was actually talking to my friends earlier and mentioning how it was a good thing I wasn’t going to the RNC because I’d spend the entire time trying to start that chant on the floor.


Wasn’t there some looney fundie prayer-alert thing trying to get Obama’s acceptance speech inundated by some wrath-o’-God rainstorm? Maybe Gustav is what they stirred up instead.

That is awesome, and oh so conveeeeniently forgotten by the prayer team.


Palin’s laughter in that interview was inappropriate and she should’ve known better, VP nominee or not.

What Fowler said was worse.

No, Brad, you’re wrong as usual. I’m not defending Palin and you shouldn’t defend Fowler, no matter what his position or station in life.

Brad, do you defend a similar statement from the Michigan Mastadon? Of course you will. And you’ll be wrong…as usual.

Well, gotta go for the night. Wolverines are losing to Utah, ‘Bama – Clemson coming up.


The Ghost of Jerry Falwell

Okay, so I was probably just being a big douchebag when I said that stuff about Hurricane Katrina being the result of God’s retribution on the US for gays and feminists and stuff.

(Devil pokes Falwell’s butt with a pitchfork)

Owww!! Okay okay, I was definitely being a big douchebag when I said that stuff! But Robertson did it too! It wasn’t just me!

(Devil pokes Falwell’s butt with a pitchfork again)

Owww! Dammit! Okay, I’m a big douchebag. I admit it, everyone knows it. But this time it’s for real! God really is so pissed at that little shitweasel in the White House he’s sending this hurricane to hit Louisiana again, right when Cocky McCodpiece steps onto the stage Monday night! You wait and see! God’s coming and man is he pissed! For reals people!

(Turns to Devil) Okay, was that good enough, Bub? Can I for crissake get out of limbo and ascend the golden stairway to heaven now like you promised? Hey — hey wait a minute! You said if I …OOOOOoooooooooo noo


I denounce Brad Fowler, and I also denounce all fowl as a precautionary message. Many chicken dinners have been present, and said NOTHING, while sleazy politicians peddled lies.


I denounce Grover Cleveland, that fucker.

And I denounce Louis XIV. I denounce that Irish jerk who taught that weird English lit class I took in college. Furthermore, I denounce canned menudo wherever it may hide.


Who knows what republicans will chant.


I denounce rain on wedding days. I denounce irony. I denounce everything that ever offended anyone at any time anywhere in all of history.

Wow. That felt good!

Brad, is goober Kevin? His comments really put me in mind of Kevin’s. He’s gonna go watch the games and perhaps then he’ll mow the lawn. Very much the same vibe.

Ghost of Jerry Falwell: That made me laugh . . . a lot! 😉

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Waiting on goober to tell us how he feels about Sarah “Cancer is Funny” Palin.

Paging goober, there’s a box of hypocrisy with your name on it in reception.


Would that pretty much be game, set, match for Obama?

Only if it happens on a tennis court, Brad.

Clay or grass – either is fine.

Sophist FCD, another casualty of applied metaphysics,

Some Pangloss on redstate:

It will be the first time in our history that our Republican Convention shall be turned into a form of community services to those areas that will be adversely affected by the hurricane. Instead of speeches and attacks, we can celebrate McCain’s nomination by helping people in time of need.

Yeah, you’ve really got the measure of your fellow party members there, don’t you? What with the blaming people for not leaving and calling them a bunch off looting criminals and fucking up every aspect of the recovery operations, I’m sure this time they’ll roll up their bespoke sleeves and provide some real hands on, quality assistance.



Think back to the 2004 Republican National Convention. Do you remember how we kept hearing that during Bush’s first term, home ownership for minorities went up and up? Do you remember the chants by Michael Steele of “Not John Kerry” to a litany of specific qualities? Do you remember the purple band aids mocking Kerry’s Purple Hearts? Because I do. These people may fail at many things, but they are pretty damn good at political propaganda. I’d love to be proven wrong, but in this case, I think I’m right.


I would just like to take a moment to denounce Gavrilo Princip, Leon Czolgosz, and Ramón Mercader. Also, Jimmy Constantinopolous from my fifth grade class who told me a joke about a nun with a spear through her head.


Is Leonard going to attend as that American Milk Solids man again?


Bad news. Bush isn’t going to the convention. He’s using the hurricane as an excuse.


this is one s**twebsite it doesnt help at all!!!!!!!


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