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    May Day 2023

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With war on the horizon, we must prepare for the future


For the first time in nearly a century, a major imminent war between global powers in the Asia-Pacific is plausible. 
In November of last year, we warned that the United States may be approaching the conclusion that the only remaining way to put an end to the PRC, and the geopolitical opposition it presents to American hegemony, is through a direct war. In the time since then, things have ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Jun 01


SA anti-protest Bill gets the nod


Just before 7am this morning, the SA Upper House passed the Labor government’s changes to the Summary Offences Act.
Unlike the Lower House, where Liberal and Labor combined to introduce the changes in a world record 22 minutes, the presence of SA Best and SA Greens MPs in the Upper House stretched the debate over the Bill into a 14-hour all-night sitting.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 30


Australian Economic Trends 2023 – A “Fair Go”?


Information emerging from reliable sources has revealed a looming crisis in Australia: forty years of economic rationalism has produced a dysfunctional economy based on short-term profit, with little resilience or sustainability. 


more...- Posted on 2023 May 30


Malinauskas and Modi, With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


The other morning when I went to buy a newspaper at the local petrol station, I was served by an international student, Harmandeep, who was working to support his time here while studying at an Australian university. 

I asked him what he thought about Indian Prime Minister Modi's visit to Australia. He said that his family lived in the Punjab in India where there were many small farmers, his father ...

more...- Posted on 2023 May 28


Thousand disrupt streets to protect protest


It took hundreds of years of bloody struggle to establish the right to use public space for expressions of protest.
And it took the Liberal and Labor parties in the SA Parliament just 22 minutes to introduce changes to the summary Offences Act to introduce harsh new penalties to take away that right.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 26


Latest on foreign investment in Australian agriculture


The latest figures on the extent of foreign investment in Australian agriculture have just been released. As always, they make interesting but disturbing reading. 

more...- Posted on 2023 May 19


SA Parliament introduces harsh laws against protest


South Australia is the latest state to massively ramp up penalties for protests that cause public disruption. 
The state that regularly closes CBD roads in the east of the city for a fortnight for the fossil fuel extravaganza Adelaide 500 race, will join NSW, Victoria, and Queensland in attacking people who cause temporary inconvenience in order to make their protest more effective.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 18


Budget exposes myth of falling profitability and productivity


The 2023 Australian federal budget has a myriad of figures and technical detail amongst which are some that give the lie to claims of falling profitability and productivity.


more...- Posted on 2023 May 18


No more Operation Kasangga!


Australian soldiers have begun a training exercise, Operation Kasangga, with the Philippines Army in the province of Rizal, 57 kilometres east of Manila.
The Philippines Army is a reactionary, anti-people armed force which has long been deployed to counter the Communist Party of the Philippines and its New People’s Army.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 16


May Day March, Sydney 1st May 2023


Sometimes when participating in a May Day March it pays to look, listen and learn and on this march learn I did just that.

The march was noisy. There was an aura of power and militancy in the air as unionists from a diverse range of unions marched together in solidarity.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 14


Nakba Day - Long Live Palestine


Today is the day for the commemoration of Nakba – the catastrophe inflicted on the Palestinian people following Israel’s declaration of independence in May 1948.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 13


“Australian” companies that serve foreign capital


It is often said by critics of our Party’s support for anti-imperialist Australian independence that Australia is already an independent country and, moreover, an imperialist country in its own right.
Evidence for this is said to be the number of Australian companies investing overseas to secure raw materials and to exploit cheap labour.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 10


Dancing to death at the end of a rope: Labor’s Budget fails the most vulnerable


When a person strangling to death on the end of a hangman’s rope is told that, rather than being suspended 3 feet above the floor, they will be lowered to within 2 feet of the floor, it would be somewhat presumptuous to expect gratitude from the victim – or to praise the compassion of the executioner.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 10


Australian Strategic Defence Review sacrifices jobs, industries for US patronage


One of the first acts of the incoming Albanese Labor government was the commissioning of a review of Australian Defence requirements. The review was headed by former Labor Defence Minister (currently the Australian High Commissioner to the UK) Stephen Smith, and former Chief of the Defence Force, Sir Angus Houston.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 08


They fought fascism and won: Ludmilla Pavlichenko


May 8 and 9 are celebrated as the day of victory over the Nazis in the Great War Against Fascism.
Because of the different time zones, the end of hostilities occurred when the Soviet Union had already entered May 9, while France, Britain and the US were somewhat “behind the times” in that it was still May 8 in their territories.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 07


Unite All Sections Of The Working Class


In the Chinese Revolution Mao Zedong emphasized the importance of uniting all who can be united among the people and also the importance of how to correctly handle differences or contradictions amongst the people. Mao made a distinction between how to handle differences between the ruling class and the working class and how to handle differences within the working class. Unite the many to defeat the few was his way. ...

more...- Posted on 2023 May 06


Dairy farmers face tough times video


Revolutionary organisations need to seek friends among the small and medium-sized dairy and other farmers. When the people establish their own authority over suburbs, towns and cities, the ability to supply food will be critical. This video, based on an earlier article by Duncan B is a contribution to alliance-building.


more...- Posted on 2023 May 04


Australia a pawn in US ITAR considerations


The outcome of a recent seminar at the University of Sydney has proved highly embarrassing for supporters of the so-called alliance, US and Australian diplomacy, and those involved with the present defence review. An official media release in mainstream Australian media has left little ambiguity surrounding the nature of US-Australia relations and the role of the former, with tutelage and control, over the latter.


more...- Posted on 2023 May 03


May Day: Independent Working Class Agenda video released.


To celebrate May Day, we have released a video on the need for workers to develop goals and objectives that cannot be contained by the ALP and parliamentarism.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 01


Celebrate May Day with commitment to the struggle


May Day is revered as the day that workers around the world hold in common as the day of their class.
It is the day on which they renew their conviction that capitalism must be replaced with a system that will abolish the exploitation of people and the environment by the owners of capital.

more...- Posted on 2023 May 01


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)